Dazed Digital’s “Tribute” is a series of experimental shorts about youth. Shot in one day, the films are improvised as the youth direct what we see and where we go. Each short film is a slice-of-life view of average teens and the power behind their unique stories. This collection of short documentaries about teens from all over the world triumphs in its diversity. "Cameron" is a poetic and intimate portrait of a young dancer in Memphis, Tennessee.


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  • Kristin Pedemonti

    The impact of a talent being seen by another whichay open our own eyes to realizing a passion we didn't know we had.♡

  • Mike

    Passion, a young man's passion.

  • Marie

    I was inspired to see someone so young and so inspired. His love of dance is a gift for the future. I felt like I was watching the birth of an artist.

  • Page 1

  • How did AJ Rojas and Vince Haycock dream up and pull together such a documentary series?
  • Be a loving mirror to the light and life in a young person's life.
  • Be someone's Mr Moore, the one who sees that "something" in someone else and holds THAT mirror up for them to look into.

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