A film by Chewyguru.

Mipham records albums, runs marathons and just happens to be a Tibetan Buddhist lama. In this music video, he creatively questions the idea of a self-centered world view. "When you're happy, I'm happy," he raps. "That's the formula. First you, then me. That's all happiness is. It's just the heart being free."


 Your Name: Email:
  • kre8iv1

    you are a good bridge between everyday life/people, and these spiritual concepts. i'd like to be able to download the song to take with me on my iPod. thank you very much for creating this. love and light to you. *grateful*

  • Tobesograteful

    Very good! When one asks, "What about me?" also ask, "Who am I not?"

  • pratibha

    Oh sooo fantastic!!! Lets have more songs of this caliber!!!!!

  • Kay Wilson

    Love it, love it, love it!! Thanks so much. Your gift brings more joy into my life.

  • Kristy Joe

    Wow, nice song! I'm going to email my friends this song :) it's made my day... haha! I love the ending. Thanks for making this!

  • Zach Stevenson

    What happened to the creator of the universe in the happy equation? I find

  • Jean Dempster

    If only we could all meet wonderful Buddhist Lamas like this, a truly wonderful video. I have lived next door to Rinpoche Tarrap and his family for 15 years or so and have only witnessed the selfish and materilistic side of that family, they're not a good advert for this wonderful and inspiring way of life. Many blessings all.

  • Maria

    Thank you for such a cool funny inspiring reminder...

  • sripathi

    Wonderful, just exemplifies the type of attitude we must have at all times both at home and at work

  • choclet peye

    Cool vid, and musically alot better than I was expecting! Has made me think.

  • sue


  • Kat

    I am forwarding this to everyone on my email list. I just gave notice at my job today and I have no other job waiting...but I was thinking...What about me...ha! I want my job to make me happy. Maybe I was wrong but I'm leaving it anyway...Possibly in the next job I will focus more on making you happy and then me and we'll see how things work out!

  • Jon Katz

    Thanks, KarmaTubers, for you. This video inspired me to blog on it, at markskatz [dot]com[forward slash]justiceblog[dot]htm on July 17. Jon Katz, Underdog Blog

  • Donal

    Nice message,cool song.

  • Page 1

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