A film by Sustainable Man.

Can there be prosperity without growth? We have grown our economies so much that we now stand in a real danger of undermining hope. We are running down resources; cutting down rain forests; changing the climate... The only thing that has slowed down the relentless rise of carbon emissions is recession. And recession isn't a recipe of hope, either. Economist Tim Jackson believes we need to re-conceive the role of investments so that the economy is not predicated on the mindless pursuit of consumption, but creates conditions for humans to flourish. Can we protect and nurture our ecological assets and have a meaningful prosperity?


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  • Watch the full version of Tim Jackson's 2010 TED talk, An Economic Reality Check.
  • Participation in the "sharing economy" is one way to meet your needs while making connections and reducing your environmental impact.
  • The next time you are considering a purchase, think about the impact it's lifecycle had and will have on the environment, or how it may be of benefit to someone besides yourself.

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