In 1862, 38 Dakotans were hanged by order of President Abraham Lincoln. In 2005, Dakota spiritual leader Jim Miller had a dream that ended up at a river bank where he saw 38 ancestors hanged. And in 2008, Miller organized a ride on horseback tracing the journey of his dream, all in the interest of bringing healing among native Americans and within the broader community nearly a century and a half after the largest mass execution in US history.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Joseph Douglas

    I loved the movie start to finish./ A powerful message of a man's dream becoming reality and so sad to see in the credits that young man, BillyRay Dumarce, had taken his own life.

  • Leslie

    After watching this video at the behest of dear friend who is a full-blooded Crow Creek Sioux, I feel as if I have been asleep all of my life and my eyes have been opened. Thank you Wilfred.

  • Bonnie Bryde

    I am seeing this movie tomorrow night with a group of people at a friend's house. Can't wait!

  • Jeremiah

    I went on the ride in 2009-2011. I know many of the people in this film, inlcuding some who are no longer with us. Each year it has grown and become more powerful. I am humbled to be allowed to be a part of it. Oh, and Btw, I am a 2nd generation Seventh Cavalry Scout and combat veteran. If these people can accept me into their midst without hesitation, then anything is possible.

  • Krishan

    This movie was extremely moving and transformative. I highly recommend watching. I wrote my reflections here (

  • sethi

    The Healing which took place when this movie was made . It was long overdue . Thank you .

  • Jon Tupper

    The questions is what didn't inspire me about this video? The entire project is spine tingling. The horses, the wind, the snow, the grotesque black and white footage, the men today, talking singing standing in truth. Thank you.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the Lakota Indian Tribe and their history
  • Email the film-maker with your gratitude for this film.
  • Take a moment to learn more about your heritage and the virtues lived by your family.

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