"Granddaughter's Eyes" is a music video that invites us to pay close attention to the Earth, to love her deeply and take action to heal her wounds. The song reminds us that every act of attention is an act of reciprocity, generating wonder and joy, perpetuating the gift. When we fall in love with the living world, a profound intention emerges from our attention, a longing to protect and honor her. This intention transforms into action, and we become agents of change, fueled by our love for our Mother Planet and a compelling sense of well-being for future generations.


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  • Sonja

    That people are starting to notice that an area the size of football pitches in the rain forest are being cut down every second and the world is dying. I am also inspired to try harder myself.

  • michelle

    to do one thing every day to help mother hearth, so it will be no tears in children's eyes.

  • Bob banner

    Everything including tears upon my face….

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