Even after 50 years as an educator, Estella Pyfrom was not ready to slow down after retirement. When Estella realized that fewer students had access to computers after school, she and her husband spent their life savings on a mobile learning lab called Estella's Brilliant Bus. Now, Estella provides whatever services a community might need, from after-school tutoring to free food distribution. Her reward, the smiles on the faces of the children who look at her and say: "I did it."


 Your Name: Email:
  • Dorothy Argent

    Estella is an inspiration, and lives by example that a life of service and unconditional giving is rich indeed. One can feel her energy and heart through this video, and she is blessing the world with her wonderful Soul!

  • Ranjeet

    Great Joy to a retired Teacher in action !Rare thing in India? I shared Estella's story in FB. What an inspiration to all ...Lot will follow her..

  • Barbara Turner Harvey

    I love the way Estella has taken her skills to the community. I am a teacher who misses classrooms filled with children. I am retired. I would love to serve the children as Estella serves her community.

  • Lucille

    What inspired me is your bringing such good to our attention. I would like to send a contribution to this thoughtful, compassionate woman for developing an idea that would be wonderful if it went viral. Haven't much but as we all know, even a few dollars helps and lots of few dollars could get her elected President!

  • Tatiana

    Such a happy Person she is!So Thank you for doing this!!

  • Idalia

    Faith in action!

  • Lilly

    Everyone can do something to help the people around us. It may not be as big as Estella's bbus, but there are many other smaller and less expensive ways. We just have to learn to look around us, and seek what we can do.

  • Beth

    Sometimes something is just right, cherish those moments and the people who inspire them which in turn allows another to go out and honor that inspiration. What an awesome story, and in life it is our story that matters.

  • Art Roth

    A good example of "bloom where you are planted " Loved it !

  • Jeanne

    Estella's selflessness, her energy, her brilliance!

  • cynthia

    Estella, like your name, you are a brilliant star. I am blessed and brought to tears by your story. Thank you for shining your light in all directions... especially to children, to the homeless, to those in need of food.

  • Judi

    This is another example of why I hold teachers in such high regard! A lovely story!!!

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    This is what a HERO looks like. Thank you Estella for being so kind and generous and understanding. May we ALL aspire to give whet we have in serve to others! <3

  • Rishad

    I've been wanting to build an app to read stories to children with original art work. My aim is to record African stories. This video inspires me to put in more effort to reach that dream!

  • claire

    What a moving story. Its never too late as we grow older to make a difference. this is incredibly inspiring.

  • Susannah

    Wow! This is just so beautiful, inspirational, extraordinary, tears, joy, hope. Totally glorious. Thank you Estella.

  • Deepak

    Estella is a remarkable woman , an inspiration for others to follow . At the retirement age she and her husband invested in people . Good bless her and her husband for the service they provide to humanity .

  • Heather

    I so admire Estella's lack of ego and just wanting to enrich the lives around her. I cried with Estella's husband. God you bless you both always.

  • Brian

    Thanks Guys. Hooray for Estella and everyone in the world like Her. We have to create the hope. Peace on Earth.

  • vera

    We need more people like Estella, God bless her. Now I know what to do if I ever come into alot of money help Estella and people like her continue to do their great service and may God do the rest!

  • David Pearlman

    Just super inspiring. An outstanding woman. Now to get rid of the stupid Toyota commercial

  • Sippie

    Wow, this woman is a saint, a real live one. Her husband and his support of this great journey are to be recognized as well. Kudos and thanks don't begin to express what I felt in watching this video.

  • Yvonne McAskill

    Estella, reminds me of jesus, He saw the need and reached out and touched us. What a shining light to show us the way.

  • Suzanne

    The light shining through from this wonderful woman who just wants to be in service to others. Truly inspirational.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Estella's Brilliant Bus, which delivers services to children and families throughout the state of Florida.
  • Watch another example of education brought to children in need - the Library Train in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Help build confidence in the children in your life by helping them learn or master a skill.

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