This is the true story of a football team that lived on a little island in the south of Thailand called "Koh Panyee". Koh Panyee is a floating village in the middle of the sea that does not have an inch of soil. The kids that lived there loved to watch football on TV, and really wanted to play for themselves. Watch this short film on how they used innovative thinking, hard work, and determination to make their dream come true.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Dennis

    you guys are good i give you my support in foot ball you guys will win with my help as you play

  • Sandip Sheta


  • gg

    oh cool

  • hosoeks hoe

    hi 💀

  • jioijn n

    I was wondering why there were no girls.

  • Tila


  • nonyo

    my teacher mrs rising


    I like MOMO she big and really chunky

  • Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i liked how it showed us all the facts we need

  • MOMO


  • p

    What inspired you aut this video?

  • Cristiano Ronaldo

    i think juventus should scout them they got sick skills and are really good.

  • me ;)

    blah blah blah :0 \-_-/ moto moto hates you

  • cygvhbnkjk

    What inspired you about this video?i love soccer



  • Toto

    Beautiful and inspiring :-)

  • god cat

    it was so amazing and super inspiring or me and the whole world

  • carmen

    I am wriding abaut the panyee football club

  • Kyle

    I loved it

  • Yo mom boi

    The back flip though

  • jake paul

    i like it

  • sovage

    you need some milk

  • george

    this is anamazign video and they are amazing people

  • someone

    this is awsome

  • DaSxy_One

    these pplz r so lit boi, they need some milk

  • the chinese boy

    i am chinse to we are brothers.

  • becky

    what type of make up do they use!

  • Milk woman

    Hi milk man I am milk woman I give them MORE MALK AHH

  • the milk man

    i the milk man will give them lots and lots of mil!k

  • Benny_Boi


  • wOw LoOk At ThEsE bOiS

    wOw LoOk At ThEsE bOiS

  • HOYA


  • Bob

    I like soccer

  • HEH

    HEHEHEHHE WOW SO COOL............

  • WHo aM I?

    THis iS awEsOme! YeAh

  • Child #1758385

    i mean... the kids are super-stars!

  • idk

    everything... those boys are amazing and i´m surprised at how far the have come!

  • Ella de Jong

    Ahh, just about EVERYTHING !! Determination and cooperation and enjoying what you are working for! I've put it in my newsletter today (I always add inspirational videos / quotes etc.) Wonderful! Energizing video! Warm smile, Ella de Jong The Netherlands Written a small ebook in English about Mentoring - I think you'll find a lot of recognisable thoughts in it :-)

  • Jon Mao

    This video shows how the boys were inspiring, and they accomplished anything as long as they put determination and hard work into it. Great vid!

  • jk

    What inspired you in this video?

  • hbvjbniyermgr gbc

    good thing

  • chanceler jk

    really good video very inspirational if you like any sport like football AKA soccer

  • Panhia Moua

    This video is definitely inspirational, I learned that everything is possible if you put your heart and mind to it. The boys want to play football and they made it happened.

  • Luvo

    Only if our political activist can see the change from the similar perspective.

  • Khucha Xiong

    The boys determination to continue playing soccer even though they're a small village. Team work is always a big factor to become greater.

  • Kristin Blair

    That the boys were determined to play football even though everyone doubted them and laughed at them.

  • Iaong

    When the boys figured that they had to create their own space.

  • Marshal

    Make the best of what you have as there are always opportunities in front of you. You just have to imagine and dream. Accept the challenge!

  • like

    This video inspired me by runing away on a boat

  • mike

    hi world

  • puffy

    m mom

  • Jayden

    It took one to start the whole thing up...

  • cheng

    If you put your mind and heart into anything, it is possible for you to succeeded..

  • Danette

    The ability of these small children to come together, with the odds stacked against them shows courage, bravery and the ability to overcome. Truly an inspiring story.

  • Helena

    It's so wonderful to see children come together with unity, love, compassion, determination to accomplish their dream to play football. Now, these young men can really teach a lot of us adults a lesson about team work and optimism.

  • monique

    This video is very inspiring. These children didn't ever give up very determined

  • Arlene Henderson

    This video was awesome to watch! These young men were very determined to achieve their dream and would not let anything negative stand in their way. A good lesson for us all!

  • Brittney Rayder

    It was inspiring to see these kids want this so bad that they worked hard and made it farther than they thought. They overcame obstacles, no soil to play football on, so they built a pitch, or a space made of wood, to play on. They were very determined and accomplished what they had set out to do.

  • Taylor

    It was very inspiring to see that a group of children that had nothing but a TV to watch 'football', and when they set their minds to do something they got it done. They lived where there wasn't a football team, so they created one. They lived where there wasn't a place to practice, so they made one. They had a dream, and made it to the semifinals. Even though they came in third place, they made it further than anyone thought they would. Amazing.

  • Bruce Laidlaw

    @Scott Depooter. There are many Muslim villages in the South of Thailand. The star and crescent is an Islamic symbol that's on many flags. This is a Thai village and all the language and posters are in Thai. Great football video! Inspiring!

  • leah

    Their determination!!!

  • Johnson Onibokun

    The starting point of all achievement is desire and great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist as optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.

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  • Chris Passmore

    I was very inspired because of the determination of everyone. The dedication and effort put forth to achieve one goal is absolutely inspiring.

  • seths.

    This video was truely amazing the determation of these kids are awsome. To overcome something that no one thought they would achive. WoW !!

  • Tarez

    I guess it was the drive to do something when the odds where again them. What an amazing and inspiring group of young men.

  • christine wills

    The children in this video have inspired me with their motivation and determination to play football. The never gave up and they were all s confident not only in themselves but in each other. They never gave up and even thought they didnt winthey were very proud of themselves and continued to try and become better at the sport.

  • Dafton Nyondo

    The sky is the limit any thing you do in this world comes true. It is very nice video.

  • jess

    llllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!

  • debbie blackmer


  • สมบัติ ศุภโคตร

    I love this video so much. I am Thai. Thank you fro sharing this video. ขอบคุณ มาก จ้า ที่ แชร์ วิดีโอ นี้ มาให้ดู

  • Ketebu E. V

    Look beyond your situation or circumstance.......there is no limit to what you can achieve IF ONLY YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN

  • Anjana

    The spirit of "we can"

  • Kunta

    Spirit in one person can ignite a fire.In a team, it can move mountains! To make a team, one needs to devote to the cause. My pranaam to all the villagers of Koh Panyee.

  • kumar

    excellent fantastic children who can motivate everyone , young and the old alike. may God bless all of them

  • tonei

    kids are so precious and have big dreams

  • Diandra

    Nothing can hold you back, unless YOU let it.

  • tony

    Big dream makes our problem samall

  • peter

    Soccer the world speaks to all ages all people just listen!!!!!! Joy of a Life

  • Harry

    Stay focused!

  • Craig

    Great Video. This is so inspiring, because when you have everything, you still want more, but it doesnt neccessarily make you better.

  • Gray

    Sometimes what we think is our biggest hinderanceis our best perfector!

  • Yvonne Godfrey

    When people dream in teams - they come up with the answers to problems that one person alone cannot imagine. Going back to the basics like taking off their shoes is the answer to all complex issues. No ego - who cares what people think about our unconventional move of playing without shoes released them into their greatness. I love youth!!!

  • John Hurd

    Anything is achievable with determination and thought!!

  • Scott Depooter

    I'm confused. If this team was from Thailand why were they wearing the Malaysian flag on their jerseys. They didn't sound like they were speaking Thai either.

  • Denis Jackson

    I'm sure this team will make it BIG...sports does bring the world closer

  • cj

    nothing is impossible

  • Nitin

    Excellent nothing is impossible.

  • jerry

    Excellent! Anything is possible.

  • Charlie

    Insurmountable barriers are only in your mind. Success can be achieved even when it seems impossible. I show this to my students to show these "truths".

  • Nalini

    If you want something badly in life you will make it happen

  • manish

    a motivated movie for all of us nothing is imposiable untill we have will to do

  • bijunath


  • M V Shastry

    A fantastic example of how one can achieve if one is really strong about it...

  • Naresh

    Great movie with great motivation and lot's of inspiration.. Never give up..!!!

  • Rahul

    They built a city without soil, and that is not considered inspirational? What about football? Yeah, let us make it possible. Good for your guys.

  • Ayushi

    very nice....awsome..good!don't give up!!!

  • MC

    this is very cool...make your own luck

  • Vidisha

    Very Inspirational Video !!! Wid Amazing True Story !! Super Like !! <3 Football <3

  • Ayushman dixit

    Awsome video and inspiration video too i lke it !!! :)

  • Page 1

  • Watch how football (soccer) is helping children in Zambia make positive choices.
  • Volunteer to coach a youth sports program in your area and help support the growth and confidence of children.
  • Dream big, think big! Consider a dream you've given up pursuing because it seems out of your reach. Instead of thinking about what's not possible, think about what resources you do have to work towards your goal.

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