Have you ever cringed at the sight of a human being who is physically disfigured? David Roche, who was born with a facial disfigurement, spent years trying to hide from himself. At middle age, he discovered his inner beauty, his spirit and his strength, and he has dedicated his life to helping all people find the inner beauty within themselves and in others.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Helga

    David, your message is so refreshing because it demonstrates so loudly what matters most in life. It all comes down to the question " WHO AM I !? I sense your beauty which can only be felt and seen with the heart.

  • Ariane

    What I liked most: His beautiful, loving eyes, and the simplicity of his message. Like in the book The Little Prince when the fox says what is truely relevant is invisible to the eye.....

  • Alison

    You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever listened to speak. Your honesty, real-ness, and heart comes through so clearly. I wish I lived near you so I could just hang out with you, have some tea, and listen to you. Would you tell me when you perform in nyc? love, alison

  • beverly

    I found that at first I was a little taken back by his appearance but as I watched and listened to the video, I realized I no longer saw his disfigured face but thought what a pleasant and warm man he was. How wonderful he is doing what he does to help others come out of hiding and enjoy life and the beautiful person they really are !

  • homai

    Any physical deformity should not be a stumbling block in all our endeavours... yes...inner beauty is far more beautiful than outward beauty... which is just skin deep.Thanks for sharing.Regards.

  • Brian

    It happened for me at age 44 and was very painful for some time, then I began writing poetry and have won many prizes. I was born with no toes on my right foot.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Thank you to David and to Nik. We all need to remember that beauty is our Hearts and our Actions not our physical appearance. "Redefining what it means to be beautiful," we well said. Thank you for sharing YOUR beauty. the Beauty that truly matters; the Heart. I send you a big big HUUUUG from my heart to yours. Bless you for sharing your beauty and spirit with us.

  • Jo

    If David wants to understand why people love him past his physical appearance perhaps he should consider the decline in popularity of beauty pageants on the national and international levels and look to the growing maturity of humankind to accept and be acceptable of all people. He is truly a remarkable man who has found that acceptance.

  • Trish

    fantastic. David is a special soul and his message is so very valuable and a needed lesson for many of us. thank you David and thank your inner beauty. trish

  • Denis Khan

    "Pain and grief are Nature's reminder to the soul that the pleasure it enjoys is only a feeble hint of the real delight of existence. In each pain and torture of our being is the secret of a flame of rapture compared with which our greatest pleasures are only as dim flickerings. It is this secret which forms the attraction for the soul of the great ordeals, sufferings and fierce experiences of life which the nervous mind in us shuns and abhors."- Thoughts and Glimpses, Cent. Vol. 16, p. 386

  • veronica

    you should not judge..lovely soul this person...

  • Chris

    So real. And deep thinking: "as my sense of myself grows, I lose this sense of people thinking I'm great because I think I'm beautiful when I'm disfigured. So now's there's something else beyond that that I don't understand, sort of in the realm of mystery." Embracing one's inner mystery--*that's* beautiful! ... "I want to really find what it means to be beautiful. That's a contribution I can make." Right on! Thanks to filmmaker Nic and beautiful David for this nugget of sincere authenticity.

  • Barbara Duffina

    Like I said, you are some kind of special. Glad to be introduced to you. luv n' stuff

  • Mia

    I have had the honor of walking with David - he is as easy to be with and talk to as he is easy to listen to and watch. He used to come to my partner's school and speak to the high schoolers about Beauty -what a gift he gave to them. What a gift he is to us - thank you for sharing this.

  • Ellen

    My son, Shane and I can relate to this man. We both were born with a genetic disorder that affects our hands, feet and face. I have to admit that I would have to take a second look at this gentleman, not to make fun of him or cringe, but to try to understand what he has been through. Because Shane and I have been through the same thing. I am 56 yrs. of age and Shane is 20. Like David Roche, I too have a sense of humor. I developed it when I was very young and it has helped me keep a positive attitude about myself. I would like to tell the people and have told those who second glance us that "God made us this way, and he is proud of his work!"

  • Sunnie

    I just kinda fell into this website and there clearly was a reason for it. I needed to be reminded of what beauty is? And what it is not ! Beauty just is ..it clearly does not emanate from the surface. If you see a magnificient sunset. It emanates only from the forces witin it. Beauty emanates from inside. I see in David Roche, a beauty that only comes from within him and the best thing is he gives all away!

  • Debbie

    This is the only sort of beauty that makes sense to me. Beauty is unique to the expanded mind...to the multi-faceted genuine human being. When we experience true beauty it becomes a beauty democratized and propagated for every soul to experience...I find the souls of the commercially beautiful equally starved for the real beauty of life. Inner beauty feeds everyone. What a beautiful video and path.

  • katharina

    i can relate to the all consuming desire to pretend to be "normal" knowing that you are not and never can be. the secret here though; is that even so called normal men and women feel the same way. love yourself.

  • Jan

    This wonderful man is indeed a beautiful soul. Such a wonderful lesson he is bestowing on us..

  • Mary

    So true! Thank you for sharing your thoughts David, you are an inspiration to us all!

  • Page 1

  • Find out more about David and read a copy of his inspirational book, The Church of 80% Sincerity.
  •  Become a member of or donate to an organization which supports humans with disfigurements, such as About Face.
  • Post a sign on your own mirror, which says, “How does it feel to be beautiful.”

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