A year ago, Dan Rogers was unemployed and faced some real hardships. Today, he's in a better place and wanted to share the uplift with those who were a bit down on their luck. So he thought up -- Random Acts of Pizza. Anyone who could benefit from a pizza can write an explanation on his website and then Dan (or others from the online community) would pay for it and have it delivered to their home. "It's that spiritual boost that someone's got my back," Dan says.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Be kind

    I use to leave money around places for people in need. I would leave $20 at a pay phone, or $10 on a bus stop bench, etc... I know the person who really needs it would find it. Money is just energy... don't take it so seriously! Love you all!

  • m ashraf khan

    Its nice idea. We must look needy people around us and help them out. regards, m ashraf khan.www.A4SAid.org

  • Abdul Hai Ali

    It's really shows the real qualities for us as Humans who share

  • Sherri Brown

    Just the thought that you can make someone's day - with just a pizza :-) How awesome is that!!!

  • elijah

    sharing is caring which one forgets in life.. that's why similar workWWW.leed.in is doing for the less privileged ones...

  • DarleneDavis

    http://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/ This is the web address for Random Acts of Pizza. I posted it on our company page, I post good news all day on our Facebook page. Come like my page. I love your Karma Tube and Every related page you have. THANK YOU!

  • michael Veys

    the simple act of loving kindness..mother teresa said..their are on great acts...only simple acts done with great love!

  • Emily

    Everything is connected ... no one thing can change by itself. Paul Hawken I had a group of people who took the time to prove to me everything is connected. Everything I do promises to come back. It will and it does. If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it. Lucy Larcom

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  • Check out Dan's site on Redditt and tell a friend about it.
  • Do a small act of kindness and pay-it-forward.  Learn more about Smile Cards.
  • Reflect on the various acts of kindness you have received this year, and share that list with your best friend.

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