Is it possible to harness the power of gratitude through a photo? That’s just what Hailey Bartholomew did with her 365 Grateful Project, not only changing her life, but the lives of countless others by inspiring them to create their own gratitude projects.


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  • Rio

    its the small things that can really make a difference

  • Gagan

    The consistency to maintain the gratitude habit:)

  • Ayden C Lodding

    i like things

  • Marybeth

    She herself is inspiring!

  • walter doege

    Gratitude releases every day! Gratitude is the utmost expression of joy! Gratitude Project is a valuable and welcomed action

  • Pradip Kharche

    This is amazing video and project which bring a lot of happiness to you. I could see that happiness on your face while explaining. I'm inspired with the video and decided to do this kind project. Thanks for sharing your E-mail id.

  • MaryLynne

    What inspired you about this video?Thank you for this delightful and inspiring expression of gratitude. I will follow up by watching for my own husband's kindness which I have already begun to see the more I appreciate and love myself.

  • Anne

    The beauty and joy revealed in everyday.

  • Jo Ann

    This video was fantastic! I "stop and smell the roses everyday" and try to find beauty in everything. The weather is very cold and snowy in Ohio so as it is snowing I look at the snowflakes falling down and each one different and beautiful. When I tell this to my coworkers they give me the strangest look. I love nature!

  • Ann Nguyen

    Everything. I love the fact that beauty is all around us and we simply need to have our eyes and hearts open to see it.


    Gratefulness and thanksgiving is my living prayer. The act of being grateful has transformed me and my life. As I watched Hailey's video I was reminded or the summer of 2014 i felt my husband of taking me for granted. After my younger sister's astute suggestion, I kept a gratitude journal for 30 days of all the things I was grateful for about my husband. The only rule, no negative observations. I was moved by the daily observations and reminded that I have been blessed to have a wonderful husband, friend and life partner. That exercise changed me and given me a renewed commitment to our marriage.

  • Carolyn

    It doesn't have to be big expensive things - simple things which are all around me if I allow myself time to notice them will enable that feeling of happiness and more - even ecstasy- to well up in me and hence gratitude for the presence in my life of these things. I am grateful to Hailey for reminding me of this and showing me a way to "take notice" of the those things around me and actions of others that produce happiness and promote an attitude of gratefulness with which to live my life - a simple project to do to open my eyes to live a life of gratitude. I am a disabled person and this has helped me a lot. Thank you, Hailey!

  • chad

    This has single handedly transformed my life AGAIN!

  • Terri Theodore

    The world change if everyone would focus on all that there is in life to be grateful for. I'm starting today! Grateful for this fresh new day, new year, new outlook. Hopeful it spreads to all!

  • Gil Bar-On

    Thank you so much! :-) You are so lovely and this video made me feel good and warn on the inside.. It was wonderful to be a part of your sweet life and family... :-) Lots of Love, Thank yous & Hugs! Gil from Israel :-)

  • Nick

    Thank-you for getting many people on the path to fulfillment and contentment. Fantastic project =)

  • tamilyn

    hugs hailey xo i have a new excitement inside me ,ideas swirling ..thank yu beautful one

  • Stuart Young

    It all starts with gratitude - well said. I talk about this in my book (also spanning 365 days!) and my Change Your Mindset program. Well said, let's all create our own daily gratitude process. Mine is a daily mantra. :)

  • Guy T Woods Sr

    This video was what I was saying all along for many years, and it was simple I write a Blog called and a page on Facebook called "Poetic Writings, Words of Wisdom, Philosophy" that speaks about the same thing. I may just be making a project such as that :-) Thank you for the inspiration to go forward with my own.

  • Kristin Belle Knudsen

    Purely lovely. I am grateful for having seen this wonderful video. A thousand blessings on Hailey and her dear little family.

  • Whatsername

    Beautiful, thank you. I truly think that focusing on the small things makes us realise what's important in life.

  • Loretta


  • Raymond Sia

    amazing & inspiration act to share with the world to change the lives of peoples of the different countries . Thank You Hailey Bartholomew & 365 Grateful Project

  • mikey

    whats this shot on?its lovely!

  • Ray Battams

    The simplicity of this project that can turn depressive thoughts around.

  • marbrill

    your commitment to gratitude is contagious! Thank you for creating it and sharing it.

  • farzin

    thank you ,very good hi sally

  • salwa omar

    If we all recall the priceless blessings we are showered with, we wont long so much for what we miss. I ll start a Gratitude List ,and Ill pile up my possessions to see how luck I already am.

  • Looney

    What a beautiful idea! You are right..things that happen daily are SO overlooked. I started to dwell on what MY idea of 'romantic' is that I've come to not really notice all the sweet things done for me and with me!

  • Tamara

    It's the little things that make all the difference.

  • Debalina Roy

    This video inspired me to remember and call the One who is our lives' saviour.

  • sally

    My practice is gratitude - it is the only one that fixes the core of hurts. Combine it with some forgiveness and you have got a beautiful day whatever you are doing - Thank you for the beautiful narrative!

  • Chris

    An inspiring personal action, through the camera lens, to stay present and aware of gratitude alive each day! I'm going to do this for myself and those I love. Namaste~

  • Linda Adalina

    GRATITUDE "It is a very nice thing to have gratitude, but it is another beautiful thing to live in gratitude. There is not a moment in your life where there is not something to be grateful for". - KWAN YIN :) :) :) :) Many Blessings & LOVE from Norway - Linda Adalina Aronsen ;) :)

  • deepak

    Thank you . Great sharing .

  • sgbhate

    pl read.

  • Jackie

    Great Attitude, thanks for sharing. I'm so grateful :)

  • Herb

    Being old and gray, what inspired me about this video is what inspired me about my life. I am so grateful what you are grateful for. Not that our lives are the same... it's that gratitude generates the release of love. And Love is the true religion.

  • Dawn

    I love how the gratitude project opened your eyes to what was always there. It's what the spiritual teachers are always saying!Our vision gets clouded by expectations and we can't see.

  • Katherina

    Thank you for your inspiring and authentic Spirit! What a great idea to bring our relationships 24/7 to the moments where the realized truth can lift our hearts beyond we could see/feel. Thank you for sharing your gratitude.

  • Ron

    Wonderful, Your vision and Gratitude,Of nature,relationships,and passion.Remind me of myself,when I stay or get in that space.Not always easy,Life.. But I AM Grateful you shared this as a reminder,We have so much the be grateful for. p.s. And Heart rocks.. I Love to find them too.

  • Marianne

    Hailey, you are a kindred spirit! Thank you for articulating your project and the benefits of it so beautifully. YOU are the inspiration I needed to put the ball in motion to do a simple, beautiful video like yours for my own work. Thank you! Here is my , it would be wonderful to collaborate on something. Blessings! And thank you to Karmatube for sharing such beautiful inspiration and work in the world!

  • Anita

    What a beautiful reminder of what we logically know we 'should' do every day but get so bogged down in every day concerns we often forget. This is an incredible reminder. And a great way to keep the creative juices flowing as well. Thank you for sharing.

  • Marion

    This is the best medicine anyone could possibly take! Thank you for sharing and inspiring all around the planet!!! This will become my new prescription for people and myself!

  • Colleen

    Beautiful photos! What a lovely testament to gratitude! Please treat yourself , my friend's website and incredible process for greater health, happiness, and success - with gratitude being a important cornerstone! THANKS for the 365 Gratefuls!

  • Jane

    Wow! What an inspiring video/message! I loved it and will share it with others in conversation and via Facebook.

  • Mary

    Love the gratitude practice. And the photo journalism approach is awesome...:) and the focus on people - husband and the beautiful bits of nature...LOVE IT!!!

  • neebha

    love and gratitude connects us to the nature....true,wonderful interospection for all

  • marcia

    what a gorgeous reminder that every day, every moment is a blessing. We have so much to be grateful for. Your project is SOOO important to the planet.

  • Lisa Platt

    This was truly inspiring and very elegant in its simplicity. Thank you for this!

  • joyuslion

    What a wonderful idea!!!!! Life moves so fast... that we don't see all the amazing things we have right in front of us everyday! I'm doing it! xoxoxoxo

  • Jenai Davis

    It is so true how we overlook life...Take it for granted...We sould all take the time to be grateful for what we have...Thanks for inlightening me to remember those things I had forgotten!

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Hailey's project and join in the gratitude here .  Maybe even drop a note of gratitude to Hailey!
  • Whether with a camera, a journal, a drawing, or the raw form of words, commit to express your gratitude in some capacity for the next 7 days.
  • Cultivate the feeling of gratitude - practice silently giving thanks for the good every free moment you have.

Recent Pledges

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