In this short TED talk audition, Kristin Pedemonti urges us to say, ‘Yes!’ to opportunities for joy. She suggests that seemingly small insignificant acts of sharing joy can be much bigger than we think. Don't forget - always carry bottles of bubbles and your "free hugs" sign with you wherever you go.


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  • Mish

    Love.....always gives joy & inspires.....this video is filled with her love. So lovely. Thanks.

  • Cyana

    Kristin: You so inspired me I just made this video a "feature link" on my website! Just had to share! Thanks for the inspiration Tomorrow you'll be my featured link on my facebook page

  • Cyana

    Kristin: You so inspired me I just made this video a "feature link" on my website! Just had to share! Thanks for the inspiration Tomorrow you'll be my featured link on my facebook page

  • Cyana

    Fantastic Energy, tears streaming down my cheeks watching this, I am going to model YOU! I am going to create a "free hugs" sign and head into town with a camcorder! I'll let you know how it goes!! Kristin, Thank you with all my heart and all my joy and all my laughter.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Thank you Odile and Deana Joy! And Deanna, do let me know how the Free Hugs go for you! HUUUUUG! <3

  • odile

    Wouaww just wonderful the way you talk about it, your energy and determination of loving others is so strong and so vibrant , I was deeply moved. Thank you so much.

  • Deanna Joy

    Kindred Spirit! Good to Meet You:-) ~ i Also do The Bubbles... My Middle Name is Joy~ Thank You! Keep Sharing The JOY! ~ps i am gonna start caring a "Free Hugs" Sign

  • Linda Toussaint

    What a beautiful reminder of how we can bring joy to everyday situations that are sometimes lacking in just what we all need - a little taste of love, joy and humor. Thank you so much Kristin for spreading the word !

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Anyone who desires MORE JOY, feel free to friend me on FB. <3 Beth, HUG to you. YAY Keep blowing those bubbles, it makes a HUGE impact. :) Patricia, if you DO Free Hugs, please write me and let me know how it goes. :) <3 or friend me on facebook: Kristin Pedemonti

  • sethi

    Inspirational Kirstin . Thank you .

  • Beth

    I don't even know where to start - getting caught up in the day-to-day and worrying more about yourself than others...all the time saying "I wish I could make a difference!" but never acting on those impulses...being the introvert that I bs hashrd for me to "break out of my shell", even though I always live with the thought that it only takes a moment in time to acknowledge another and take time out to bring JOY into other people's lives...You are so right...most people will be positive when offered positive just have to have the courage to go there! You Are Awesome...I will aspire to blow bubbles and give hugs...PS - Bubbles are awesome....I blow them all the time with my 2 year old grandson...I guess it's time to blow bubbles with everyone else....You gave me joy just in being YOU!

  • Patricia

    The fact that Kristen, openly gave of herself, started me wondering, now what can I use to make my free hugs sign.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Dear Edie, Hello soul sister, oh I love what you do. <3 Please do get in touch with me! HUUUG to you and I would love to read your book! Feel free to friend me on facebook, Let's get in touch. Dear Nico, I would love to get in touch with you too, thank you for such a beautiful comment. HUUG!

  • Edie

    My friend Peggy posted this on my facebook page and said that you and I, Kristin, are soul sisters. I do free hugs, I am a clown, I give out bubbles and feathers and call myself Bliss Mistress. I wrote a book called The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary. Your willingness to put your heart out there, inspires so many others, I'm sure. I am also a journalist and would love to interview you <3

  • Vicky

    Kristin is a beautiful person. I have had the privilege of being on the receiving side of one of her free hugs. Vicky-

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Thank you for posting my video! A huge HUG from my heart to yours. If anyone wants to leave a comment directly ON TED, here's the link! HUUUG! ;TEDNew-York

  • Nico

    This was beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes to see the light and love passed through simple gestures...childlike gestures. Big wheels, bubbles and best of all FREE HUGS! I'm going to make my own free hugs sign and perhaps blow some bubbles of my own and bring some joy back into my own life through sharing. Love and light to you Kristin. You are a beautiful energy. Sincerely, Nico Ward- Phillyzelite Publishing

  • Roger

    Joyful. Thanks very much. Roger (

  • BG

    Loved this!!! Great, great message and delivery!

  • Maia

    The bubbles. Literally and metaphorically such a cool way to address the bubbles people create around themselves.

  • Kristin

    Lovely! Who can resist a warm and truthful hug!

  • Page 1

  • Help Kristin give a full length TED talk - leave a comment of appreciation for her here.
  • Check out Kristin's website for more information about her work in creating joy.
  • R. W. Emerson said “Scatter joy.” Today, think of one sincere happy act you can do to express your joy and bring happiness to someone else…and do it.

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