There is a belief that is responsible for more suffering and death in the world today, than all the natural disasters, combined. And the deadliest part of this is that most of us hold this belief and don't even know it. In this TEDx talk, Jim Cervelloni uses an allegory to illustrated what he believes to be the world's deadliest belief, based on our collective "backward thinking." Watch this â€‹powerful message about the way our thoughts and beliefs have the potential to shape our lives.


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  • Scotty Dolan

    Spending the afternoon with my daughter who is so unhappy blaming her boyfriend for her unhappiness I was thrilled to find this video. I sent it to her hoping she can release herself from this endless game she plays. I also can find personal use in getting upset on my pet issues. This could not have come at a better time. I am making a painting of green, yellow, blue and red limes just as a reminder. Thank you.

  • Matt

    I am especially impressed by the idea that mentally reinterpreting a situation helps. As David Foster Wallace has said, perhaps that big annoying SUV is carrying a person basically ordered by their psychiatrist to drive a big truck because they had been in a horrifying accident earlier. It teaches us to be less certain sometimes - e.g., maybe trees don't really cause wind...

  • Carolanne

    Fascinating and thought-provoking. The idea that anger is one of the most manipulative tools around was startling—a real eye-opener. Thank you!

  • Mick

    This is marvelous. I was lucky enough to have adults in my life who recognized this truth. My aunt often said, "He who angers us conquers us." I like your actions steps. I really like the way you explained each one. The metaphor of trees was perfect and the conclusion was quite chilling. I hope everyone in the world gets a chance to see this vid so we can all become inoculated to this belie and then learn the skills of repatterning. Thank you.

  • Page 1

  • Watch these other mindshifting TED talks on how to view happiness and how to achieve it.
  • Take this free, 8-week Science of Happiness course that offers practical, research-backed tips on living a happy and meaningful life.
  • What core beliefs do you hold? Examine one of them closely today - does this belief come from "backward thinking"?

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