Dave Isay opened the first StoryCorps booth in New York’s Grand Central Terminal in 2003 with the intention of creating a quiet place where a person could honor someone who mattered to them by listening to their story. Since then, StoryCorps has evolved into the single largest collection of human voices ever recorded. Isay is the 2015 TED Prize winner, with an award of $1 million to fulfill a wish: to grow this digital archive of the collective wisdom of humanity. Listen to Isay's vision to take StoryCorps global — and how you can be a part of it by interviewing someone with the StoryCorps app.


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  • Caryl sweet

    How can one get the story corps app?

  • Pam

    Absolutely everything! Instead of focusing on negative, focusing on positive is So much easier this way in my opinion! How would I find a way to tell my story for my husband who lost his battle with life in 2008? Focusing on writing the story presently.

  • carolec

    Dave's faith in the wisdom, authenticity and humanity of every person inspire me. How wonderful to see him feel this way after hearing so many stories. Thank you Dave and StoryCorps, your brainchild.

  • marayah

    thought you would like this

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    As a Cause Focused Storyteller who serves to provide space and voice, I love StoryCorps, so happy to see it is receiving it's due. Indeed Everyone has a Story and when we listen, we learn. And when we learn, we grow toward understanding. Here's to building bridges between.

  • Alex Howarth

    Have you ever seen something and it left you bereft of words? This is how I feel now, and I am a story teller. This has touched me deeply! It is also uncanny: Last Thanksgiving I made a special trip to see my longest and dearest friend. On parting, I asked if her if I could interview her, and log her life's story. She was in the Korean war, serving in the Women's Air Corp. Though I have known her for 30+ years, I had no idea the adventures she's had. Bits and pieces came out after I began asked for an interview. How do I get the Beta version of Story Corp? It is time to continue my grandmother's legacy, to record and tell stories. And how wonderful the refrain: "I wish I had written it down" will soon be extinct. Thank you!

  • Gary Malkin

    I'm so moved by this work. Story corps is another profound example of how our voices, when spoken with authenticity, compassion, and transparency, not only reveal our common humanity- but they awaken each of us to feel and experience the resonance of that humanity within us when we take it in and truly listen with an open heart. That's why I've devoted my last 17 years to recording the compassionate messages of known and unknown luminaries and thought leaders, as featured in the book and CD set Michael Stillwater and I created, Graceful Passages, which is distinguished from Story Corps by the enhancements we created with a nuanced, customized musical sound track for each potent message. But what Story Corps shows me is that whether music enhances the spoken word or not, there's a kind of innate music that comes from the very voice itself, the music of our humanity that we all have within us! Thank you Dave Isay, for this profound contribution to all people on the planet!

  • Colleen Craddock

    Everyone has always told me to write a book because of my life and seeing this video has encouraged me to get started. This feels like your heart comes alive and opens up to help others, love others and friend them to let them know THEY ARE NOT ALONE. I want to thank you for this video and I would love to do this for others. THANK YOU

  • Jacqueline Pullan

    I am in a privileged position as a psychotherapist to be in the presence of girls, boys, men, women and groups of people telling their story. I think this initiative is truly a service to individuals and community and is inspiring and poignant in the ordinary and the extreme. Thank you

  • Iris Curteis

    I'm a storyteller, it's my passion, the love of my life and my profession. The work carried out by StoryCorps is beyond beautiful. Than you!

  • Kelly

    I love this idea! Every person has an innate longing to be seen, heard, and valued, especially by the people who matter most. StoryCorps seems to do that in a simple but profound way.

  • Lynn Linderman

    The courage and goodness of People~

  • Brian

    Thanks Guys...Amen...every life matters!!! Way to go...peace

  • Harpreet

    "Every Single life matters EQUALLY..."... Just awesome. What a beautiful thought

  • Page 1

  • Check out the StoryCorps site to listen to stories and find out how you can record your own.
  • Watch the animated conversation between Danny and Annie - one of the greatest love stories of our time.
  • David Isay sees StoryCorps as being primarily about listening. Give the gift of listening closely to a loved one today.

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