Sister Marilyn Lacey is committed to go where the need is great, which, in the case of Mercy Beyond Borders, includes South Sudan and Haiti. The mission of Mercy Beyond Borders is to forge ways for women and girls in extreme poverty to learn, connect and lead by providing educational, economic and empowerment opportunities, bringing hope to areas where there was no hope. This hope is witnessed in the faces of a large group of girls attending school for the first time. And it is seen in the light beaming from an 89 year old woman whose dream was to be able to write her name before she dies, when she fulfills that dream.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Judy

    Eye opening, in a way that makes me curious and want to explore ways I can help support others. Thank you.

  • Abdul Aziz Rajab

    This is part of my dream!

  • Katherine Place

    This message is so timely and hit me to my heart core in a powerful and inspirational way. As I watch the news of terror, corruption, ecological despair I just keep asking myself.."What can I do to be the change I wish to see?" This hopeful and gritty reminder of "one at a time" was a blessing to me today. Thank you.

  • Kati Short

    Sister Lacey's enthusiasm and belief in what she is doing filled my heart. Makes an old woman think she still can help this poor old world somehow. Thanks.

  • Sr. Denise Landers

    What an inspiration. Just shows that when we see something, we do something and mercy liberates all involved. Education liberates & frees people to contribute to the betterment of all. Goodness is infectious.

  • Kathy

    Everything! We think of just us when it is all of us. Everyone has a story and most of the world does not have 1/10 of what most Americans have. We have to care about what is going on across our world. Thank GOD and Trump for the changes that will encompass the world and truly give us peace, joy and prosperity in our new world.

  • Caela Farren

    Her selflessness, the sparkle in her eye and the desperate need in Sudan

  • Page 1

  • Become informed about the work of Mercy Beyond Borders.
  • Read a brief excerpt from Sister Marilyn's book: This Flowing Towards Me.
  • What chaos is visible in your life that is calling for your mercy? How will you respond? 

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