If stairs played musical notes when you walked on them, would you be more likely to take them? Volkswagen has launched a popular new campaign called "The Fun Theory" which is "dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people's behavior for the better." It turns out that 66% more commuters opted for stairs over the escalators! Take a look at this utterly clever (and fun!) idea.


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  • Om8

    Nothing. I think people are become involved with too much noise.. this was not FUN!! What is FUN? This is just another hypnotic control. And the notes cannot sound melodic. Just too much noise. If by FUN you mean play, then have more open spaces, gardens and less self-absorbing technologies. Change design of cities. Simplify ...

  • Christina

    What if everything could be fun. What would we have to change to make that the way it is. I think we have more control of that than we think. These stairs are a fantastic way to change our thinking by changing our experience.

  • anna

    it was cool.

  • Timo

    I have seen this before and it's truly inspirational. We need so much of of these simple brain waves in society !

  • Mahadev

    Eventhough the width of stairs were larger than escalator people used escalator. when fun is invloved nothing is tough. people prefer putting effort to get fun

  • ThePianoStairs.com

    http://www.ThePianoStairs.com is manufacturing piano stairs. Please visit our website to if you would like to have a piano stairs in your country.

  • Jay Naidoo

    Exceptional and fun way to change peoples behaviour. Jay Naidoo

  • clare

    Very creative way to inspire movement.

  • JM


  • caitlin stafford brown

    Everything my teacher mr leggett saw it and it was sooooo cooollll

  • Caitlin


  • Me

    There always possibility to make boring life become more fun :)

  • Avi

    I mean, I, the viewer would like to know if the novelty wore off..

  • Avi

    Good idea.. But it would have been better if the observation period was longer.. Say about a year.. Just to make sure the novelty didn't wear off..

  • Dr. Lock

    Music changes everything.

  • Shirley

    People can be so adorable in fun mode - they become kids again! We need more playfulness in society, and wouldn't it be great if we could spread the notion of fun into public education - stimulating kids' natural curiosity and desire to learn? Fantastic!

  • ArunChikkop

    "FUN" this one word can make life happy or boring..) Thanks a lot for sharing...


    this is example of crazy minds putting in forward the CRAZY IDEAS

  • laurel

    great concept

  • Al

    Fabulous ! And I have to say, I always, always take the stairs vs. any escalator. I've been blessed with good health and gosh, taking stairs - such a great way to use my muscles - get a brief shot of exercise [ hey, I often take them 2 steps at a time ], maintain my health. Just say no to atrophying one's muscles by standing on an escalator.

  • Dhara

    Wow, what an awesome concept. It can be applied everywhere in life...at work, at home, at school, just find ways to make it "fun" and it would be done more naturally without making it daunting.

  • Kait

    This is great! I wish they would put stairs like that into my building it would make walking so much more fun. I love it!

  • karthik

    ain't this awesome ... it sure is fun

  • Theresa Stafford

    What a fantastic notion. Where do I sign up? Finally, a project I can jump on---HAHAHA! You have my vote.

  • Valaurie

    I love this video because it shows, that with a little creativity you can easily catch people's attention!

  • Kat

    I LOVE IT! I look for ways to have fun and laugh spontaneously. Some people think I'm a little kooky but I enjoy feeling happy! Yaaa

  • Shirley B.

    Love it! Sent it to all my musician friends. Soooo terrific. Thanks!

  • Page 1

  • Check out some of the other ideas of the Fun Theory project and share your own too!

  • Related to fun is humor and laughter.  Why exactly do we laugh?  Researchers explain.

  • Next time you're trying to solve a problem, think about adding some thing fun.

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