In this Oscar winning animated short film, a little girl spends enjoyable time with her father, going for walks and riding their bikes together. Then one day she watches as he leaves her on the shore and disappears in a rowboat. She returns faithfully to the spot where she last saw him, through many seasons and stages of her life, until as an elderly woman she comes back yet again, falls asleep in the rowboat on the shore, and wakes to rest in her father's arms once again.


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  • Subratesh

    It`s a burning example of Patience, Determmination, Bondage , Love and Integrity of the Girl towards her Father

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  • Learn from one father the lessons he took from his own father's life and how he is applying them to his parenting.  
  • Read these words of Parker Palmer's on how to ride the power of suffering toward new life
  • Think of someone whom you have loss to death or separation who remains alive in your heart. Write a letter expressing your lasting love to them and read it to the wind or as you sit by a lighted candle.

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