After learning of his neighbor Edith's dire living conditions, Ousmane, a homesick African immigrant living in Montreal, opens his heart and his life to her. He and Edith, who is living with dementia, have both lost a sense of who they are. Ousmane and his family offer compassion to Edith and together they find a way out of feeling lost, becoming family for each other.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Steven Crisp

    "We were rich, even if we were poor" -- something not to be overlooked. The generosity of spirit when faced with such unacceptable circumstances is remarkable and all too rare. Thank you for the inspiration

  • Dianne

    How fragile we all are....all the more reason to take care of each other

  • richard whittaker

    the fine quality of this portrayal from start to finish - of love across boundaries, the fine performances and editing, the economy and beauty of this deeply touching, deeply human story..

  • Effie

    The gentleness of this big homesick man

  • Stephanie McClellan

    I love how this man with his family gave Edith a chance to feel loved even when she could not show that response back. They just kept loving her and building in their children the love and respect for seniors and neighbors.

  • Page 1

  • Read about the film's theme of neighbors with very different circumstances finding connection.
  • Explore some thoughts on how to create a more caring world
  • Following Ousmane's example, reach out to someone in your life who has very different life experiences from you, becoming aware of your shared humanity. 

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