HCarpl Svhmidt
The ripple effect.
Everything, people taking care of people, no matter what color there skin is, not matter if they are rich or poor, just loving one another for who we are not what our status is, or how much money we have. We need to help our people here first before we can help any other country. Why do we have people living on the streets but your send hundreds of millions of dollars oversees. Can We Help AMERICA FIRST!!!!!
haia varda messinger
" love that we all interconnected and we all can pay it forward or be kind nonjudgmental embodied compassion.
There would be less racism if people spent time with individuals of other groups. This video allows the viewer to see humans helping humans and take perspective of “we†and “us†instead of perspective of “us†and “themâ€. Small, simple things. Simple acts of kindness as the opportunity strikes. And just like good karma, it comes full circle back around to you. I show this to my students.
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Gamini Wijesinghe
This video ought to watch Donald Trump, Putin and others powerful world leaders. Then Ethiopia, Sudan and poor countries much not suffer.
Small things move the heart <3. I think it was Einstein who said"If the solution is small, God is in the answer." Thank you for this!
Kindness is LOVE
javed masih
do good have good
Keep up the good work. https://epaviste-13.com/
andrew crawford
this is a great video i love the song one day.
Mary Rings
It is so beautiful , and shows how everyone can help make the world a kinder place, full of love. Bravo !!! I am deeply touched and inspired.
just that it is so easy to make a difference with an act of kindness everyday
Matt R
I found this video to promote implicit racism. Did any one notice how people of color are portrayed in this video ? The idea of kindness chain reaction is inspiring but I think the video leaves me wondering more about implicit bias.
What inspired you about this video? Thanks for doing this video and sharing the spirit of kindness.
I liked that everyone helped each other without thinking about it. This video is awesome. I will be an example of kindness everyday. When you think about it it's pretty easy. As Gandhi once said "be the change you want to see in the world."
We are All connected. Not by callousness and competition but by caring and cooperation! A Beautiful Expression with beautiful music too.
George M. Pierides
Everything! Mostly the idea! I just remembered an opposite meaning from the old well- known film BOOMERANG! Jesus Christ, told us exactly what to do! It's upon us! CONGRATULATIONS! BEST WISHES!
Jenny T
Kindness is something we all need to make part of our daily Lives. We can choose to be kind to strangers or those who are struggling, and help make kindness contagious
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Shivajyoti Pal
The kindness - and the way we can spread it. We can be the agent of change and make difference to the life of people. We can make everybody's life that much more better. And it does not cost us much. Even a gentle genuine smile is can change a person's day. Gives a lot more meaning to our existence
Yahya choi
I think The more we keep the goodness, The more we're alive.
Chain reaction of kindness...I thought that the meter scene was really funny and then I realized that the girl was leaving the meter with time for someone else and the elderly lady helped her do it was another possibility!
YOG raj Mahajan
Be kind to all people who come your way .
A goosebump experience. Beautiful reminder that consciousness IS raised through kindness and compassion.
KT Admin
J. Roland Cole - the music is by Matisyahu, and the song is "One Day." You can see Matisyahu's original video for "One Day" here: https://vimeo.com/11520225
J. Roland Cole
Just watching a guy give a hotdog to someone on the street and glad to get it, who ran to pick up a purse absent-mindedly left by a pretty lady andd hand it to her, who then bought cut flowers to give to the appreciative sad lady at the sidewalk cafe, who then left a big bill for a tip, and the surprised and impressed waiter quickly filled a glass with water and... it was given to a sweating hard-hatted construction worker on a hot , beautiful, sunny day--this sequence made tears of joy roll down my cheeks and made me wish my country and all of us on the planet could do more of this instead of making war or quarreling and killing in the name of religion or just greedily making money at others' expense. The words and the music and the musicians in the background are so great and make up at least half of the wonderful experience of Kindness Boomerang created by Life Vest Inside ("Because kindness keeps the world afloat."). PLEASE TELL US WHO THE MUSICIANS ARE AND HOW WE CAN FIND MORE OF THEIR MUSIC!
It made me smile and my tears come to my eyes.
Olive Life
Just hope the kid's skate board didn't get swiped! It's been proved when we do a kindness endorphines are released in our brain.......would be a great thing to get addicted to.
Motivational Speaker
This is really nice, it reminds me of a keynote speaker I saw once. Just spreading the idea that goodness is in us and it's nature is to spread.
g k agrawal
A lot of thanks to those helping hands, the great hands.
Many things can happen in a 5 minute video. Its easy for us to forget. Very inspiring, thank you
Living in love and kindness is simple. Living in Love and Light is constant. Every breath we take. Every action we do, can be laced with kindness and compassion. Thank you for sharing the simplicity and far reaching effects of simple acts of kindness. Ripple on!
I've been having a tough time lately, but seeing this has changed my perspective. Now it's my time to pay it forward.
with out expecting when we do help. its come back to us double...
This is a perfect example of how nobody has to ask or beg for what they need if others around can take just a minute to look out for others around you. Most of these AOK do not even cost money, just watching each others backs and not hesitating when you see an opportunity to help somebody. Thanks for the reminder:)
it is uplifting...this is what is life all about.
Little things can have great consequences.
Sorry to repeat, it wasn't working right... It’s so simple! And we all know it works! Every time we recognise in another person a human-being like ourselves, with needs and feelings, we offer them an opportunity to give up their delusion of isolation and join in the co-operative venture of life. Like many others, I have developed a form of healing therapy based on these principles alone. In other words, noticing the full existence of another person, and being available to them for a genuine meeting based on honesty and openness. This is healing in and of itself. No more is needed for the revival of the human spirit!
It’s so simple! And we all know it works! Every time we recognise in another person a human-being like ourselves, with needs and feelings, we offer them an opportunity to give up their delusion of isolation and join in the co-operative venture of life. Like many others, I have developed a form of healing therapy based on these principles alone. In other words, noticing the full existence of another person, and being available to them for a genuine meeting based on honesty and openness. This is healing in and of itself. No more is needed for the revival of the human spirit!
It's so simple! And we all know it works! Every time we recognise in another person a human-being like ourselves, with needs and feelings, we offer them an opportunity to give up their delusion of isolation and join in the co-operative venture of life. Like many others, I have developed a form of healing therapy based on these principles alone. In other words, noticing the full existence of another person, and being available to them for a genuine meeting based on honesty and openness. This is healing in and of itself. No more is needed for the revival of the human spirit!
It could change the world with it's ripple effect if people honour their pledge & others make a pledge (((:
Kindness, Karma.
I pledge to think before I speak. To remember kindness and compassion.
As you sow so u reap.
Robin Frisby
I love this video and the message!! I try to teach my youngest son to always share your blessings and it will come back full circle. There is still alot of good and love in people. You have to give to receive back.
Mary Murphy
My son shared this song with me after he watched the original video during a college course. We both were so strongly effected by the song's intent and meaning; we cried. I shared this video on my fb page for others to enjoy but dedicated it to him because he is one of the most kindest souls I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with. It is true, Rob, there are kind people out there. Never loose hope. I love you. Mom
Angel King
Something I have always said and believe everyone should do one act of kindness....daily! Special thoughts go out to my daughter Natasha "Boykin" King as this was so comon for her and stated frequesntly. I know now she is doing exactly just that as an ANGEL in heaven now. I miss you my sweet baby girl - love you! Mom
I believe it is the right thing, to do! Helping people in all sorts,of situations. Whenever, I need help. Someone usually,comes by to help a hand. All & all I think people are good & kind-hearted!
The girl put money into a parking meter without a park car!
I Am
Do the right thing at the right time for the right reasons, and you'll never go wrong.
I love this video. I practice "random acts of kindness" often and tell the recepient to pay it forward. I do wish this video would be more commonplace, it starts with just one person/act and, hopefulle, snowballs from there. God bless. Smile you will be surprised who will smile back at you plus it makes any day better.
Everyone likes to have something nice happen to them- it makes the spirit happy! Giving also gives us joy! The more we give and see the joy in other's faces the more happiness WE also feel. Our world needs more of this- simple acts of kindness will change attitudes and our world. Inspirational- I will look for an opportunity to bless someone and make them happy tomorrow!
A gift of kindness just keeps giving and comes back to you full circle. Pay attention and don't miss the blessing when it returns. You will experience GRATITUDE !
The Best lesoon for the future generation and for the society keep and invest such a things in life. Surely without any expectation you will get the return more you invest
I showed this video to my Comp I class...I asked them to respond in their journals and challenged them to perform one random act of kindness before our next class meeting.
Noor a.f
I take small and give myself very small and return a lot. Thanks for the good example
One day...
After watching, hoping that a little bit of kindness will be passed forward.
it's lovely but hasn't anyone noticed that the girl rummaging for change for the meter is standing in front of two empty parking spaces?
Shirley Weeks
What we often forget is that kindness does not have to be a huge thing. In fact, it is the small things that count.
What a wonderful world it could be if we all practice acts of kindness in our daily routine. Love the video, brought a tear to eyes with a warm fuzzy feeling. These are the kind of people I want to be around. Very inspiring, great job on the video. God Bless!!!
Wonderfully clear, not too corny to enjoy, and it's obvious that these people are happy after doing a kindness. I wish this could be shown in schools all over the world! (And as a tv spot, too!) BTW, to BW -- I grew up in Waltham and remember Moody Street. Yes, that could have been it!
This is possible, I know, because I live in a town with generous, caring people whose generous acts of kindness occur as a matter of course-in Canada.
David Price
The gift is in the giving!
robin faison
That was real heart warming,wish it could be that way with everyone,what a much better place we would live in!
What a wonderful world it can/could be if we all practice just a small once of kindness to one another. We are all one.
Denice Moffat
We want more! Thanks for sharing your gift. http://naturalhealthtechniques.com/tithing-random-acts-of-kindness.htm
Great demonstration of the philosophy of "pay it forward" in action. Well done!
Debashish Majumdar
It's a testimonial to the fact that such acts of kindness are contagious & makes everyone Happy. Give it a shot ! If it becomes a habit you get closer to the ALMIGHTY. The Blessings will follow eventually.
The smiles of those who were kind were like a tiny candle of light in a dark world. Thank you for making the film to help me become more kind.
PS: Speaking of ripples, anyone remember Mike Gravel's wordless campaign video/advert, where he's shown walking along a path, then stooping to pick up a nice round stone, and then flinging it into a pond--and watching as the ripples spread, then fade to black?
Bits of it completely reminiscent of Moody St, in Waltham, MA, but Red Bank, NJ's a bit "tonier". Very nice. Next to consider is When Johnny & Jane Come Marching Home: How All of Us Can Help Veterans. By Paula J. Caplan, an affiliate @ Harvard's doBoise institute. (The first is to stop wars, she notes, quoting others. My second suggestion, if the first fails, is to require those hankering for war or who declare war fight it in a novel way: By person-to-person duels--pistols at 10 paces, starting with the leaders of the We Wanna War movement. Survivor of the 1st duel takes on the 2nd-in-command. When it gets to Congress, the senior most senator voting for war goes next, then the house members who voted for war (or "use of all necessary force"--no weaseling out, then back to the senators who voted AGAINST the war, in that they failed to stop it, and then the house. Given the extreme measures our former prexy (and Unitary Liar-In-Chief) and vice too to avoid Vietnam, my guess would be that, had this practice been in place, there would have been no war whatsoever. We might instead have focused on what really happened on 9/11/2001. It would be cool if someone did a Negative Karma short on White Supremacist (or Exceptionalist) America and its manufacturing and maintenance of Empire (some 1,038 US military bases overseas, give or take, in some 137 nations, about 1/2 million troops and contractors keeping them going), blowback, regime change, fostering instability, starting with Columbus's extermination of c. 2M to 8M indigenous Arawak indians in the Caribbean 'tween 1492 and 1508. Then the extermination (bullets and buboes and STVs) of 9M to 12M indigenous North American Indians (including Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act of 1830 to usurp the Cherokee Nation's land-holdings (the Seminole nation refused to budge and stayed in Florida, fighting the Federales). Then on to Cuba, Haiti, Hawaii, the Philippines (where the US troops apparently first used Water Boarding). Anyway, you get the script--a Yank/Yang to this wonderful short's Yin.
Thanks for this dose of and inspiration and a reminder!
what i always know to be true, you never know when you might make someones day better. smiling is free and good for you.
...it actually made me cry with so much joy overflowing from inside that I posted it and passed it on to my social network. My daily prayer is for kindess and compassion to spread its wings over the globe and heal the planet
Even a smile travels a very long way. And, that is good for all of us.
Carrie Payne
It is soo true.
ONE person CAN make a change
Beautiful.....lovely souls out there! Lets all committ to keep it going!
it is very good .
Jim McCullough
It's what I've seen in my own town of Sebastopol CA.
carel ...
The ripple effect .... remembering what I do ripples out. May it be in kindness.
Thanks guys....love to you too....that's what makes the world go round....peace...
All those random acts of kindness were awesome
I care.:)
Thank you.... a truly inspiring video of the present moment, practicing radical altruism with abandon and without reservation, demonstrating that the universe lives in spontaneous and instantaneous change regardless of ones actions, ones resistance or ones conceptions..... when the Universe asks just say yes and you will experience the "Kindness Boomerang"
My mother used to tell me that what goes around comes around and that it gains both speed and size on the back track. The laws of nature dictate that if you plant turnips you will get turnips; if you want flowers you have to plant flowers not corn. Now if you want corn by all means that is what you should plant. I see people who plant seeds of greed and expect generousity in return. I see people who are mean and want to receive kindness, I see people who lie, tell half truths and deceive the people they call friends. They expect truth and loyalty. The laws of nature say it can't happen, at least not for long.
The music was alive for me, and the video was a clever little lesson in possibilities...
jeffrey f. dean
Inspired isn't the word I'm looking for, lets say I've seen it that way just not lately.
I think this is the Vision that a growing percentage of us share. Coming together in "Oneness" is at the core of our very being. This is how life should be and I believe we are aspiring to these very heights "and" we are getting there quickly! The Energy is building! That's a wonderful feeling! An absolutely beautiful Video. Thank You
It's a beautifully done video with a strong, necessary message, much praise for that! But...why does the only person who needs a handout for something to eat need to be of color? This perpetuates the classism and racism that keeps us apart and uncaring to begin with! Good job all the same. Thanks.
it brings people to their heart and makes them HAPPY So much joy comes from making even a small jesture
What a beautiful and simple message this video brings. Be kind to others. Thanks to who made it and shared it with the world! Bless You.
It's just soooo simple to make a difference in someone's day/life if you just take the time to pay attention. The video made me cry!
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I will use this with my students to show how small acts of kindness have a ripple effect. They help us stay positive and open to helping others.