Everthing !! That was beautiful. Really needed to hear that .... #Yournotalone💙
An assurance to know a few practises I do are here too :-)
carlos R. Sanchez
This video is beautiful. Being alone can offer a rich opportunity to revitalize your mind and body at the same time.
It is a beautiful reminder of finding who we are. I mostly relate right now to NUBIA who wrote about the loss of her husband. My story is exactly the same. So chosen solitude is different than solitude that is sudden. My love to you Nubia and we will once again be in a place of peace and acceptance to where we can find the beauty in aloneness.
most relaxing and took me to another world. at times ,old people want to live in solitude ,enjoy ,and enjoy the nature .
learning how to live by-myself after my husband of 47 years passed a way, without a warning. he passed away like an Angel call back home,I know I have my children and my animals. I just miss him so much!! I'm by-myself with my memories and the emptiness of his place at the table, the times we shared and how we loved each other or Just hold ding hands.
This film, and poem beautifully and gracefully invites solitude, self-love and self-care. It's a lovely gem to watch, and share. ;-) Thank You All !
Marie Altman
I love this. Your voice, your words, wisdom, playfulness.
Thank you- this is absolutely beautiful, and speaks to how I feel and love to be with myself. I can be on my own for weeks or more without thinking about it. I wish more people felt ok with that. Blessings!
I used this lovely poem as the spark for an assignment for my high school students that are home due to COVID-19, many of whom are struggling with being alone at home or feeling alone while being home all day with their families. Thank you for offering a new way to think about being alone for my students.
it shows that when u are on your own you aren't lonely
Ruth Johnson
My son expressed concern when I moved into a senior complex. His question? Aren't you lonely? My answer was no. There is a big difference between being alone and loneliness. I am alone, not lonely.
Bueautyful. I felt like renewed, like 0km. Thank you!!!
How to be alone is freedom. You can decide when you want to be with others because you also have the freedom to be alone if you wish. To be alone never scares me. I love it and therefore can also enjoy being with others because it is a choice, not a duty (usually) or a compulsion.Thanks Tanya! Lovely.
Kristin Pedemonti
Thank you Tanya. I often take myself dancing, to dinner, on walks, etc. I like to say: "I am with myself" rather than I am alone. <3 To also acknowledge, there is a HUGE difference between CHOOSING to be ALONE or with yourself compared to being FORCED to be alone without choice. So, I think it is also important to recognize that in COVID19 current times <3 Hugs from my With Myself, Not alone lil heart <3
It validated why I absolutely love to be along. My heart, body and soul thrive on it. I am free to embrace the introverted real me.
I'm an extroverted senior who finds the covid lock down challenging as it comes two years after the death of my wife. So many things are different. It's time to get to know myself better and the solitude is an opportunity to do so. Thank you for the inspiration.
Maria Shere
Being alone does not equate to being lonely, just as being lonely does not necessarily equate to being alone. Happiness is a state of being we can access regardless of who we are with or not with, as long as we are truly WITH ourselves. No, we are not isolated beings, but recognizing one's deep inner connection to the Self is a step in recognizing how connected we all truly are. As one who enjoys time alone, I felt deeply moved by this poem. Thank you!
What inspired me about this video? EVERYTHING. It's beautiful.
Dance so hard that you sweat and feel the brook of blessings drip down your back
It inspired me because it's exactly how I feel.
So beautiful, and SO TRUE. Thank you for creating and sharing, this is heartfelt and intimate.
When I heard, "The way bodies move genuinely to beats is gorgeous and effective!", that line drew me in. Up to then, I was thinking what could this video possibly offer me,(I am someone who is very comfortable with aloneness), but there it was. A celebration of authenticity, in a dance, on a walk or even, yikes, dare we say, public speaking, the fearsome and quintessential experience of being alone in a crowd. Those who have authenticity are both beloved by those who get it and hated by those who it threatens. Loved the video. Amazing and beautiful work and reminder of quiet rebellion!
Soo beautiful, gentle, uplifting, dear. Perfect for those of us trying to adjust to the Covid enforced incarceration. Thank you.
I thought your video was complete BS. Blah Blah Blah. Sing a lonely song. Pour me some liberal tears. Walk in my conservative moccasins a d grow a pair
What a vivid, loving and courageous perspective ......
Lynne E Scaglia
I just loved how it made me feel! Thanks for sharing it with us, Tanya and Timothy:)
I loved all the ideas of comfort with aloneness and oneness! Great to see all the expressions and I enjoyed even though Knitting!
Nilesh Thali
inspirational courage, vulnerability, wisdom and humor
This is SO GOOD as many people assume that being alone equates to loneliness, but we always have thoughts and the quality of them is up to us . She has so many good suggestions and I am sure they will help many people!
This was so special. Thank you for showing good mental health by way of beautifully written words.
Wonderful,reinforced my feelings and thoughts.Society makes us believe that being alone is sad, it is not it is peace !Thank you Tanya
It left me feelimg at peace. All this week I've made a point of enjoying my alone time but like Tanya says it has given me the opportunity to share uplifting moments with strangers and I have. Thank you to Erica in the new coffee bar I discovered in my home town, to the Portuguese gentleman I shared my table with because there were none free and his legs were tired. Thank you to the staff at the vegan restaurant who made me feel so welcome and inspired me to try a new ingredient, jackfruit. Thank you to all the people who remind me how unique we all are and that includes me.
I am so happy that I decided to watch this inspiring uplifting video. I loved the video it somehow brought peace to me. I enjoyed listening to all the advice Tanya gave for how to be alone. I myself feel very much alone now since the passing of my husband. We were always a couple. I am the kind of person who do like alone time anyway. However, I do like to socialize.I am grateful for this video and will use my creativity in being alone. I have done some of the activities that Tanya mentioned. I miss my soulmate so much but now I realize that it is just me.
Ella de Jong
Thank you Karmatube for this inspiring video of Tanya Davis about 'how to be alone' ! I've put it as an inspirational video in my (very simple) newsletter, today! Warm smile to you all! Let's communicate with each other in a creative - warm - respectful - empowering way!
Sandip Sheta
Loving others is easy. Loving yourself is the hard part…. Or so we often think. But as many wise figures have remarked over the years, it’s in fact only when you first learn to accept and cherish your own essence that you can find the peace of mind to be truly present for your loved ones — and for your own life.
So true! We are so conditioned by what others think!
This is so lovely. I enjoyed the mix of animation, poetry, and joy. Yes, yes, yes. I hope Tanya will do more of these videos. Thanks for this one.
I love the freedom!!
This is just wonderful! An in-the-world mystic! We should never feel shamed or ashamed for wanting to be in touch with a depth of feeling that can only be accessed in solitude. This approach is an inspiring way to start down that path, or to affirm it. Thank you for making this. You are an artist of life.
The joy of being with oneself - who's really alone then?
Love. Love. Loved this poem it gave me the approval to enjoy my solitary life. I have always been comfortable with myself, but marketing in our world of today does not glorify nor pay attention to being comfortable by ourselves. We are bombarded with messages that being alone is somehow wrong. Thank you Tanya!
Nice. Truth.
i want to hear more about this. I am waiting and wondering.
There isn't enough discussion about being alone - or about how people see the world who are alone. It isn't always romantic or miserable but it is different!
Thank you . Yes being alone enables you to connect to your inner self and find out your own truths , of who you are and where you are in life . It enables you to analyze yourself and focus and eliminate one's ego .
B. WIllo Poland
Sweet video that reminds us of the virtues and pleasures of spending time in one's own company, and the difference between alone and lonely. We are taught to avoid being alone but we miss much in our fear and insecurity and reluctance to embrace what is. We miss also the taste of our own Basic Goodness and that of the universe when one slows down enough to hear and sense it.
Michael Francis
I am learning to be alone. Just 2 months ago, my friends abandon me. I have taken these challenging times to discover myself from within. I live in a village in Goa with the beautiful nature all around. I am becoming one with nature and discovering that I do not have control over it. A cat adopted me and had two kittens. They too are with nature and behave freely and so much full of joy and love. I do not control that either. At times, loneliness kills my spirit. Thankfully, it only the first two hours of the day. I go down to the village to notice the simplicity of life. I use to live in MD, USA. How vastly different? I appreciate this video because I don't have to be embarrassed or ashamed to be lonely. I am working on my spirituality and want to create happiness and love around me.
I help a woman who is 97years old and she is lonely. I realize since she has dementia she can't remember much or do many things but she has such a sense of humor. She always wants to know what I do but I look forward to isolated periods of time since my daughter and family moved in. I do love my solitude and have my time filled with interests and things to do. I would not chose to be alone constantly but when I am I enjoy myself immensely. I understand my friend not wanting to be alone since she misses talking to people and not able to do for herself. I am learning so much from her and I make good use of my time. Being alone must be a choice.
Wijesinghe A Gamini
Alone and solitary are totally difference. When you alone be solitary. This footage tells how to be a solieary when you get alone. I appreciate.
Hugo Montgomery
It is very shocking video for me, in my opinion to be alone is very sad but also if you can be alone is because you are ok with yourself, so is like a contradiction- I really admired this person because she can enjoy only with her company. All the best
What about persons who are alone but are not so voluntarily?
Satish Kumar
You realise the meaning of "Freedom" "being yourself" and find your inner self with more space to love yourself which you never get to experience while with being people around. A true revelation of what you really love than what you don't. I experience these moments and realise what I actually love about myself.by being alone you are directly and instantly connected with your innermost self, which is a true experience of your life. Few moments in life quite often must be experienced by being alone and doing whatever you feel like doing. a beautiful narration by Tanya.
Beautiful poem, beautiful voice, and beautifully narrated. It has left me very peacefully.
Your peace, youth, joy, beauty, good heartedness, means: if such a wonderful person can be alone, so can I
Thankyou Tanya and friends...I will return to this wise, lovely video often:)
The simplicity of Self. Just lovely.
Loved it! P.S. Winston Churchill needs a knit hat and scarf.
I liked this video so so much. IT got better as I watched it more. Lots of great ideas & thoughts. I'll still be feeing this video later. Even when I'm driving & doing other things.
the compassionate thoughts for others who might just gain solace from these beautifully spoken words
Tanya's honesty.
All very well saying it's easy to be alone Bunny; this video is presumably for those people who are afraid of it, or imagine they'll hear the bell toll if they find themselves on their own.
the intinicy softnes creativity
Thank you Thank you, this made me smile, lifted my heart, feels like a gift to me and to the lovely people I will now share it with.
I am inspired by your authentic sense of self and true abandon to life accepting and surrendering and creating amazing possibilities! Awesome
Toni McClendon
I enjoy spending time alone with myself. That way I am never lonely for I am some of my best company. Walking through the woods or along trails in the city parks. Sitting on the banks of the river watching boats go by. Having conversations with myself because I am a very good listener. Plopped down in the grass looking up at the sky and watching the clouds,"seeing" the pictures go by, These are my favorite things. The video filled me with comfort and joy. This is how the video inspired me.
What inspired you about this video? I was very surprised that so many people think you can't know yourself unless truly alone. Yes, sometime alone is wonderful but I believe the lesson in life is to be living peacefully with all different types of people. It's easy to be alone. Being an involved person with society is the challenge!
What inspired you about this video?Her voice is peaceful and beautiful. However she has a cat to keep her company. There is nothing special about you because you are able to be alone. Perhaps people don't enjoy your company!!! Normal people need interaction with other people or animals.Nothing sadder than someone losing their mate and forced to be alone. It's so much more of a challenge to be peaceful with other people.
the sound of her voice is awesome and peaceful but I have always been okey with being alone just wanted to hear what this was all about and get some new ideas and I did thanks to that beautiful voice and letting other people know that there's nothing wrong with being alone your still the same person you always were I just needed to make an adjustment after the love of my life died in Oct. 2011 but knowing he was no longer in pain gave me great comfort as I hated seeing him suffer so. So thank you for this very beautiful speech it was very comforting Love Georgina.
This is simply beautiful. Thank you!
I think this is an amazing piece of art! I also love that so many people contributed to it. I think alone gets a bad rap & is misunderstood (ie: the comment about so many people being involved in the making of the film). It seemed the message was to enjoy your time alone. But much like the dancing or the sitting on the bench, invite others in when you want to & the opportunity arises. Many times I think we are enjoying our alone time & then feel guilty & start to make ourselves feel lonely instead.
vida nicol
Great video.... what inspired me is that I am not alone in the quest for happiness in being alone.
Margaret Kribs
My attitude about doing things alone has changed after watching this video. .I lost my close friends and family in the last few years and suddenly find myself alone. I feel that now I can go out alone and be o.k. Thank you.
She has the same guitar and dictionary as me but different slippers.
This video made me smile, Thank you so much. With all these comments your not so alone. Wishing you happiness,even when your alone.
Its simplicity and honesty Loved it
ps: I spend 75% of my time being alone, and though Occasionally I wouldn't mind having someone in my life, have been married twice and raised two families, so I really don't mind having this part of my life to myself. For the past 4 years I have enjoyed it, some times more than others, but it has been nice to not 'have' to do anything for anyone else, after doing everything for everyone else for so many years. It's been very liberating to take the time to self-examine and accept, warts and all, all the intricasies of being me, as well as targeting areas of my personality that need working on.
Looked to me like there were an AWFUL lot of people involved in making the How to Be Alone video, which rendered it disingenuous for me. Sorry.
It makes me feel better knowing that I am not crazy for enjoying my solitude, even though my kids think I am nuts.
Tanya Davis, what a gift you have given in such a gentle and beautiful way. I love it. It's going on my Facebook page. I hope lots of others read this and open to the wondrous possibilities that you have suggested. Thank you.
Sincerity of the protagonist, self-belief and shunning the streotyped lifestyle to claim personal space. Thou art born free Will the sprout of your wings and soar beyond the skies !
hi there, what i felt from the videos is this, it was a reminder of things we leave behind, don't think about, or we are just to isolated to remember, Isolation can really freeze people. After a 7 yr breakup, I have spent more time alone in the last 2 months, then in the last 7 yrs. It has been great and awful, yet here I am still here, willing, open for the proces and abound with new energy from your perspective, in the motivation in which wrote this song for u/with u. Since, I believe all creative preocesses come from without self and the self, in its ability to respond and create, thus creates this gift, then this gift moves through us and we are available or not, the one's(people), who really learn to be alone are more available to the creative process, we/they are cleaner slates to work with. We are plainly more open beacuase in our want or desire, to move through, being alone gives us this, a more open slate, less problems,less complications, less drama,less other people stuff, those who come through real isolation, know this. I really thought this is really good work, I think this girl has got it right. Just don't worry, go out and be amongst everyone else and u just might meet another u at there. Maybe not but at least u have a whole self to rely on, who can say that and then really represent that in their life's, offering this to the earth and humankind. peace, ken truly thank u
From "alone" to seeing - a(l)l ONE. When in my head there are times i feel alone. When living from my heart i know we are ALL ONE. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of living in our hearts.
I loved the thoughts expressed; it's okay to be alone. I had just seen a quote recently that goes perfectly with this that read; 'Transform the pain of loneliness into the joy of solitude.' Great job!
i have been working on this journey of aloneness for many years. Now, at 58, coming from a highly dysfunctional family I started going places, like out in the woods for my sanctuary. Then I lost it. Why? I didn't truely love myself yet. Now, I do.
oh I let lonliness eat my lunch ... until I decided to embrace it. Being a widow rocks your world and makes you have to redefine your existance. This only embraced who I am and what I am doing!
Love this! I am reminded of the gift of such simplicity~ my own company & the richness of such an experience. A deep bow to you.
"being alone is not because dont have any friends or family, but once being alone in many ways was very peaceful...:)Thank you.
This is the most exact thing that I needed right now. You may have saved my life. Thank you.
I am going to go and practice my neglected accordion, alone, and not worry about annoying anyone.
Thank you . Being alone is being close to God . Beautiful .
Tis very true, all that was said. There is something spiritual about aloness, peaceful, and and rewarding. Very well put. Excellent!
It just reminded me that alone is okay. Thank you.
Just beautiful! Thank you!
"There is heat in freezing...be a testament!" Tanya, really seemed this whole writing just flowed freely from the synthesis of your heart and mind, as if just said and complete with no editing! Excellent and so appreciated! Great collaboration too in music and film antimation, all!
I was reminded of all of the gifts within the time that is your alone :) Thank you Tanya for sharing such a gentle and beautiful example.
That was very nice!
How can we love and be with others if we cannot bear to be alone and love ourselves. This reminds me of Oriah Mountain Dreamer's poem, "The Invitation." She writes, "I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
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