The Dalai Lama once said that the most generous act there is, compassion, is actually a selfish act: "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

What does generosity mean to you? Why do you give? What can you give? Here are some thoughts from a group of volunteers for ServiceSpace, an organization that focuses on the practice of selfless generosity and small acts of kindness. How would you answer these questions for yourself?


 Your Name: Email:
  • jasmine

    The idea is inspiring. I do it all the time but I see that people take it as "people-pleasing" ! OR a sign of weakness!! The only thing I didn't like about the video is Mother Theresa reference. They are many other great people besides Theresa / Gandhi (who in reality have not been transparent).

  • Becky

    Thank you for this awe inspiring video on generosity!

  • Oulli

    Thank you for reminding me what's important in life.

  • Tom

    My first thought is selfish and generosity doesn't sound very generous. We decided to add selfless and the expression seemed to have more flow. "Today you will learn how you can be selfish through being being selfless and generous. We have an advisory period once a week at the high school. We will make up a lesson using the Ripple Effect and the Generosity video. At the end of the lesson we will have students have the option of picking up a smile card and/or writing an appreciation (every other Friday at lunch students can write an appreciation and the Interpersonal Communications/Peer Helping class will pass them out). Thank you for sharing this with 900 students at West Valley HS.

  • Madeleine

    I know that feeling that generosity leaves in me and I need to be reminded of it. In this world, we are often encouraged to be selfish and goal oriented and we receive cold treatment from others. Therefore, films like this remind us of what is truly "real" in this world.

  • melissa

    Thank you for making an authetic video about the human spirit - it made me smile and filled my soul :) I am excited to notice how our community will transform as this movement continues to pick up momentum.

  • Bradley

    Generosity makes one's life meaningful.

  • David

    Generosity can be the most selfish act of all.

  • Sherry

    Wonderful! Love the sense of community!

  • Haricharan Das

    Generosity is the practical practice of supporting your infinite Self. Important and lovely video.

  • sridevi


  • Jeffrey F. Dean

    The generosity

  • Hope

    Thank you for Beautiful Reminders....compassion & generosity are the highest purest forms of love.

  • KarmaTube

    Hi Manish, Can you try to again? It works for us.

  • manish

    didnot able to see videos

  • Teesta

    Truly touched and comply with the idea. I have practiced it at my level best, as sufferings and pain makes one more compassionate and generous.

  • nickson b

    to meet donors

  • Evelyn

    How simple it is to be generous

  • lance

    what inspired me is the fact that i have been practising this over the last year or two. I find great joy in stopping at intersections and allowing other drivers to come out(despite the honking behind me) When i go to a store,i make it my business to utter words of encouragement to the clerks and cashiers. I also go out of my way to be kind to persons who do not share my ethnicity. It really feels good to smile at others,utter kind words and go out of my way to assist others.

  • Jessica

    That it is so simple, and it doesn't have to be this huge organized situation to be able to give to your best ablity. But rather giving each day in every moement, with a space of presence,awareness and love is all it takes.

  • Sandi

    Doing for others

  • wendy

    yes, yes, yes

  • Val Tramonte

    Thanks for a wonderful Christmas gift. I appreciate your message and also you for making this video and sharing with others. It was very inspiring and motivating.

  • Sharon

    Blessings Namaste

  • Ana

    I swaped my MSN home page for the Daily Good, and I must say it makes a world of difference to be greated each day with positive and uplifting news. I feel very blessed to be part of the volunteers group of the helpothers, it is truly heart warming to be among the most beautiful people of the planet. Thank you for everything that you do, and for all the love that you put in everything that you do. With your help we will change the world, one act of kindness at a time. Love and Light and a Million Smiles for each of you.

  • Maria

    Wonderful!!! as everything you do! Thank you for all the inspirations and for letting us know who is who! Blessings to all of you..

  • Matt

    Good stuff

  • Alan Zulch

    That was wonderful. It makes me reflect on what small (yet powerful, like exchanging one's coveted seat on an airplane) things I can do during my day to become less "me" and more "we". Thank you for this inspiration.

  • Scott Broadbent

    thank you for this work. It's very inspiring.

  • Tomithy

    Cheers to the powerful ideas of giving and receiving. I want people around me to be beautiful. I want them to be adorned with hope, love for Life. (=

  • Page 1

  • This film about generosity was itself a gift made by filmmakers David and Hi-Jin Hodge. Express your gratitude by writing them a thank you note!
  • Explore ServiceSpace and its Smile Card project. Perform an act of kindness, reflect on the experience and share your story.
  • The greatest gift you can give anyone is being the best version of yourself in any given moment. You are capable of more than you know -- try it and see what happens!

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