Ta'Kaiya Blaney isn't your average 10 year old. An accomplished singer, Ta'Kaiya is also deeply passionate about ocean and marine life. "Shallow Waters" is one of 5 songs released by Ta'Kaiya to raise awareness about a proposed oil pipeline from the Alberta Tar Sands. In a sad turn of events that proved Ta'Kaiya right, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico happened soon after the song was finished.


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  • Deb

    I watch the video of you singing "Earth Revolution" on the Series "Save My Tomorrow" just a few min ago. Saying your voice and words touched me deeply would be a big understatement! The program came on while I was working in the kitchen and was basically just noise in the background. When I heard you sing I came in and sat down and am now watching the program instead of what I was doing. This program is so powerful and every one of the kids in it are doing an amazing job of spreading their message to save our planet! Thank you for what you are doing! You are such a beautiful, intelligent and talented girl with a big message! Thank you!

  • Judith Whittier

    Thank you so much Ta'Kaiya! I work in a Lab testing water and wastewater to insure safe drinking water and a cleaner environment. Some days it does feel like drudgery, but your beautiful song reminds me why I do what I do, and brings me peace. You are a promise of the generation which must carry on and protect the environment.

  • emmo

    she's 10 years old ? so 10 years ago a star was born. Brilliant.

  • Stefany Schabernak

    When I was at the Comox "No Tankers" rally I heard Ta'kaiya's angelic voice for the first time. To say that her song resonated deeply with me, would be but an understatement. I was not only touched by her lyrical content  anchored in honest truth, but also moved to tears of joy and happiness.  The inspiration she offered us all, whom stood gathered collectively with open hearts and minds, was truly motivational and powerful. Ta'Kaiya, thank you so very much for your beauty and grace; the courage you possess to stand up in a crowd and share your brilliant wisdom through song for all to hear. You have so many of us singing your praise for the efforts you make to shift this collective human consciousness into a more compassionate place! May you always have sunshine in your heart! ~*~Stefany~*~

  • Anne

    Hello, this is Ta'kaiya's parent...this video was made with much of Ta'kaiya's input. She co-wrote the song because she was afraid that the oil companies would do damage to the beautiful ocean she loves as well as the earth, rivers, and animals. The name Ta'Kaiya is actually 2 Sliammon words...Kaiya means water and Ta means that or special...combining together, her name means Special Waters...Ta'Kaiya has been blessed with the gift of song and speech...Ta'Kaiya has written a new song that will be along the same lines of protecting the earth...The new song is Earth Revolution (ER). ER asks people to stand up and join in the ER...generation now, we know the difference of right and wrong. Ta'Kaiya is now on her way across Canada speaking against the Northern Gateway Pipeline...she is speaking and standing with the chiefs...As a parent of this little girl, I am constantly amazed and humbled that we have been given the responsibility of guiding her and providing her with the avenues to reach out and bring her message to the people...so far she has brought her message to Indonesia, James Bay, Toronto, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Fort St. James, Prince Rupert, Bella Bella, Comox, Victoria, Washington, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and she is still going. Ta'Kaiya will spread the message and we will be there for her. Please keep her in your prayers.

  • Aine

    Thank you Ta'Kaiya for putting such an important message so beautifully in song.

  • lynnescape

    Hi, Ta'Kaiya. Are you planning to come to the rally in Comox against Enbridge? It will be on Saturday at the Comox Community Centre. We are hoping for a huge turnout. One of us has done a remake on Adele's song, Rolling in the Deep and it would be awesome if you could sing with us. And of course, we would love to hear you sing your beautiful "Shallow Waters" OUR COAST! OUR DECISION! NO PIPELINE! NO TANKERS! RALLY MARCH 31 COMOX REC. CENTRE 1:00 P.M. 1855 NOEL AVE. The National Energy Board Joint Review Panel for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project is holding hearings in Comox at the Comox Rec. Centre on March 30 and 31. People from every corner of Vancouver Island and southern BC are expected to converge at this two day event. The Comox Valley chapters of the Council of Canadians and the Sierra Club are calling on all concerned British Columbians to stand up for: - the environment, - the rights of First Nations through whose lands the pipeline will pass, - those whose livelihoods and way of life will be irreparably harmed by an oil spill, and - our democratic right to participate in making the decisions which impact our land and waters as well as our social and economic environment. As has been the case at previous sessions in Calgary, Edmonton and Northern BC the vast majority of the people who will address the Panel will be expressing their opposition to the Northern Gateway Project, an Enbridge pipeline from Bruderheim, Alberta to Kitimat to facilitate tanker shipments to Asia, endangering the Great Bear Rain Forest and hundreds of rivers and streams as well as the waters of Douglas Channel and the coast. The danger is very real. The Polaris Institute reported in 2008 that Enbridge’s own data revealed 610 spills from Enbridge pipelines from 1999 to 2008. In July 2010 there was a spill in the Kalamazoo River in Michigan which the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports as “the largest inland oil spill in Midwest history”, of at least 840,000 gallons of oil. The cleanup of that spill is not yet completed. People are asked to bring their own signs and to wear blue to symbolize the ocean waters that we are bound to protect. Speakers at the rally include local environmental activists as well as representative of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union and the Dogwood Initiative which has spearheaded the No Tankers campaign. “With both the Harper and Clark governments pushing for less regulation and environmental protection so that mining and other resource extraction projects can be fast-tracked, and doing it without our permission”, said Mike Bell of the Sierra Club, “it’s time to make our voices heard”. Gwyn Frayne, local spokesperson for the Council of Canadians, called on everyone to “stand against pipelines and tankers, stand up to Big Oil and Gas, stand with indigenous communities, and stand up for future generations, and ensure that the Northern Gateway Project is defeated.” Parking will be limited so car pooling is recommended. The official hearings will be in the Rec Centre on Friday, March 30 and Saturday, March 31. The actual start and stop times each day is to be confirmed the week prior. Local organizers have not been able to get any more specific information from the Joint Review Panel at this time but expect to be able to provide more details the week before the hearings. Other organizations and individuals locally as well as in other Island communities, Including the Wilderness Committee and Dogwood Initiative are organizing for a large convergence in Comox on March 31. For information about transportation from outside the Comox Valley: bit.ly/comoxorbust. For more information about the hearings and rally check facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/365883920095408/ or call 250-335-0850 Northern Gateway Hearings - Comox Rally docs.google.com

  • scott norton

    What touched me was a 1O yr old knows whats right for our mother earth and so many adults out there dont. Way to use your voice girl wish more people would listen

  • Bob MecLean

    The heartfelt tone of this gitl's voice and pure delivery. The transparent absurdity of the messy tar sands method! The joke of an overblown carbon footprint transportation!

  • AB

    Her and her message are inspiring. What an exceptional young lady.

  • Peggy

    Indeed. Out of the mouths of babes. How could anyone not be moved by this child and her song and her message. Short of pressuring our politicians and donating funds to environmental agencies, what measures can an individual take on this issue?

  • Judith Botterill

    What inspired you about this video?Everything, from the outset I was in tears. Emilia's comment was exactly what I thought. This child is so wise, her instincts so perfect, an angel we must heed. I for one would have no problem at all following her lead, and I am coming up 72 so am in a hurry to see something honest and true and unvarnished in the way of moving the agenda forward. Ta'Kaiya, you have inspired me not to give up - when I cried it was with relief and hope and renewed determination. How can we keep up with what you are doing, and contribute in our own home areas? Thank you for sharing, beautiful soul!

  • Mark C. Sabatini

    Children are far closerr to the Creator. Listen very carefully. They have the answers without disdainful political posturing, misguided economic speculation, and the jaded views of weary society...

  • Shanti

    The Angle baby Ta'Kaiya sings a very beautiful inspiring song.We all should take our responsibility for not polluting the WATER. Our earth should be clean and green for which water plays a vital role.Clean and fresh water is most for all of us.

  • Tina

    Wow, throught the eyes of a child!!!

  • julie

    Ta'Kayla's leadership and unfettered belief that she will make a difference,regardless of her age, is an inspiration. Go girl! Everyone will follow.

  • Glenna

    Her Deep Passion and belief for something didn't stop her from speaking. When they didn't listen to her she never gave up....Shallow Waters is a beautiful way of expression. I think she has made a difference, at least people listen now. Great example of dedication and determination. Too bad we don't have more like her in this world and if we do maybe it will inspire others to come forward. Strength of many can make a difference.

  • Shannon

    If we do nothing... it will all be gone.


    Even if we know it as true, we can in no way participate in the outdated, rotten, network of democracy and its infrastructure. We know many things. We cant do anything. A few can damage the earth and the future earth of our children. How can they do harm ? And we are unable to do good? Except singing and praising the song? What activism can we show? What are the NGOs doing? We got to have a good infrastructure where we will be heard and the life on earth should stand corrected immdtly. But it will not be allowed to happen, because the profit of some vital few people will be affected. This is the fact. People make money, dump the waste, and walk away. We too each one of us. We are all responsible for the sufferings that we face. We get back what we give to the earth. No one will escape the laws of biology. Let us unite and think and do something about our own lives. Gandhian way is the best. Avoid those products that spoil the sea by transportation. Think and do. Director, sunflowerdance.com for biological welfare and protection

  • Marylou

    Our voices have weight, but if we keep silent no one would know what we feel. When are we going to reach the point when we had enough of allowing a few to use, manipulate, and damage nature, which does not belong to no one?

  • Emilia

    Everything about this video rings true, from T'Kaiya's purity of heart to the pure truth of the message. How can we not act when truth is so elegantly revealed to us?! "Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues." Baha'u'llah

  • Elizabeth

    It is December, I am writing my serman and am reminded of the phrase, and a little child shall lead them." Once again we are invited to see through the eyes of a child and make a world of difference in our global community.

  • Barb

    The wisdom and depth of this young girl is a sign of hope and a challenge not to give up and to contact Our legislative representatives!

  • Edward Morningstar

    I was touched by this child's beautiful and heartfelt singing. It is time to think about our legacy to future generations. It is time to heed these words of wisdom, and take action to safeguard our environment.

  • Jim Gerlach

    It brought tears to my eyes and soul to see such a precious child singing of aspects of humanity that never need to happen if the petrochemical interests are overruled by the hearts of humanity to grassroots release the use of earth's precious free energy field to provide all the energy needs humanity will ever have with no pollution and no cost.

  • Dawn Marie Keller

    What inspired you about this video? I can't believe there is only 1 comment. I"m very surprised that my friend who shared this did not make a comment on here. Her voice was like an angel singing, she is a sweet, innocent looking child, I believe she is going to grow up to be absolutly beautiful (mind, body & soul) I would like to know if she wrote the song & there was an amazing story there that she told. I love the fact that she work her native clothing, I especially loved the hat especially w/her long silky hair showing. I also would like to know if Ta'Kaiya had any input on the video either way the video was very informative, creative, disturbing, & peacful. <3 Take your passion into you adulthood Ta'Kaiya <3 Dawn Marie Keller Shirley, New York, USA

  • nani

    beautifull childrens voises

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