Few things take our breath away so easily, so seamlessly as images of our world. Sit back for the next two minutes and let the spectacle of our cosmos fill your senses. The deep emotional relationship we feel to our planet is evident. Happy new year!


 Your Name: Email:
  • James

    Great video. Can we also see a version in real time please? - it was all over too quickly.

  • Dennis

    I named my first son aurora he was born on 4/02/2011 the auroras danced in the sky the night of his birth what an awesome gift

  • Monica

    Hard to believe something like this can be real-it's mystical and magnificent that nature can produce such bearty

  • Kathy

    The sheer beauty is breath taking. How fortunate we are to live on such a beautiful planet.

  • happy face

    Become one with nature

  • Sonny

    Deep appreciation and awe.

  • Giselle

    When it's sped up like that, I can see the origin of the phenomena much clearer. We have such a beautiful planet. Too bad we're trying so hard to kill it.

  • Melodie

    The total beauty and magic of it all

  • jagan

    cosmic neons! makes us all the more humble to know that whatever we do is only a part of the grand WHOLE

  • Jackie

    BEAUTIFUL! Simply Magnificent! Thank you LORD for your wonderful works. Bless the work of YOUR hands.

  • Joshua Thangaraj

    I have read about the Aurora Borealis. I have imagined how it would be. But this blew me. I did not realise it would be so awesome. "Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee. How great Thou art, how great Thou art." What else can be our response. Wish I could visit Finland.Thank you for this wonderful treat. I saw it first on the supposedly end of the world day.... 21.12.12. This world should not end. We should preserve it with more sensitivity.

  • alyce

    A very dear Facebook friend who had a heart transplant posted it on her Timeline and wrote: "we have to treat the earth better.. for our childrens children." I did not know what karma or our children's future has to do with Aurora Borealis, nor what Karmatube is, so I watched it. Does make me want to visit Finland...

  • brigitte

    the beauty,the dead of night,and what happens out there when we are too busy to watch

  • Billie

    At the beginning it was working, then the sound and picture became static. What I saw at the beginning took my breath away as I saw the Power of God and the Universe displayed for us to connect with.

  • Mara

    It's amazingg what Mother Nature shows us, I wish I could see THOSE every day!

  • Alice

    So much energy in our cosmos. If only we knew how to capture it and use it.

  • Kateanna

    Mother Earth is amazing, let's all treasure MOther Earth and Mother Oceans..without them we will not survive.

  • liberty

    One of the wonders of our Galaxy viewed from our beautiful earth

  • Eileen

    It made my heart sing!

  • D.R.Bhagat

    the nature is exciting

  • Dhirajlal

    the creator of the universes and all of us gave us a glimpse of who he is by way of these lightes

  • Belina

    This video reminded how surreal and omnipotent the northern lights were in Michigan where my son was born. Aurora Borealis is Mother Nature showing her veiled essence of amazing illumination upon Mother Earth.

  • ArunChikkop

    Wow... This Video makes me realize to love my world more and more...0 Thank you so much for shooting it...

  • Mrigdev

    Full of knowledge.

  • Wendy

    Absolutely incredible. Mother nature at her best. BEAUTIFUL

  • Marilyn

    Bless the Lord, oh my soul! Oh, Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with honor and majesty, You, Who covers Yourself with light as a garment, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain. Ps. 104:1&2

  • David Edwards

    The cosmic concert -- joyous celebration of life...of Love...of wonder...

  • annie

    Mother Earth is so gorgeous !

  • lucinda

    Thank goodness our Earth has its magnetic field!

  • ganesh

    Nature is supreme, no doubt.

  • Woody

    the judicious combination of music and lights!

  • Noor a.f

    It is very nice and I like good weather. today rains messed me and my cloths. thank you for the broadcast and yesterday's was very nice.

  • Herb Neu

    Synchronizing music to the video was a brilliant idea. Living in the southern U.S., I miss the awesome beauty of the Aurora Borealis. I would love to visit Finland and wish that I could.

  • deborah

    lovely, spititual and then i realized it was an ad for Finland...ok still great but if the ad was up front I would be less irked!!

  • Gary

    Light, sound and sight - all gifts of our Mother, nature, our source of being and creation.

  • Fiona

    Absolutely beautiful. What is the music?

  • Carmen Lopez

    Impressive, very beautiful, a piece of Godly perfect Art and Tranquillity. I never have been there but now I am dreaming of being able to contemplate this personally at least once in my life.

  • Bobbie

    The Northern Lights are calling me - now I want to go to Finland.

  • Jeffrey F. Dean

    The Beauty of it and the majesty. The Danger posed.

  • Michelle

    "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalm 19:1

  • Janvie

    I teared up at the memory of my first time seeing the beauty of the Aurora Borealis...Thank you for the memories. Beautiful!

  • shiffy

    its breath taking views

  • pat

    Life on earth so beautiful and wonderful feeling so relaxing like walk outside of the world and follow that gorgeous out to another world. Really fantastic.



  • Marie

    Firstly its beauty, secondly the touch it gave to my heart and soul, thirdly, it reminded me of my two years spent living with the Polar Eskimos in N.W. Greenland. A truly 'awe-some' display of the magic that exists between the worlds. Beyond words, it reminds us also of the staggering divine powers of nature. Thank you, Marie

  • Bob Forlaw

    God's greatness

  • Kathy

    Just how beautiful our earth really is and how we take it for granted daily. We need to stop and take just one moment to really look around us and see what God gave us and take care of it or it will soon be gone.

  • Debalina Roy

    Aurora, The amazing flash of light captures my mind It evokes stillness in the deep regions of my heart I see beauty,calmness and peace In the amalgamation of colours that passes by me.

  • Prema Bhat

    This the most beautiful and awesome natural display that reinforced my faith in the almighty

  • Tedd

    This has to be the most beautiful thing I've seen on my computer.

  • Jaffray

    As an eight year old wayup in the far north o Scotland, my pal an I would watch the Arora Borealis dance across the sky, and never did we forget just how awesome nature was and is, more so the man who actually was able to tell us just what it was!To view it on this delightful video brings back those memories,it is a magical display.

  • Eliane

    Hmmmm ... beautiful theater of nature

  • deepak

    Stunning , Thank you .

  • zitreva

    . . . to the "I AM"; thank you.

  • Prakash

    Laser show by GOD

  • Karen

    Egg on face.... I played with the video, and got it to work. Glad I stuck with it. Thank you so much... Namaste!

  • Karen

    I was really enjoying the video and excited to send it forward to friends and family. But it won't go past 47 seconds. Can you send me another link? Or a resend?

  • Jane

    We are all part of the same immense and beautiful universe, and it is wonderful.

  • Solinda

    No yelling here... I CAN'T OPEN THE VIDEO. CAN YOU SEND A LINK?



  • Tony

    The Love of GOD for mankind. A love that never ends, regardless of what us sinners do in this world of His. He give us borrowed time in this world, so we can earn an eternaty with him.

  • Clara

    I was overcome with a sense of awe, peace, love and oneness. This is just a gentle reminder that Gaia loves us.

  • Juhi

    the feeling of the Universe playing a grand symphony. :)

  • Loretta

    This is how I visualize God conducting our universe. Passionate with tremendous energy!

  • ALex Tanti

    Whichever country you love in, step aside from the light and look up, step away from all distractions and concentrate, think not about wants but mindfully about all that is around us...

  • basant

    This really inexplicable...i am stupefied after watching the beauty of our planet..great 1!!!

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the Aurora Borealis.
  • Learn more about Finland where you can view Aurora Borealis yourself.
  • Go outside at night and look up, wherever you are, whatever you can see. Soak up the beauty, power and potential of the night sky.

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