Tired of hearing about the negative in your neighborhood? Well, so were these high school kids, who started a program, now sponsored by the City of Rochester, NY, to reward the positive. Each summer, the youth walk around different neighborhoods, looking for the good. And if they spot it, they hand out a ticket: A Positive Ticket.


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  • patjos

    Wonderful way to go guys!

  • Sidonie Grace

    Kudos! That's a really cool way of taking action. There's so much to appreciate and be grateful for... Truly heartwarming. Onward!

  • Barbara

    Yeah for Rochester - where I grew up! It's good to see our young people making a positive influence!! More communities should adopt this program.

  • Patty

    This is a wonderful way of changing the focus and getting feet moving for the betterment of everyone and everything. As we look for the good and praise IT, our eyes start seeing everything in a different light and this shifts the whole energy of who, what, and where we are. This is a great program for young and old. Let's pay it forward.

  • Cheri Levine

    YAY ROCHESTER!!! I'm proud that MANY adults in this city - my community - volunteer like I do. It's wonderful that the kids are now involved in positive acts.

  • Ann Campy

    I love the fact that it was started by High School kids

  • Veronica K

    This video represents all that I stand for in my community and the world in general. WE have to look through the lens of the positive when the rest of the world and the media is telling us otherwise. As an environmentalist our organization works with youth Eco Ambassadors to look for the "green" in their community. Green represents life.

  • Patrick Watters

    Do good, reward good, change your the world. }:- ❤️ anonemoose monk

  • Bodhi Goforth

    I loved that these youth are aligning with the highest good by recognizing and appreciating it in others in a public setting. Beautiful! :)

  • Page 1

  • Fill your days with positive instead of negative news. DailyGood syndicates the best of the good news from around the world.
  • The world is filled with kindness if you know where to look. Check out the some of the stories on KindSpring.
  • The next time you see someone doing something positive in your neighborhood, make a point to share your appreciation.

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