It is not unusual for high school graduates to take a year off to "find" themselves before starting college. And that's exactly what Maggie Doyne intended to do. At age 18, she strapped on a backpack and headed for the South Pacific Islands to start her trip around the world. Several months later, she traveled to a remote village in Nepal, where she felt a deep sense of belonging - a sense of home. Distressed by seeing so many working children, many of them orphans, she decided to sponsor the education of one child. Soon, one became five, then ten, and Maggie very quickly realized that she wanted to build a home where these children could live. In five short years, this 23 year old has built a home for 30 children, as well as a primary school for 230 children. Listen to Maggie's story and find out the dream she wants to realize in her lifetime.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Marji GreenSpring

    I also fell in love with Nepal. I did volunteer work at a school and with a organization that put street children in school. Over 20 years later one child now a young man picked me up in his car from the airport. I learned a lot from him about his journey and what happened to other children I knew. I would like to help fund your work. I no longer travel that far.

  • Jugita

    Thank you so much.....Maggie,I want to visit your village,here is my email

  • chad harper

    Maggie, I would like to visit your village. I work with kids in Kenya and Nicaragua and plan to do a similar thing. i would like to come and volunteer with you and learn from your process. Here is my email

  • Sandra Schemmer

    Youth, energy and enthusiasm. Does she know about Room to They might build a library for her school. It''S a story similar to Maggie's that became a big success. Get in touch with them. Send them this video.

  • Gail

    Thank you, Maggie, for your heartfelt, hard work and dedication to this vital issue, especially the education and empowerment of women as we work for the betterment of humankind;) In addition to well-spoken and engaging storytelling, you are gifted with an intrinsic sense of Mahatma Gandhi's "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" (or, for younger generations, Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror;). You are inspiring and beautiful through and through, I'm so grateful and happy to know you are in the world!

  • Jayant

    At the age of 60+ I feel like leaving everything and DO anything something for anybody somebody without anything. Start without anything and God will fill it with Good things around. Hats of to this YOUNG GIRL - no MOM of most affectionate kids in her world. God bless you. Please let me know her contact details and I will explore the possibility of helping her the way she wants.

  • John

    What an AMAZING young woman. Such an inspiration of what can be accomplished. I am sharing of FB & Twitter with great enthusiasm!

  • Sheila

    She is an inspiration and a role model ! Bravo.

  • Mariana R

    “Holy the supernatural extra brilliant intelligent kindness of the soul!” ― Allen Ginsberg

  • Lenny

    What a gal!!!!

  • ad rovner

    thank's. how can i contact maggie?

  • Nischal

    I left my country in search of better opportunities !! and you went to my country to find the opportunity !!! (as you said, the happiness, the heaven and the paradise) ! what an irony !? I see hundreds of young ladies with their partners enjoying in clubs and beaches here, and you are serving some of the the poorest orphan kids in another part of the world! God bless you and give you more strength to complete your mission! A lot of respect to you.

  • Aruna

    What inspired you about this video? You are god sent lady?

  • Stanley Stephen Sesuraj G

    its relay Gods work thanking s to you young lady , when we are helping poor people there we can see the GOD.

  • Punya Rai

    My respect for this humble Lady. You touches my heart. God bless you old soul. You the a super lady. Respect, love, and blessings to your end. You are one god soul. xox

  • Loni

    To know that Maggie had the the life that she did without the struggles ...and yet she could empathize and do something about the struggle these children are faced with is inspirational beyond my imagination! Especially the extent of the action she took!!!!! I am 63 and having difficulty with my walking - but would love to help out by teaching in her school ....It would be such a privilege!!!!! I do think that she is right about youth in that they just" do " and don't think about whether or not they can!

  • Luann

    so close yet so far. That she and those in her care would be reconciled to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • Clliff

    The way the world responded to this video inspired me. Its amazing to me that humans can be so supportive of one another and also so toxic to one another. When I see the supportive things I always think that its so obvious that this is how we should be treating one another. Its healthy for everyone. War, violence, and human injustice are basically a disease. We are not meant for that by design, in my opinion. Its not healthy for anyone involved.

  • lili shang

    Everything about this young woman touched my heart. Her life is inspiring and I would like to share it in a children's book.

  • Ruthanne

    This beautiful girl following her heart - having the courage to GO forward and create. She was not thinking about what she would give up of her own education, career possibilities, or other material wants. She just followed HER INSPIRATION! Wow! What a statement for our world. These "kids' are the future. We shall indeed see a world that works for everybody! Thank you for telling her story.

  • Parag

    She is so inspiring & convincing & simple. Wish we all had courage & dedication she has. This world would be a different (better) place.

  • Nikhil

    It is just heart-warming to see a girl of her age being so proactive and taking the initiative to change the lives of those around her. I am very inspired. Congrats Maggie, I hope to do something like you one day soon.

  • Clint

    I was inspired by the courage and bravery of an 18yr old girl. How money or failure didn't phase her. What an inspiration. A truly touching account of a dream well lived. Maggie you are incredible.

  • Jenny

    EVERYTHING inspired me about this video!! wow.

  • Andrea

    wow!she's AMAZING!

  • Gavin Blowman

    You inspired me to tears, Maggie. You are love.

  • AJ

    She accomplished my long time dream. Would love to come help.

  • Hanish Sankhla

    Maggie you are a super star more than hollywood.I'm speechless.Wanna join you help you as volunteer in your project. How can I contact you?I'm a Yoga teacher in India.

  • C.JANE Hunnicutt

    What inspired you about this video? FIGHTING costs WAY MORE than FEEDING !! Get with the program folks! Feed ALL children Educate ALL people to feed themselves and others Our right is to establish ideal human habitat; our DUTY for 7 generations. ALL kept as PUBLIC BENEFIT controlled only by real HUMANS, on GAIA our living planet. All women know we share feelings, because we are 52% of the world population and commit less than 2% of violent crimes. The majority of other crimes women commit concern food and life needs for their children. Women share/generate a CoJOINed Electrical Field. We all feel together! At least half the men also see/share the same electrical field, from birth and are able to feel the same consciousness of life as women. Note the name… Co means together as equals in collective agreement JOIN implies YOU have a CHOICE ….. the capital letters state ALL or NADA in OR out. The Electrical Field itself is the means by which we pray or meditate. Worldwide our faces signal our prayers hopes visions and intentions. Whether or not any human "believes" in any religion or pledges allegiance to any flag or cause, we are able to communicate using this network. Faces show our Emotional Reality.

  • Stella Jane

    What inspired you about this video?I've had this same vision for all my life, now 70 YRS old, and THIS is my spiritual granddaughter! Beyond joy is the feeling I have from this woman's compassion.... THANK YOU MAGGIE DOYNE At age 25 I experienced and realized that Our right is to establish ideal human habitat; our DUTY for 7 generations. ALL kept as PUBLIC BENEFIT controlled only by real HUMANS, on GAIA our living planet. FOOD CEREMONIES generate PEACEFUL COMMUNICATION Gather in fields: the congregation. Plant seeds: the ceremony. PRAY during the growing/watering. Share WORLDWIDE: the communion. PEACE and planting our true way of life. 99% feel the same ...... Feed ALL Children Educate ALL People #p/u/6/DSmzhxoSqew PEACE BIRD in the sky! GIANT Bird appeared during peace prayer #p/u/6/_d8l_enMWT4 Plant in peace, xo*J Please BEE REAL -- get a hive going with somebody anywhere! BEE ProACTIVE

  • Stella Jane

    ALL who are inspired, practice THIS where YOU are....find others and do it!!! Feed ALL children Educate ALL people -- how to feed each other Our right is to establish ideal human habitat; our DUTY for 7 generations. ALL kept as PUBLIC BENEFIT controlled only by real HUMANS, on GAIA our living planet. FOOD CEREMONIES generate PEACEFUL COMMUNICATION Gather in fields: the congregation. Plant seeds: the ceremony. PRAY during the growing/watering. Share WORLDWIDE: the communion. PEACE and planting our true way of life. 99% feel the same ...... Feed ALL Children Educate ALL People #p/u/6/DSmzhxoSqew PEACE BIRD in the sky! GIANT -- appeared during a peace prayer #p/u/6/_d8l_enMWT4 Plant in peace, xo*J Please BEE REAL -- get a hive going with somebody anywhere! BEE ProACTIVE

  • Laura

    Wow, so Powerful Maggie!!! When we open to the voice of our heart everything is possible! Sending much Love and Blessings and an Intention for myself to listen to the voice of my heart and the hearts of my family and community, and the world. To release all fear and step into how I can best serve. Thank you for your heart Maggie and inspiration!!!

  • Jane

    Thank you for sharing your amazing story, you touched my heart watching it as I have too traveled and been with the children of Tibet, and I so longed to do something of them, but you have and I am so grateful that you have. Love to support you in your mission.

  • Saskia Friedrich

    everything! wow.

  • Shakti

    She is so amazing, God Bless you Maggie:)

  • Gudula

    very touching and inspiring ... thank you so much !!! ... let me know, how I can help ... I love to support <3

  • Rachel MacDonald

    So fabulous! She inspires me to do what my heart has wanted for the past 30 years or more - bring more love by making art, music and helping people connect with the earth and find their own joy....! A mother of 30 at 23. She's so giving and just kept going and going, I love that. I want to do that too with my gifts! Does she have a website or project site to help the other 80 million? And how does she get money to pay for the kids ' food etc? I guess as she continues, God will continue to provide through the good people that know about her and her family. Peace and joy to you and your kids! God bless.

  • Irena

    God bless you Maggie! I love your passion and strength and you are such an inspiration to me and I love to be a grandmother to your children and I will try to support you.

  • Rahul Himanti Pandey

    Great work Maggei. i m gald about your story well I take this opportunity to introduce myself as a Director and a film maker. I have been working in Indian TV and film industry for ten years.Now, i making Documentaries, TV series and films for channels and other source of mass media. i saw your profile and something motivate me to communicate with you well i m working on travel show based on women's all over the world. for Discovery channel and i want shoot your life story please soon contact me.. Respectfully Thank you so much Regards, Rahul Himanti Pandey E-mail:, Facebook:

  • Yantri

    Her delivery was so emotionally present with the story... a wonderful actress aligning all of our expressive capability to the resonance of our life possibility, reminding us to do the same.

  • Aiesha

    An amazing girl, such wonderful work she does for the children truly an angel, anything is possible if you believe .

  • Tabitha

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Such an Inspiring story. I am going to share this with my 2 children, and family & friends. It starts with one, we are the change we've been looking for, everyone can make a difference, big or small. So much love & Infinite Blessings. Namaste. _/l\_

  • Patricia

    her enthusiasm, her courage, the plans that she made with such lack of resources. The kids that have benefited from her dream and will continue to survive and thrive simply because she believes in herself and the "can do" attitude to reach her dream of providing a better life to the children of the world.

  • Vicki R.

    I think Maggie Doyle is a prime example of what we need to teach our future generations! I guess we all need to awaken to look at what we can do to help. Even if we cannot help in a monetary way we can pray for those that need our help.The power of prayer and meditation can bring us into alignment to begin to change this beautiful world to a place for all to live in peace and security!!!

  • Samir

    Amazing woman. She is so real. Bless her heart and may she be happy and succeed in her vision.

  • ana


  • Dnyanesh

    This just tell us whatever execues we give to oursleves for not doing even 1% of what Maggie has done is all thrash. Just get up boys and do something meaningful in life. Just do it now!!!!

  • Britta

    What inspired you about this video? Her passion, her genuine wish to make a change

  • Susana

    How incredibly beautiful and Inspiring Maggie! Finding your true passion, your mission, your purpose in this life, finding what you can give to this world and can fulfill you, that is the true goal of every single life on earth. She is a great example to follow: find your purpose, find yourself and you will know how to give to the world and how to be truly happy.

  • Steve is Maggie's organization in the USA which financially supports the Kopila Valley Children's Home & School in Surkhet, Nepal. She is now building her children a high school...

  • Frances Anne Brown

    We can bring Love Peace Harmony to All of Humanity; one child , one of our elders, one animal, one piece of land, the sea and our atmosphere - One at a time. The Time is Now.. not tomorrow or when, or if.... Now. I would love to share a Soul Song put to lovely music and a movement to bring Love Peace and Harmony to All Souls. This was given to my teacher by the Divine.. He has graciously given it to us. "I love my heart and soul. I love all humanity. Join hearts and souls together. Love Peace and Harmony. Love Peace and Harmony." Listen, download, share and Let us all make a difference. Maggie, You are a remarkable young woman. Blessings to you.

  • linda

    Maggie, you are so precious. You have touched my heart and soul. Namaste.

  • Yola

    A seguir nuestro corazon..... Con pasion y vision... Gracias por la inspiracion!

  • Priti shah

    God give you strength to carry on this good cause further .

  • Tania Fierro

    Her love, passion and vision.

  • Ray Gervais

    Gives me hope that we can change our world for the better. Maggie is an incredible inspiration.

  • Hari Ram Upadhayay

    Maggie, can you tell me where is your Kopila Village home? I am from Nepal.

  • Angelyn

    I love the courage and full on ability to create from this God-given assignment. What an inspiration. I love this story.

  • Shyamal Roy

    What inspired you about this video? " What a story..Maggie you are all the reason for us to give thanks on this Thanksgiving weekend . I would like to connect with you and may even visit you and see I may be of some help in a humble way to achieve your small and Big Do's. Maggie is a special gift to all of us. God Bless you and I am grateful to your parents for sowing the seed love and compassion in your heart. Namaste, Shyamal Roy

  • dolores

    You do not need to give birth to be a mother. Perhaps You only need to meet child that needs You to give him a life, one with the most Basic! Tank You Maggie to bring us down to earth.

  • dawn

    Amazing story, but I am a bit confused. She showed a picture of a girl carrying the duffle bag full of stuff at the beginning and she said that girl broke her heart and is when she started to do something. Then at the end she showed the same girl and said it was only a year ago, and now she is in school. So the sequence of timing. And all the travel, she must have had more than $5000 saved up, she had money for the travel etc. I have to watch it again, but a few things did not add up to me. Otherwise I am truly inspired !!

  • sailesh

    Her heart is in the Right place, and the conviction to follow it is the reason for her vision and dream to become her Reality.

  • Aashka shah

    Every part of the video was inspiring.. I have been looking for something like this for some time now and would really like to join her support those 80 million kids.. Please let me know how can I get in touch with her.. My email is

  • Pamela Johnson

    Amazing. Just amazing what hunger for more, determination, commitment and Providence can do. What a success! Listening to a video that is truly inspiring hope in this world.

  • Tânia Dias

    You are right when you say that being young makes all the difference . I 'm 32 years old , I have a 3 year old daughter and I am very happy that she dosent need to do anything to support anyone and she can just grow up as a... child. This is the right and duty of all children and God should punish how stils thatright from them, how deprive children of being children. But it's true ... and we grow fearful, we found 1001 excuses not to drop everything and go backpacking and make this world a better place to live. I've always had a similar dream... I am an architect and I think we all have a right to a home , a roof above ower heads to protect us from the rain , sun , cold and heat. I am a lover of sustainable architecture and I'm trying to do that, I'm giving my first steps for real! ... All I want to say is, I'll take my daughter and my husband along, but whenever you need just say somthing ... if we can do anything to help improve the lives of these children and can contribute to put smiles on those beautiful faces just get in contact and we will do what we can ! We are bouth architects, and we would love to help.

  • Malcolm Harrison

    Wow! What a star.

  • Bill Kidney

    Maggie, you are not naïve. You are an inspiration. I am going to discuss this with students at my university to look into what we can do to give back to the world. I love that you are a part of this world.

  • jamilya

    Inspired by: Simplicity of following the heart. Starting small down-to-earth and going all the way to the moon.

  • Fatma pierce

    OMG!!! How amazing u r!!!

  • Gail Cutting

    It reminds me that we are so structured in our world. We would not be allowed to do what this girl did without permission and red tape and police checks and the cooperation of the CAS. If we just talk to a strange child on the street, we would looked at strangely or be accused of being a pervert. We tend to go to extremes in the name of helping, and sometimes the wrong people are given too much power. Nothing is simple anymore. She found a place without all the rules and red tape and where average people, with very little themselves, wanted to help. I say, Dream on, Maggie. Make that difference. Good for you.

  • Ava Dolan

    I cried and cried because you are such an amazing selfless person! We all need someone like you to remind us that its not that hard to give and share what you have with others less fortunate. We often loose sight of this in the western world! Thank you

  • Anil Kumar

    Dear Ms Doyne, God bless you give you more strength for such an commendable work, I am from New Delhi, India if i could be of any help please mail me. Regards,

  • Laine

    Thank you Maggie, I have been searching for my gift of service in my life I know it has been a lot of hard work for you, but I can see and feel how fulfilling it is as well. I want to find my service in the world, there I have said it! Blessings to you and your children xoxo

  • Ana

    Maggie if you need a hand to work with you.. Let me know. I can plan it

  • ami Jo

    that she is being and doing as a human in this earth

  • Nelly Juarez


  • Debz Hayes

    Wow what an inspiring young woman you are Maggie, with an enourmous open heart filled with love.. you are showing the world that we can do anything when we put our minds to it.. Fantastic Work ... In all Love With Grace :)

  • Barbi

    so incredible! yes, the power of action & LOVE! such maturity & selflessness & beauty in u Maggie!

  • Lita C

    She is filled with more wisdom and love then she will ever realize. She is a real life Avatar. Thank you for just being….Maggie. Love and Light From a Montessori Teacher

  • Amith Adoor

    Namastey, I am so moved with what you are doing with your life and changing so many lives. I did send a small part of donation to your organisation which I was capable of contributing. But I also take this opportunity to thank you for all you have done, I hope I will inspire many young people around and wish your charitable work all the very best.

  • Nabil M

    You don't know how happy it makes me to see that not all youth are busy raping and getting raped by each other! There is hope!

  • Gloria Meile

    I feel deeply moved by the courageous steps you took. I adopted 2 children from Guatemala ... a chance for them for love, family and education and fullfillment for me as a mother. I tought a guatemaltecan iliterate woman at age of 50 to read and write ... one of the biggest gifts in my life ... he eyes when she could read... Simpy great ...the beauty of your engagement THANK YOU

  • ian

    Thankyou for the reminder:

  • ian

    a beautiful example for us all - sending love and best wishes

  • Frances

    I can surely see and feel her happiness in her eyes and being, what more can a human strive for...she has found nirvava!

  • Wai Quan

    Just so inspirational ... a message to remind us to focus on what matters - filling the hearts with love!


    Incredibly inspiring and humbling

  • Ram

    Simply Amazing. Appreciable. Admirable . Value for love and helping nature of kind young mom.

  • Carol

    Her bravery and courage to do whatever it takes. Just beautiful!

  • james

    your unselfishness make us shame, love you and best luck to your family

  • Madalin

    Beautiful and very inspirational! Thank you Maggie! God bless you!

  • Umesh

    Simply great.....speechless. ...

  • Dinesh

    you inspired me of everything. You are Great.

  • sudarshan prasad

    Its Remarkeble act

  • Kathy Guart

    I always believed god sent us on earth for a purpose and I am so inspired that Maggie was able to fulfilled her purpose of life at such an early age.

  • baboojee

    only bull shit

  • Brian

    Thanks for sharin' Guys...Way to go Maggie! Let's lift her up...That's what "Here we go" means...We we go!...peace

  • Mnimaka

    One human being, knowing she has made a difference in the lives of the generation that follows her.

  • Libby Hall

    The heartfelt authenticity of this amazing (beyond amazing!) young woman. Fires my imagination as to what one person can do by following one's heart.

  • Eva Morales

    What if we all started doing something now? Just imagine!

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Maggie's work through the BlinkNow Foundation. Now that she's a year older, she has 40 kids and is building a high school!
  • Check out the Do Lectures for more inspiring talks from people who are changing the world.
  • Are you living your passion?  Take a step today to follow your heart.

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