After heading the World Health Organization's successful ten year fight to eradicate small pox in South Asia, Dr. Larry Brilliant found himself still consumed with a desire to serve. Inspired by the optimism of WHO epidemiologist Dr. Nicole Grasset who "really believed that the 42 million blind people in the world didn't need to be blind," he and his wife Girija pulled out their eclectic rolodex -- drawing from the diverse realms of public health, spiritualism, technology, and the 1960's counterculture -- to create Seva Foundation. Over the past 35 years, Seva has enabled opthamologists working in 15 countries restore sight to 3 million patients who could not otherwise access or afford treatment.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Tom Limonetti

    Chuck Colby, curious were you ever able to get off the ground with your idea? Feel free to email me at

  • Chuck Colby

    Larry It is so great to see the wonderful results of your work... I have a new is a cane for the blind that can help the other 300 million blind and partially blind People in the world to "see" I need to get it into production ,and since Steve Jobs is no longer around to provide financing like did for Your project, maybe you can direct me to a financing source to get this project off the ground. Thanks Chuck Colby 650-941-9090

  • Eric Taylor

    Nice job. Its wonderful to see Seva getting some more good attention. They deserve it!

  • Page 1

  • Learn about Seva Foundation's work, building partnerships to deliver eye care to some of the world's most vulnerable populations.
  • See how Seva Foundation's early support of an 11 bed eye hospital in South India helped to create one of the most innovative, successful health care delivery systems in the world.
  • Put together a team of friends to do a small service project in your neighborhood.

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