Sandip sheta
Live The Life with Generosity.....
Jacob Cramer
Nipun is such an inspiration, and I love this video not only because he founded service space, but because he really leads by example.
Hyginus Lobo
The sagacity of this individual, his intellectual capability, and most of all his humility which touches a chord in every heart. His innate ability to reach out to people across the spectrum is what makes him so special.
Kristin Pedemonti
Thank you! I had read the text, so grateful to SEE him and HEAR him in action. I am so GRATEFUL for Nipun's service. I've been a fan of service space for a few years & always learn something helpful. He INSPIRES. Tells the Truth, but with a gentleness that speaks to the heart. karma kitchen, <3 Gifting is the Way. I do it with my work and life has never been better. Sold my house and most possessions in 2005 to create/facilitate a volunteer literacy project, now going global and it's ALL Gifting. but in the end, I've received far more than I've ever given. True Story, our capacity to love is a currency that never runs out! Thank you, Nipun, for encouraging ALL to reach out, to give & receive. Hugs from my heart to yours!
Eugen Dabbous
This is good for use Tango dancers here in Beirut! We should all become good dancers, in the way that Mehta is talking about.
Nipun you are awsome.You have inspired me so oftenly and i,m always eager to shair with my team members what i read from you.After listening to this,we will be in a position to serve better.thanks.
Dr.Seshadri Harhar
What inspired you about this video?I was moved to tears at the end of Nipun's soul stirring talk. I don't really know why, but one of the reasons probably is the fact that I have missed so any opportunities to GIVE & Serve that came my way!
This speech was intended to young graduates but I really felt addressed personnally as many people, I think, will when they listen to it. We all more or less experience that state of disconnection and need to be reminded of the antidote. It's an hopeful sign that those young people have chosen such a person as Nipun Mehta as their inspirer.
Very inspiring speech. Serving, receiving , giving and dancing (let go). Thank you Nipun
The word To Dance! which to me is Grace,it is a blessing to hear it from such a young man. and as I believe to dance through life opens our hearts,and souls to the wonderful choice which we have of giving and receiving. This beautiful planet will rest in peace and our future children will become the we! we! we!Teachers. Bless you Nipun, you are priceless.
Thanks guys! Great speech...Generosity will save the planet...balance is also key...just like on an airplane, one must put their own oxygen mask on first, and then can help another...plantin' seeds of hope in another is priceless, and sends miraculous blessings in a person's life and others...keep on plantin'...PEACE
Indeed, someone like Nipun does inspire young people as well as old on how to resurrect one's true destiny...having the capacity to give, receive and dance with a personal mission of being real human beings on this beautiful planet called EARTH!
Nipun insired me and he inspires me all the time. I'm so pleased to be his friend at a distance. Hugs, smiles,. With great gratitude. Conrad
If you do not get your heart tearing on this you do not have a heart. :)
Thank you so much for sharing... the dance of giving and receiving...
I've heard people speak who are great at it and have nothing worth hearing to say. Then I've heard people who struggle to give a speech in front of an audience, but do it anyway and deliver the best messages of all. I like the second kind better =)
You are a true hero. I am so glad you made the "career" choices that you have made. The world is a better place because of you. You have made all of us both students and teachers and we won't stop serving, giving, receiving, or dancing! Thank you Nipun!
Reality with inspiration.. riveting and heartfelt!
Great job Nipun!! So much truth...
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