Four days before his first child was born, Jia Jiang, age 31, quit his job at a Fortune 500 company to follow his dream of "becoming the next Bill Gates." His wife offered to support him for 6 months, but in month 4, Jiang received a crushing rejection from a potential investor. The rejection affected him so badly that he was ready to quit on his dream. Encouraged by his wife to give the venture more time, Jiang decided to undertake a radical therapy to overcome his fear of rejection. Watch the entire video of this frank, funny, talk on Jiang's eventual love affair with rejection.


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  • Learner

    Very inspirational. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and Jiang found success in confronting his fear of rejection head on. Excellent life lesson.

  • chico geton

    chico gote nai uor nod sian twuw wa nahh yo ta llete waye niye.

  • Page 1

  • Follow Jia Jiang's experiments to overcome rejection on his blog, twitter, and FaceBook.
  • Find out more about the World Domination Summit where Jia Jiang's talk received a standing ovation.
  • Have you been too afraid of rejection to pursue a goal? Try a mini version of "rejection therapy" - ask a stranger for something outlandish for three days in a row.

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