Speechless - it is just so beautiful - it shows the potential of humanity to heal the world's problems - just remember we are all connected <3
Barnali Chatterjee
The hug of love for mankind that binds all souls.
All these lovely souls coming together with joy! This is what I want to see in this world. This video is going to be my Christmas "card".
Feeling the heartfelt humanity in all people thru music & love!!!
I loved this video it was so inspirational!!!!! Love, peace and blessings!!!
to my people...(Ellie, Chad, Nick, and Nimo)...how I needed this today. Thank you for giving me a beautiful reason to smile today.
Lucinda Quattrochi
Reminding me that we are all one!
La Vonne
every being. every life. every moment. youʻre my people. i love you.
Ann Nguyen
Many things, but I feel like the most important part is that we are true all connected and when we are able to find the beauty in another, we can work to change things in the world. So glad that Nimo, Chad and Nick along with Ellie Walton made this video. You are all amazing and I am humbled by your work. Thank you.
denise skeeter
2 MY PEEPS:)Ya!!!!
You NEVER disappoint me or my students......thank you!
Amazing! Feeling the love. Great job Nimo, Ellie, and crew...here's to the "people" of the world..much love.
Heck of a challenging message to share but you managed ...thank you for being here with us all, this time, this, space , this moment..we are blessed.
Wonderful, embracing everyone! We are all oneness.
joan amaral
re-ignites faith in humanity. let's keep dancing and loving!
Amazing! Loved this as you encompassed a global feel for unity no matter what their circumstances are. Your music touches the soul and spirit of life. Style of music is irrevelant it is the joy and exuberant Imanner you celebrate all regardless of where or who they are....simply said beautiful, keep spreading your beautiful messages through song it's wonderful
Wonderful~ Thank you To My People!
we are all the same... looking and hoping for the same things... love & life, friends & family.
big smile...the positive vibe of connection~
The sheer exuberant joy flowing out of the people taking part, and knowing that no-matter what age, sexual orientation, gender, colour, race or creed, under the skin we really are all just the same - people who crave a connection. Thank you. Made the hairs stand up on my neck.
The style appeals to young people. Conscious music is so needed amongst our youth. I hope my son bumps into it! Thank you. x
It reminds me always there is reason for HOPE because there are wonderful people and a wonderful world for us to celebrate. Sometimes as people grow older they see only the negative. At 74 years I want to experience the goodness and I want to pass that on. That is what you are doing. Thanks
Sandy Eichler
I want to be a "people", too! Sandy
Oh boy this brings me JOY!!!!!
There are no people who are "better than" or "less than" - we are all just sentient beings doing the best we can to get from birth to death in this wonderful game of life. Celebrate it!
Kristin Pedemonti
lovely. Here's to everyone, they are ALL our people. Ellie, excellent job editing!!!! hug hug hug!
Thankyou so much for the gift of this beautiful music. What inspired me is the beautiful smiling people and the vibrant energy. Many thanks and blessings to you
It's heart of course...It's Love
:) I enjoyed the "REAL PEOPLE" quality about it...thanks, a good song!
Smiles & tears of joy from watching this....such love, such joy there..love this!!! Thank you all!!! x
We are all one - a person is a person only among people...Everyone is an aspect of me.
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