Aaron Zerah
Dear Ones: Bless you for your gifts to the world... So right on about our "empty hands"... and giving... Please seewww.atozspirit.com for more gifts of the spirit... In great kindness, Aaron
I saw Nimo Patel at Mile Hi Church and His music, message and service Inspired Me!!! Namaste!!! <3 :)
My mind felt like an abstract Piccasso painting this morning. Thanks. I needed this for my AM jolt.
How come I can't hear it I can see it.
this is what the world should be like.......my wish
The spirit of acceptance and love and encouragement.
What inspired me about this powerful video is the deep passion of two talented artist collaborating and doing what they love. Rock on Nimo & Ellie....
One world family. Deep human connection. Joy and love. Smile and let the divine light shine.
Paying it forward to everyone. And its infectious.
I love it! Let's put it into practice, live consciously, love which is above all. Our God is a God of Love and we are His Children. Thank you for the song and Let's Keep loving.
So much HEART! So much HAPPINESS! So much PEACE! So much FUN!
Music is a great connector for the love, kindness and Oneness within us all.Thank you, Nimo and friends for another heart-opening,heart-sharing gift. xo
I just came back from 6 weeks on the Big Island of Hawaii and stayed primarily in the Puna district, which is laid back, alternative and not touristy. I experienced what this video shares, the "aloha" way of treating everyone. It changed everything about how it felt to be there. Yes, the weather didn't hurt either. Below is a quote I saw there: Aloha means mutual regard & affection, and extends warmth and caring with no obligation in return. It is the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person. Aloha implies that one hears what is not said and sees what cannot be seen. It is this concept, more than any other, that distinguishes the Hawaiian culture. Akahi: Kindness, expressed with tenderness Lokahi: Unity, expressed with harmony Olu' olu: Agreeable, expressed with pleasantness Ha' aha' a: Humility, expressed with modesty Ahonui: patience, expressed with perseverance But please don't all of you go there, instead, lets help create heaven on earth, right where you are.
Rimzim shah
Keep loving and keep sharing amazing thought put to action by music which is loved by all
ms pam
The smiles ...music is catchy... if we all could feel better about life...
The togetherness :)
Thank you for the glimpse of what the world CAN be. My heart and soul overflow with tremendous joy as I watch this. We are a Union of Love on Earth here to experience the feeling of pure love.. So thank you again for sharing with us what that union of unconditional love could actually look like and more importantly FEEL like. So Much Love To All You Beautiful Soul Brothers and Sisters Everywhere <3 Xoxo
Nancy E
Love the song and the love expressed ... we are all one.
" I love the music and how All the people reacted to it.Words make you think, music makes you feel. Thank you for the video!
A stranger is a friend you've never met before. Love the song and the message. Thanx Nimo.
I am a senior citizen of the human race and the world. Your message is so right on I applaud you. In keeping with the language from my times-I say to you, "Groovy brother... keep the messages coming"!
I love the music and the message. Thank you for the video :-)
Beautiful, expansive, all inclusive, hopeful, loving. Food for the spirit and heart!
It is the voice of Love....with such seamless rhythm and rhyme! It is Truth!
what inspires me is the joy of people sharing their common humanity, acknowledging their mutual presence and celebrating it. May the message to Keep Loving spread everywhere ! Thank You _/\_
All we need is the real essence of love!
The music is just what I needed, I got up and danced around my home for the first time in several months. I am trying to improve my health and this will help me. Thank you, more than I can say. I hope to dance to it daily. Namaste.
Great reminder we are all One.. we are here to Love. We need to see the light in people and honor and cherish our unity.
I was inspired by the music and the message...
Hands across the aisles; laughing in the fact of being crowded. Taking the time to stop and look at the person next to you, instead of ignoring them. It is a powerful film.
"By seeing the Light of God in every human being and in all forms of creation, we start having true love for them." Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
Donna Rankin
Love xx
Thank you for the best valentines message we could recieve! Namaste
Thank you for this!! An enthusiastic reminder to love all...happy valentine's day world!!!!
That is absolutely beautiful xx
The upbeat music, happy people and the great message.
We so need more of this in the world. Thank you for the inspiration!
Music and smiles are contagious. This is one epidemic the world needs NOW!
I love the way that people on the subway were at first ignoring each other, kind of suspicious of each other, but by the end they were all friends, laughing and singing together.
Thank you wonderful KindSpring for each and every message of kindness, love and gratitude. A wonderful Valentine's Day gift to us and the world. With a full heart
Lynnette Allen
Compassion! We are one. See facebook.com/compassionateworldcommunity Soon to come: WOW! World Of Whistleblowers for What else is possible!
We Be One.....We Be Many.....We Be One Global Family!
Keep loving! Everyone is capable of it, as this joy-filled video shows. Love it!
A Valentines Day message for all of us!!! Keep Loving!
sharing love without expecting anything in return..
Dancing in the train and the fountain.
Love is impersonal. It is the love of Truth that dwells in the hearts of all creatures, beings and things.we are all one sprinkles of the same water. Jayshree.
It wonderful brought tears to my eyes. The love.....we MUST love each other. The hate and despair disappears with love!😇
Thanks Guys! Great work! Be encouraged and Keep Loving...Peace be with U
Diversity message, universal love is key to Peace
Perfect singing voice to convey the emotion
I love the metaphor of the subway car! Almost anywhere you go in life, there are people, people, and more people. You can choose to see this as an inconvenience or you can welcome it as an opportunity to share, love, give, and also receive. All the smiles, laughter, cheering, and dancing in this video as well as the beautiful song itself reminds me to look for and embrace every opportunity to practice universal love. Thanks Nimo, Ellie, Friends, and KarmaTube!
The message is one we all need to hear.
Love shown to each and every one.
ashok shroff
Message of love that we are all family! great work!
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What inspired you about this video? the pure and loving feelings the eminate from it. So much uplifting energy