Sixty-five million people were displaced from their homes by conflict and disaster in 2016. In 2022, that number is one hundred million. This is not just a crisis; it's a test of who we are and what we stand for, says David Miliband -- and each of us has a personal responsibility to help solve it. The good news - there are specific, tangible ways to help refugees and turn empathy and altruism into action.


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  • Open you eyes and your heart to the problems and the solutions David Miliband addresses.
  • Listen to this Awakin talk with Sister Marilyn Lacey and feel the joy of being part of the solution to the complex refugee problem.
  • Refuse to become stuck in the idea "I can't do anything about that." Do the one thing you CAN today right where you are with what you have. It will make ALL the difference.

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