In a short and strikingly beautiful cinematic journey to wild places we are asked to think about how we are leaving the natural world for generations to come. What if our children's children could never lay eyes on wild country because it is already destroyed? Spending time in the wild is not a past-time, the narrator tells us, rather it is a biological necessity like water, air and food. The video ends on a hopeful note, pointing out that thousands of people are spending their time working to leave their areas better than when they arrived.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Steven

    It reminds us to take action not for ourselves, but for future generation that follow, and they need our assistance *now*. It reminds us that this is how nature operates; we need only get out of the way, preserve our wild spaces, and change the course we've been on for the past 50-100+ years of fossil fuel usage, and unsustainable exploitation of our environment. Thank you for this beautiful and important message!

  • Faye Lippitt

    Hope that those people stuck in city jobs realise the beauty to be found around them in nature.

  • Thalia

    It is in nature that I find solace and joy. This was a beautiful video

  • Leah

    Very beautiful and poetic, giving hope and appreciation for the beauty of nature.

  • Rachael

    We can leave the world better than we found it.

  • Michelle

    Whenever I see footage of wild areas such as these, I feel a strong yearning to move. To live closer to nature and further away from people. But instead, I know that I must work harder to decrease my footprint, my community’s footprint and our country’s footprint. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us to protect such places for future generations.

  • diego

    Certainly beautiful and inspiring word. How can we leave our country, our planet, in a better condition than when we arrived? Increasing the appreciation of the wild and contact with its raw experience is very important in these times. But I'd also like to go past the romantinc aspect of appreciating the wild, and raise a concern. As I'm watching these beautiful images which feel me with nostalgia, I realize that, to do so, I'm using a computer connected to the electricity and to the internet, both of which demand huge energy-demanding infrastructures. Also, the video needed cameras, computers, etc. which, just like my equipment, demand a lot of energy to be produced and used, and create a lot of pollution afterwards. So, the message is beautiful, the medium…

  • Tom Zelinski

    It reinforced my liking for nature and wild places. Recently spent time at the Lake Michigan shore. I am saddened by people who seem not to care or who can think only of monetary gain from resources. I am always glad to hear of people who are indeed caring for the earth.

  • Sue C.

    The poetic and authentic call to reconnect with the wild.

  • Harvey Chess

    A reaffirmation of my times in such settings as a young man, and my almost daily micro versions as an old man when walking with our dogs in a wooded neighborhood.

  • Page 1

  • Learn about protecting the wild from the Nature Conservancy.
  • Listen to the call of the wild through soundscapes by Dr Bernie Krause. 
  • How can you use your voice and your time to help preserve what is growing wild in your own community? 

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