A young Indian artist met a Swedish tourist in New Delhi, and painted her portrait in the 1970's. They formed an immediate bond and got married in PK Mahanadia's ancestral village. When the love of his life, Charlotte von Schedvin, had to go back to Sweden after a few weeks, he worked on a plan to sell his few possessions, purchased a used bicycle, and traveled 8000 kilometers to reunite with her. Over the course of five months PK traveled by bicycle through Pakistan, Afghanistan and Europe, and reunited with Charlotte after a year and a half apart. Their story is a testament to the power of love to bind us across all manner of barriers.


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  • Antonio Rey

    I am absolutely amazed that he made the trip to Sweden and arrived alive! Having done bicycle tours in my youth I know that danger lurks around every corner. Fantastic love story. Very inspiring.

  • Cindy

    Am disappointed the "bride" was not featured in the video. Guess I must read the book.

  • Diane Hong

    Beautiful story! I love that he struggled that hard to be with her and they're still together today.

  • Margaret

    What a wonderful Valentine treat. And who could not fall in love with this wonderful man!A beautiful antidote to so much current news.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about PK's journey and his and Charlotte's life together. 
  • Read this article on "Love: Life's Greatest Gift".
  • How is love calling you, in this moment, and what is love calling you to do? 

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