If only every adult felt that every under privileged and abandoned child was their responsibility we would end such horrible scenarios. Not to mention,sexual abuse(pedophilia and ephebophilia) is rampant throughout the world and robs these innocent children and adolescence of their youth, esteem and mental well being.Hence, the mass exodus. Hating and killing will not stop this, action will. Action driven by love will.Love is much stronger than evil, and always will be. Dare to care, that's what life and love is all about.
We have much to learn from these truly compassionate adults. These children's lives will be changed forever.
This is beautiful! These people have a purpose, and this purpose is so Godly, so compassionate and so human as well! They are caring for the children more than they would their own, and it pleases me to think that I have the opportunity to help such kids! The governments around the world are probably governed by hard-hearted people who would rather see glitzy glamour and media everywhere and not spend money on the dirty poverty stricken people who need the most help! Kill those people and get more of these people to govern the world!
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