Opening a door is more than a physical act. It's about putting yourself out there, getting to know people, making them feel comfortable, and making them feel welcome. After being bullied, Josh Yandt decided to make a change that ultimately had a dramatic impact on his life and on the lives of his fellow students. Watch this sweet story of how the London, Ontario, high school paid forward Josh's acts of kindness and connection.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Harpreet

    Wow... Thank you Josh... This is so inspirational and so direct from teh Heart.... I love it and you.... :-)

  • Darlene

    How Josh could rise above and take a negative situation and turn it into a positive. He has a beautiful heart! Thank you Josh!

  • CCharman

    I think it takes so much courage to reverse the course... I am inspired, indeed.

  • RDCary

    Your not only the clay but your also the potter, He had a mission to make himself seen as the person he knew he was and found the tool to accomplish his goal. What inspired me is that he continued through those first days and weeks till he seen and felt results. I need to set and accomplish more goals.

  • Claudia Vaughn

    Here is a perfect example of how the smallest of acts, the ones that everyone takes for granted or the ones that are "out of fashion" can change, affect, impact and just simply be that moment of hope for someone without you ever knowing it. Thank you for sharing.

  • susan

    Powerful example of how a small gesture can change the world ... reminds me of Saint Andre ... Josh, thank you for inspiring me and instilling hope and light in my day today. keep shining!

  • irene

    Never underestimate small but powerful acts of kindness.

  • shyamasree dasgupta

    what we can do, we do not know. one simple act and the world is change. its realy opening of new era.

  • Cynthia

    I saw that most people face the same experiences basically even in their own think about it. At some point or another we all face that place of isolating yourself so that you and God can find your niche and what you can share so that others know that they not alone in their own space and time to ultimately know through God - you will find your door and go through it..

  • bhadresh shah

    Be The Change in someone's Life

  • Mylee Khristoforov

    I will share this with my classes at Metro. State University, Denver. Thank you! And thank you, Josh! (This is why, 20 years ago, I developed very high behavioral expectations in and behavioral contracts for my classes. It's not about being forced to like everyone -- it's about respecting everyone's hearts and humanity. Being decent. Having empathy. Being part of a civilization.)

  • Tony Laycock

    This video has helped me to be more inspired on helping those who need help. I'm writing a book about my life up till now. I'm now 32 yrs old and had to go though alot of stuff in life including prison 2 times and 4 yrs on parole. This video has helped me with gaining more of a Vision for what I want in my book. Thanks Josh for stepping up.

  • cathy

    The people that inspire me are the ones who get hurt and transform that into a positive. Thats the definition of a miracle to me as its so easy to get angry and stay that way.What a courageous person , i believe hes going to do great things in his life. Thank you for showing us a new way. cathy

  • Shannon

    I just lost my father a couple of months ago. Even though high school was a very long time ago, I too know what it feels like to feel lost when a parent dies. And I too can hold open doors and bring kindness to another person. Thanks Josh for inspiring me to something so simple to reconnect me to people and the world again.

  • Deepak

    Thank you . This is so inspiring . Josh was not only inspiring his school mates but much beyond that , to the world at large . A great human being .

  • Jenny

    This video was so heartwarming. He is a truly inspirational person and it's so wonderful that he can reach so many young people through public speaking as well. i wish things like this were shown on the actual news as it would send out much better messages to people about the world today and inspire kindness. Thank you for showing it.

  • Carol

    It must have taken great courage to open that first door to people he feared. That one small step was really gigantic! A life changer! Inspiring indeed!

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Brilliant! What an amazing way he reframed his experience, through Literally opening a door and then opening his heart and opening conversations with people. What an amazing reminder for all of us! Here's to opening doors for each other in seemingly small actions. Kudos to Josh for being able to reach out as he did!!!!

  • J Ryland

    The act of positively changing oneself and others.

  • Sarah

    I am always so happy to see young people take the message of love and kindness to heart! It inspires me with hope for the future of our world and humanity.

  • Nadine

    I will show my son this. He is 13 years old, I hope it inspires him to brong little gestures in the world!

  • Barbara

    What a wonderful young man. This story is so inspiring. Thank you.

  • meiling

    I am very impressed with Josh consciously choosing a simple act, and carrying it out persistently day after day, changed everything for him and for others too. Under my breath I said "Wow"

  • Clarissa

    Those who bully are the ones filling a void and usually wind up being an empty shell for life. Those who have been bullied, on the other hand, usually wind up being someone important because they learned early on how to survive and strive to make this world a better place.

  • Cydney

    This is an amazing young man and demonstrates very clear and loudly that one person can make a positive difference in this world if we are going to achieve world peace. I'm feeling the love...........

  • Harpreet

    Courage and overcoming his fear. The profundity of his simplicity and the simple action that he took. What an incredible way to connect! What a great Inspiration.... :-) Thank You>

  • Tanja

    It felt joyous to see how the simple act of deciding to come out from victim by showing love and not fear has touched so many hearts. Mine included. Thank you.

  • Petro

    By opening doors, we can break through the barriers of life.

  • Sheila

    This video inspired me to be brave and know the value in myself, even when others deride and bully me

  • Miller

    Great ! Thank you soo much. This beautiful video inspires me to continue to be alert where I can do small acts of kindness around me. A nice opportunity to bring more love in the world.

  • Dale

    Awesome! Thanks Josh and thanks karma tube and the film maker of course. It love to see what the kids at his old school though of this!

  • Lee

    This video inspired me because Josh was so brave and yet in that he must have been scared as well but he had a mission in mind and it changed him and everybody by his kindness and reaching out first.

  • Tamo

    It is nice because these days there is too little human contact. Greeting the students may seem small but it is something he could do that was consistent and sincere.

  • Patricia

    I am 70. It encouraged me too. Keep giving of oneself in whatever way it seems right for you. We do make a difference!

  • Kathleen

    Simple acts of kindness can make a person's day.

  • Page 1

  • Take a look at more stories of Canadians who go "above and beyond" to make a difference in the lives of everyone they meet.
  • When Michael Kaplan's brother was bullied, Kaplan started the Be O.N.E. project to deal with the root causes of the problem.
  • Take the next opportunity to hold the door open for someone.  And don't forget to make eye contact and smile. :)

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