When Nipun Mehta, founder of KarmaTube and ServiceSpace, was invited to a TEDx conference about teaching compassion, he shared his journey of learning the three stages of generosity: Give, Receive, and Dance! This holiday season, unleash a contagion of compassion.


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  • Barbara Schwartzbach

    Nipun and Service Space is a gift 💝

  • Uwe Hempel

    I'm impressed, a great speech!

  • Stephen Vernon

    I love the phrase..."A Gift Culture." Our culture is so far left field from that today it is disappointing and a bit scary.

  • K.srinivasan

    What inspired you about this video?great speech. I think of all the killings that take place in the Muslim world and such inspiring speeches can reduce tensions and save precious lives.

  • Sharon

    The fact that we are predisposed to altruism! And that compassion is contagious! And that in giving and receiving we discover abundance!

  • Patti Ann Ridgway

    We should all look to create a context where people can practice this....

  • sandeep

    Amazinginly simplistic way to engage and explain compassion....hatsoff Nipunbhai...

  • Deepak

    Nipun you are blessed . You transformed my life and I truly grateful for that . Through Charity focus , moved by Love , the changes gradually started taking place and thanks to you today I am walking my own path of trust , love , truth , and integrity . You truly symbolize ' Be the change you wish to see in the world " - Gandhi . He would have been proud of you .

  • Brian

    Thanks Guys...smile cards to the World! Here's to 1 Big Earth Hug, giving and receiving at the same time! May 2016 be full of Abundance: Social, Synergy, and Subtle Capital. Viva Karma Kitchen! God bless all the Peace Ambassadors! 1 Earth People Energized! New Dimension of Value...Give, Receive, and Dance! Share economy and Gift culture..Way to Go!!!! peace

  • Jana Sheeder

    Nipun Mehta and his concepts of giftivism, generosity, Karma Kitchen, etc, etc, etc. inspired me to totally rebrand my company so that we are all about giftivism and generosity and helping others. I have always done animal rescue and helping people, but on what I felt was too small a stage (for my heart and soul). He changed my world and my company's world and our clients' world...and the ripple goes on and on and on... I sing the praises of Nipun Mehta, and I'm very proud to be a part of his generosity chain!

  • Sharon L. Younkin

    What an inspiring talk about generosity and compassion.

  • Cynthia Stott

    Starting the ripples of Generosity...to receive a "gift" culture where Abundance is more the norm than Scarcity. Now that's Heaven on Earth - Nirvana!

  • Candy

    This bridge is truly a hymn to stone and steel. I remember that was a real crowd on the walkway, awesome you guys made it.

  • Kumara Raja

    Wow!!!! Amazing perspective on how much one can do just by him/herself.

  • Mark Mears

    Wow! How can this happen in Valdosta Georgia? Who else is out there thinking about making this happen?

  • linnaea

    The guy that gave back $120 as change for a $100! Without any guidelines to follow, he listened to his heart. That is the way generosity works: spontaneously, authentically. When you find yourself in a situation you've never experienced before, the heart knows what to do.

  • Susan McCauley

    This is the answer for our social discontent.

  • M Sophia Santiago

    natural altruism in us, charity focus, compassion is contageous nurturing the whole ecosystem, the smile card anonymously, receiving expectation discovering abundance, social capital easy organizing, creating ripples, synergistic capital to share deep ties, ! + ! = much more. When you give, the stillness in your mind that comes is really an asset, subtle capital. Then, DANCE in the third stage keeping track letting go you start to dance to the spirit of not keeping track. Have the Circle! karma kitchen, pay forward, counting on people to be generous, DC, Chicago, context for a different kind of value. Volunteering! We're all part of this chain . . . everybody's energized by the value generated. New dimensions of VALUE. micro-gift economies get formed, YEY!

  • Linda

    Nipun's contribution to a world culture of generosity warms my heart. Our family created The Virtues Project, a global initiative to inspire generosity, love, unity, and compassion plus many more. The entire ripple effect of all virtues is contained in this brilliant and creative inspiration by Nipun.

  • Jagdish P Dave

    I had heard about Nipun and had a couple of e-mails with him. I was very gald to see him talking about his life work. Nipun presented the three interelated dimensions of spirtuality in a very interesting, clear and inspiring way. I am hapy to be a part of this expanding and enriching virtuous circle. I am forwarding his presentation to many of my contacts who would love to watch the video and share it with others.

  • Kathy

    Keeping track of anything, take energy! By not keeping track of both good & bad, it frees up ALL of your energy to LIVE & DANCE!

  • Nanci

    I guess I would call it the culture of giving and sharing, that it can energize this forward and people would stop keeping track and just help one another. Wouldn't that be awesome if it became a natural response?

  • Moe

    This is the natural way of living, we all see what is happening in the entire world of mine, mime, mine......, keep GIVING and you shall RECIEVE and then you shall DANCE, with entire Universe!

  • TheBoldCorsicanFlame

    Thank you for this powerful message which paves the way to Unity Consciousness. Much Love!

  • Carol

    What inspired me about Mr. Mehta's message? All of it. As I listened to it, I noticed that I became very calm and felt at peace. I was inspired by the Dance and realized how easy it would be the next time I have lunch out to pay for the next person's lunch. It's a small gesture, but it's also enormous, because it feels so good and it's contagious. This is exactly what we need in times of stress and loss. This message gives us hope and faith in man's essential goodness.

  • Lori

    I look forward to receiving my "Daily Good" messages every day and I too share them with friends and family. Thank you so much for starting this wonderful site! The messages from Charity Focus are simple but profound. You are definitely creating a ripple effect. I am already thinking of how I will anonymously give to someone today.

  • Ana

    You are one of my favourite role models, you are truly the manifestation of the change we all want to see in the world. Thank you for the fantastic person you are. Endless Blessings and let's Dance :-)

  • Carol Beth Icard

    I have been lifted up in my life by receiving the "Daily Good" and "Karma Tube" videos in my email in box, and now I have a person to thank, who I just met through this TED talk. Nipun Mehta, thank you for where you began and how it reached me. You are making a really huge difference. I often share what I learn with my friends, and I know I am on a better path thanks to Charity Focus. Incidentally, I first heard of Charity Focus through my subscription to Works and Conversations, one of the best art publications there is.

  • Srikumar Rao

    The idea of "not keeping track". This is a HUGELY powerful concept. When you give without any kind of expectation, not even a "thank you", then what you get back is priceless. It comes in the feeling you get, the inner transformation that occurs and in external matters as well. And it happens in ways that you cannot even dream of. Srikumar Raowww.cpminstitute.com

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about how ServiceSpace is attempting to rebirth a gift culture -- Generosity 2.0.
  • Watch other talks by Nipun Mehta, or read the transcript of his first talk in Feb 2000: Spirit of Service.
  • Do a small act of kindness and try to experience the three stages of generosity.

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