A film by Syed Muzamil Haran Zaidi. More at Lolz Studios.

How I spent my 22nd birthday: 1. Wrote personalized letters to policemen appreciating all they do for us; 2. Bought ice cream for all the guards sitting in the heat; 3. Got water bottles for CDA gardeners and traffic policemen... Watch the rest of this video to find out how else Syed Muzamil Hasan Zaidi spent his big day.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Annaliese

    Hi so I'm doing a talk for my club about a random acts of kindness event we're doing and this video is a perfect example. It has wonderful ideas and is simply an uplifting video. I just wanted to let the publisher know that I plan to show this video, but am giving credit to the publisher and the person who created the film.

  • kerrie

    i did a club about kindness

  • Linda C Thomas

    Syed you are a divine being. Thank you for inspiring the rest of us. Cheers.

  • Hal Wing

    Thank you for lifting our spirits.

  • evei

    Hello from "USED POSTAGE STAMPS FOR CHARITY" Some friends and I run this page, if you have used postage stamps from home or work, please consider donating them to one of these causes. You can check when addresses were last confimed on our main site http://usedstampsforcharity.weebly.com (we are more than happy to list your charity too, and start an overseas page for foreign charities outside the UK) Used Postage Stamps For CharityMillions of people, young and old, are stamp collectors (philatelists), and philately is an educational and fun hobby. Couple this with helping charities as well, keeping stamps out of landfill, and instead recycling stamps to collectors!!!!! This is a webpage listing charities in the UK which collect used postage stamps to raise money for charity. Charities find used stamps, which they then sort, and sell on to collectors and philatelists, an excellent source of extra income, and you are helping save the environment and reduce waste by not binning them! What could be better? Whether your stamps are recent or old, common or rare, wherever they come from across the world, every stamp can be saved! The charities/ volunteers listed below collect used postage stamps for charities. Please send your used stamps to any of them, all donations of stamps will be most gratefully received! Contact us to add your charity to the directory list (make sure that you contact us from time to time to update the "address last confirmed" date. ) List last updated: September 17th 2015 CHARITIES WHICH NEED YOUR USED POSTAGE STAMPS: RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) the society that pays for the lifeboats that mean hundreds of lives are saved each year around Britain's coast. RNLI stamps, care/of Lara, 7 Speedwell, Brixham Devon, TQ5 9MJ, England (please note this is not a head office address, but is simply a local unpaid volunteer. Please only send stamps, no other correspondence. Receipt confirmations available upon request, please include an address for same!) International and UK postage stamps equally welcome. Address Last Confirmed: Sept 2015 The Swindon Talking newspaper provides a free player and weekly publication for visually impaired and blind users. We are completely self funded and rely on volunteers and donations. Please send your stamps to: Gemma Peet Swindon talking news Craven house 145 Victoria road Swindon Sn1 3bu Address Last Confirmed: Sept 2015 The South Devon Players theatre & film company An awardwinning (and featured on national BBC TV) theatre and film company specialising in period and historical drama. Please send in envelopes that fit through a letter box thanks. The South Devon Players c/o Chestnut Community Centre 1-3 Poplar Close Brixham Devon TQ5 0SA Address Last Confirmed: Sept 2015 French Bulldog Rescue GB (FBRGB) is one of only two registered charities who specialise in the rescue of French Bulldogs, we are a non profit organisation run by volunteers. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home French Bulldogs in need from private rescue groups, and owners here in Great Britain. All the dogs are neutered and our goal is to place healthy and happy French Bulldogs into well-matched, carefully screened forever homes. Please send stamps to FBRGB, 43 REGNUM DRIVE, SHAW, NEWBURY, BERKSHIRE,RG142HF Address Last Confirmed: August 2015 Together Trust The Together Trust (registered charity number: 209782) provides care, education and support for children and adults with learning and physical disabilities, autism and emotional needs. Our services include residential homes, domiciliary care, specialist schools and a foster ing service for hard to place children. Every year we help over 1400 children and adults to overcome very significant barriers giving them the most positive future possible. Please ensure correct postage is put on bulky envelopes, as we cannot afford to pay to retrieve them from the sorting office if insufficient postage is put on Together Trust centre Schools Hill Cheadle SK8 1JE Natalie.garside@togethertrust.org.uk Address Last Confirmed: May 2010 Zoe's Place Baby Hospice provides palliative, respite and end of life care to babies and infants from 0 - 5 years, who suffer with life threatening or life limiting conditions that require 27/7 care. Zoe's Place Baby Hospice Liverpool Life Health Centre Yew Tree Lane West Derby Liverpool L12 9HH Address Last Confirmed: July 2015 Funding Neuro (organization information not submitted) Funding Neuro Geason House 145 North Street Glasgow G3 7DA Address Last Confirmed: April 2015 Hospiscare Hospiscare is the hospice charity for Exeter, Mid and East Devon providing end of life care for local people and support for their families and friends too, caring for 750 patients in their homes and the hospice, free of charge every day of the year. Hospiscare Dryden Road Exeter EX2 5JJ Address Last Confirmed: March 2015

  • c fc

    Well done,,you show all it takes is one person who cares cheers

  • Shelbz

    Brings joy to my heart! Thanks Syed!

  • inam ahsan

    you have indeed inspired me a lot. May Almighty reward you immensely.

  • Alisha

    Hi Syed, this video has inspired me since I saw it a long time ago. I found you on Facebook to learn more. Recently I have began feeling a strong call to start a helping project, and I wanted to reach out to you for advice/assistance but I saw that we are no longer Facebook friends. Please email me and let's talk about changing the world.

  • Steph

    You people are incredible- thank you for restoring my hope in mankind! I shall be stealing some of your random acts!

  • John Malcomson

    So many opportunities! Such a way to redistribute wealth!

  • dingo man

    dingo dingo dingo dingo wambat

  • dingo man

    haha raaj

  • Raaj

    you made my day!

  • Arielle

    This is Awesome! Thank you. i was inspired to do a similar thing. Here is my blog on it http://livedeap.blogspot.com/2013/06/26actsofkindness-sharing-stories.html

  • d s ranga rao

    Birthday is worth celebrating when the purpose of birth is fulfilled as demonstrated by Mr. Zaidi.

  • Zahra

    i might gonna do just this on my 22nd birthday, thanks for the inspiration :)

  • Seema

    its super amazing..you are awesome and I got an idea for my birthday!!

  • Jo

    Absolutely wonderful! RAKs Well done to you for giving so much. An inspiration.

  • sha

    love! Birthdays to me are days for giving back. I used to think of it in terms of giving back to my loved ones because without them I wouldn't have made it to each birthday but now I'm more aware to give back to the community as well. It takes a village after all...

  • Shamim

    Every thing !

  • KT Admin

    Awesome, Vicky! Do share your stories on KarmaTube's sister site: HelpOthers.org

  • Vicky

    This video inspired me SO much! I am 40 this week and have aimed to do 40 random acts of kindness. One day down and lots of smiles and one more to go!



  • Kinza

    Waaay better than the stupid surprises we do for each other and the treats we don't even need. *thumbs up* :)

  • Tahir

    Good Idea.... given me a lot to think.... Kudos

  • Butool

    you're amazing. thanks for this wonderful inspiration. this is DEFINITELY what i'm doing on my 26th inshaAllah.

  • Brought a Smile to my face

    Don't Ever change my friend. Please don't ever change. No doubt every person who received good from you that day, felt obliged to do a little something for others. You can bring about change.

  • Waqas

    Ispired me a lot but sadly in the locality where I am living I can't do these type of tasks :(

  • Mark Carlson

    The creativity and imagination of Syed really impressed me. Obviously most of these Acts of Kindness were not spur-of-the-moment, but were carefully thought out. Wow!M

  • Sophie Paulin

    Syed, I meant to write, did you do it for YOU? :) I found that when someone is happy doing things , it benefits everybody around:)) Plus it becomes inspiring for others:)))

  • Sophie Paulin

    I am wondering if you were not tired to give after a while:) Personnally it doesn't inspire me. I makes me feel I am not doing enough. What kind of unconscious message do you have here. I hope you were truthfull when you went on your giving spree:)

  • jcobe

    what a beautiful day for you.

  • Dinshay

    "Spending Thousands for party's, ends the same Night! Spending time for memories, remains forever" Truly inspiring ;)

  • Paula

    Today I took my 5 and 9 yr old kids to a local hospital to distribute 6 balloons. What a difference 6 balloons made! My son didn't want to do it... he was intimidated by going into the hospital. But afterwards told me "mom, that made me feel good". Great experience for us. Thanks to this video!!!

  • Nima

    What inspired you about this video? It touched my heart to see a young guy do this act of kindness.Not many would take time to think of others. Keep it up my friend.

  • Swara

    Just amazing. Loved each part of it. Thanks for video recording and sharing.

  • Beena

    Super!! Really inspired. I am happy to learn a new way of celebrating my bday as well as my friends.thank you Syed!!

  • Krishan

    Dennis: The song is Home by Phillip Phillips! It is a beautiful song. You can listen to it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoRkntoHkIE.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    love it! i strive to live EVERY day sharing kindness and we each can do the same :) <3 this was Fantastic to view someone do so many acts in one day. what a lovely birthday celebration. HUG!!!! i just organized and FREE HUGS, this time in Belfast, it was Wonderful. HUUUUUG!!!!!!

  • parul

    simplicity! it touched my heart

  • Elizabeth Fischer

    On the 10th anniversary of my mother's death, I did 10 random acts of kindness; it felt wonderful. I am sure that the happiness Syed received by being a giver all day topped any material presents he could have received. It is, indeed, more blessed to give - particularly when it is a random act of kindness towards strangers, or an anonymous kindness for someone we care for. Thank you, Syed, for being an inspiration for so many.

  • Mary

    I am inspired by how thoughtful Syed is, and what a great imagination he has for remembering so many people in the serving occupations. You are an inspiration to me!

  • Paula

    Wonderful! I will start a birthday tradition with my kids!! To answer the music question: Home - Single (Phillip Phillips Tribute) by I'm Gonna Make This Place Your Home https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/home-single-phillip-phillips/id566504389

  • kris

    What inspired you about this video? It is full of hope and love, thankyou Syed for reminding all of us what is really important in life

  • Deepak

    Thank you Syed for being who you are . It was truly inspiring .

  • Eva

    He have to others with love and joy God bless him.

  • Charlotte

    fabulous person ! thank you fabulous Syed for showing how to do it

  • Mike

    Simple it might be, but a great example of a random act of kindness . Remember not to break the chain of doing good everyday in thought in words in action God be with us as we do a little act of kindness everyday.

  • Susan

    Another kind person, another country heard from and seen. thank you.

  • jeeban

    Mercy is tow fold blessed , one who makes and one who gets. It aspires for a peaceful world.

  • Anne

    I loved this!! It brought tears to my eyes. Spreading good will is so easy and energising to our humanity as seen in Syed's beautiful acts of kindness. :-)Blessings to you Syed!

  • dennis

    I love the music... who wrote and sang it?

  • Jeffrey Farrar Dean

    Random Acts of Kindness are starting to become common.

  • Sharon

    The simplest moments create the most AMAZING ripple in our Universe. Thank you for the beauty of your heart and spirit. Our world is better because of your birth! Happy Birthday

  • seema

    nice video :) n hope this endeavour goes on and i could feel what wud be the ripple effect like , bless u ... I wud also celebrate my bday like this :):)

  • Terri

    We have bcome confused about 'gifting'...it's not about the 'getting' but the 'giving'. This young, 22 year-old man has a visibly contagious kind heart....I can only imagine the ripple effect of his many acts of kindness created. Thank you - and bless you! XO!

  • Jane

    I loved this film and think that on my next birthday I will do 62 acts of kindness instead of having a party. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Mimi

    As a teacher I get too caught up in "teaching" and don't look at my students as "children" enough - I am going to make a point of saying twice as many "kind" comments as "correcting" ones....had a rough week and this reminded me of why I choose becoming a teacher at age 45

  • Cindy

    Syed, you took Robyn's idea and made it your own in the most beautiful and creative ways imaginable. You are a gem! THANK YOU for sharing your acts of kindness as it truly changed the day for me.

  • Avelina

    Brilliant! Thank you !!! :)

  • Robert McGregor

    Am having a really difficult time at work. Feeling that many people have forgotten how to be kind to one another. This video helped...and so did the comments!

  • Vivian

    His heart!!!! His acts of kindness perfumed my heart!!!

  • Eva

    I loved it. It made my day. I can´t think about a better way to spend my birthday that's a week from now. It was just in time! Thank you for modeling it so graciously!

  • bob

    of how easy it can be.. and how obsessed I am about my precious time.. another wake up call!!

  • andre

    way cool. if everyone thought of others like this, there would be no wars and all would have happy proeperous lives. Too bad no else ever thought to do this. Oh ya, Jesus taught that as did Ghandi.

  • Lessia Bonn

    This is totally cool. Will share in a tweet!

  • Melanie

    I am going to be 50 in February and I am going to do 50 acts of kindness before then, starting from now. Thank you for the inspiration.

  • Jami

    What inspired you about this video? Amazing ideas my friend! 22 and wise beyond your years. Many young men at your age are thinking of themselves on their birthdays and you are thinking of others. You are to kind and may all of your kindness come back full circle to you in this upcoming year because you deserve it. Happy Birthday my friend:)

  • Kinjal

    There are no big or small acts of kindness, any act of kindness is an act of love that comes from the heart. After watching this video, I know that all I have to do is look around and offer a hand with a smile and love. Thanks for sharing this video and inspiring us.

  • Miguel

    You are the man! Great idea that could easily be incorporated by everyone on their birthday. Now I have to think of 67 acts of kindness!

  • >>John

    How nice... even though the governments, corporations and military complex dont care about us.. let us be kind. very touching Syed's birthday

  • Melissa

    It is an amazing idea and makes for such a lovely day!

  • Trish

    Such a beautiful way to celebrate a birthday! To care and bless others! Love it!

  • Nicole

    That puts the happy in Happy Birthday!

  • Vicky

    This is so much fun..I hadn't thought about the birthday idea, random acts of kindness are what happens every day at http://www.unlimited-smileage.org If we all do our part we will have a collective of caring people that will change the world. I better get started on my birthday list..and plan on getting up really early that day :) Thanks for this wonderfully inspiring video.

  • Marian

    I'm way older than you and you know so much better than I what's important in life. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  • Deborah Brown

    Thankyou for reminding me that everyday folks are good and decent and worthy of our praise!!!

  • Rehana

    Thanks for sharing. What a wonderful way of celebrating your birthday. Hope it inspires others to follow in the same path! ;-)

  • Bette

    I'm old. I'll be busy.

  • Sandy

    the music the acknowledgement of humble workers

  • Karen Gately

    What a fantastic way to spend your Birthday! People like you give me faith in humanity - with kindness we can heal the world. Thanks for doing your part xo

  • Page 1

  • Syed Muzamil Hasan Zaidi was inspired by Robyn Bomar, who spent her 38th birthday performing 38 random acts of kindness.
  • Scientific research show that kindness makes you happy... and, that happiness makes you kind - a wonderful positive feedback loop!
  • Perform a small act of kindness today.  Need ideas?

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