A film by Zack Conkle.

No one falls asleep in Jeffrey Wright's high school physics class. Exploding pumpkins, hovercrafts and an experiment involving a bed of nails, a cinder block and a sledgehammer, are some of the crazy stunts that keep the students enthralled. But it is Mr. Wright's experiences as a father of a special needs son, and his teachings about love, family, and the meaning of life that leave the deepest impact on his students. This inspiring short video shares more.


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  • Gayle

    Oh my gosh. I am balling. Such love and care for his son and humanity. What a great teacher and human being.

  • Tulasi

    Its the beauty of these souls that touched me - Mr. Wright is a remarkable person - a lighthouse of Love. May he be blessed more and more!

  • Aysima

    Love and Tear!

  • Jessica Hirst

    Georgeous family how blessed the world is that they share their love.

  • Steve A Kois

    this video clip did not remind me of the motorcycle accident I was in when a drunk traveling 65 mph hit me head on my motorcycle while I was cruising along at 65 mph, it didn't remind me of the huge uphill battle, knowing it would take a miracle to survive such an accident, no? What it did remind me of, was the greatest lesson about life, I learned from my wife Christine, by how she lives, not what she says. If I could put words to that now, it would be this: "LOVE as much as you want to be Forgiven, FORGIVE as much as you want to be Loved". Sak

  • Cat

    The affect on the students, who learn compassion, humor, and the impact of love.

  • Luke

    wonderful story, beautifully told. Nice work, Zack.

  • Ugonna

    Beautiful story, thanks for sharing!

  • shelley

    true indeed: we were put here on earth to love

  • shelly

    God works in mysterious ways. Mr Right is what women look for when dating but God has used a Mr Wright to show both genders of the world what unconditional love is and what it means. So Mr Right, you got it, wright. God Bless amazing teachers like you!

  • Michelle

    The love he has for his family and for his students. He loves and cares with his whole heart.

  • Susie

    Mr Wright you have shown me the true love, not only for your son, but for all your students!! It is the most inspiring story!!

  • Claudine Chauvin

    What inspired you about this video? What I know deeply within but afraid to acknowledge

  • Rachel

    He loves all his students. I'm so inspired as a teacher. What a good loving man! :)

  • Joan

    Mr. Wright's energy to give love on a huge level!!

  • Em

    This story is truly inspiring!

  • Cheryl

    This man is amazing! His love and dedication to his son and his students is heartwarming and inspirational. It also made me thankful that my children and grandchildren were born healthy. Love all. You never know what another's life is like. God bless Mr. Wright and his family.



  • Clement

    Mr Wright you are one unselfish man who has taught each one of us the meaning of true love. To time and effort you put n to care for your son the way you do, is an inspiration to all of us and a lesson in life on humanity. I believe you are a Catholic. This is agape...the highest form of Love that Christ did for mankind.

  • Nathalie

    What a beautiful story of love! It just made my day and made me remember to appreciate all that happens in life, good or bad, because there is a reason for it.

  • Heidi

    So Good. Mr. Wright's Magnum Opus: his love for his son, his family, and his students!!!

  • Lee

    What a beautiful story about true love. Thank you.

  • Catherine

    A father who is fully present and who loves as deeply as you do...God bless you.

  • Catherine

    Thank you for making a difference in our world...you are truly an inspiration for all educators everywhere!

  • Prabha

    Salute to you Mr.Wright.God bless you with health,happiness and prosperity.

  • Sunita Pandit

    This inspires me to do the same type of sharing about my son... People are touched and changed when they hear such a story from real life...Sunita

  • geetha

    The 'connect" with another human being and the joy it brings out. Even more inspiring is the sharing with the students!

  • Mary

    The ability to be real. What a great man and teacher!

  • kip ortiz

    I'm a teacher and a dad of two young boys. What a good, kind, patient, honest, loving man Mr. Wright is. Helps remind of who I can be and should be for so many reasons. Thank you.

  • Tina

    Sharing our journeys with love, no matter what cards we are dealt. What else is there to do? Thank you for this video

  • Lorayne

    Expression of love

  • christine clements

    courage to live the life I was given !! xxoo :)

  • Mary Ellen Gordon-Scudder

    What a testament to the power of love! I am inspired by Jeffrey Wright's wide-open approach to his role as a teacher and a parent. Awesome!

  • Elaine

    What a wonderful man. Absolutely beautiful, both heartbreaking and deeply inspiring. Thanks for making this video, Zack, and for sharing it with the world.

  • Barbara

    That using love as a guide to think outside the box affects not only us personally, but maybe more importantly, others who need our love.

  • Mega

    I wish that every dad and/or teacher in this world get the chance to see this video.

  • Michael

    Mr. Wright is a living manifestation or testimony of who GOD really is. I dont know him but let me call him Dad and I mis you

  • Arun Solochin

    Mr. Wright, I wish I had a father like you. Yes, I am saying it because I have the pain of never having a good one. Love you Dad

  • Peter Aduba

    Hearing Mr Wright tells us too much about whom God is--LOVE!

  • srk

    Great man.may people learn a little from him

  • Jimy

    iInspired with the way he accepts his life with open arms..

  • Darla

    God has certainly blessed Mr. Wright with such capacity for, and understanding of love! How wonderful it is to see Mr. Wright using his gifts to reach out to so many. His familly and students know he is the "real deal". I am truly inspired (by just seeing 11 minutes of this man's life) to be "present" and loving with the people I spend time with each day. Look at how many more lives will be touched because of this video!

  • iris

    Love to see more Mr Wrights in POLITICS also

  • fanoos

    so impressing! wish all the human beings were like u,mr Wright!

  • Malgudi

    That he took the first step to reach out to his students. That he thought about what makes sense for them in their lives and then works his lesson around it.

  • Mish

    That was just so full of love. Awesome person.

  • Otilia

    The power of true Love and it's impact on kids and young people's life. A Great teacher. Thank you for sharing it!

  • Sue

    whether he is in the classroom or walking down the street, Mr. Wright is a teacher.His daughter taught him not to take the words of limit from another, instead discover the possibilities for yourself and those you love. He allows himself to be vunerable to a classroom of students so they may find the courage to be vunerable to love also. When one man stands for truth and love we are all elevated. Thank you Mr. Wright for lifting us all up. Please tell your son Thanks for his acceptance of his life and the ability to smile and love back without bitterness only pure innocence.

  • Ozymandias

    Beautiful video, once again karmatube... This man is a good man & good father. Most people wouldn't have his strength & his happiness...But i don't think it's as a teacher he must be seen in this video, "just" as an exceptional human being.

  • TR

    Wish many more teachers had his attitude and desire to teach and help kids carry what they learn through their lives! So wonderful to see!

  • Sunny Graham

    A very heartwarming story!

  • BK

    The way he handled the situation with full of love and affection both at students and family was amazing.

  • Robert McGregor

    Not just a great teacher but a good man!

  • Shanti

    Mr Wright is totally present - where love and beauty are. Right on, Mr Wright.

  • Sherri

    I was amazed, it is a wonderful thing to keep students interested these days. Keep up the great work Mr. Wright.

  • Loretta


  • elijah

    keeping the smile when its still hard...

  • Tricia

    This gentelman epitomizes the defination of a great teacher. He is extremely inspiring. His students understand and know who he is and they,too, are inspired by his having opened himself to who he is as well as making the learning 'hands on' and appealing to their minds. Wish more teachers realized this needs to be the case for every teacher to teach and know their students.

  • C Bivens

    Just an ordinary person doing extrodinary things. God is more interested in our character than our comfort. Mr. Wright's character is an inspiration in all aspects of his life.

  • regina

    you really need to caption this video to be inclusive of our 258M deaf brothers and sisters! thank you and god bless~

  • Josie Gulliksen

    Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING. I am the mother of a special needs child. My son Nicholas is 15 years old and has Down Syndrome and I can completely relate with Mr. Wright. We have raised him as normal as possible and because of that and an incredibly supportive family and incredible teachers and therapists, Nicholas leads a fantastic life. And Mr. Wright's methods of teaching go beyond awesome! Thank you Zack for making such a wonderful film.

  • Marsha Nelson

    Just knowing that so many other teachers have the ability to be like Mr.Wright, may this be the gateway to others in the profession to open up and offer their special gifts of loving kindness to their students and families. God Bless, Mr. Wright.

  • Bob Pounder

    What a fantastic film clip! Why is is it inspiring? Because it speaks of the depth, the energy, and the power of love.

  • Zenovij

    It's easy to learn when you are having fun...........:-)

  • Stephanie Clemmer

    What inspired you about this video? The unconditional love that Mr. Wright has for all in his life. It is because of love that his son is proactive in the body that he has. His soul is beautiful! I love the power of touch and when i seen that touch therapy was being used I was even more amazed. This post was a sure blessing to see thank you for sharing.

  • Robert Rivera

    What inspired you about this video? I am sooooo glad to have human beings like Mr. Jeffrey Wright teaching our kids to care about about life and who they are. Thank you Zack Conkle for sharing your work and talent, you have a new fan!

  • Swami Joy

    Mr. Wright is an incredible father figure for his students--something so tragically lacking in the world today.

  • Kikothe10th

    The father's spirit

  • Deano

    Incredible, what a role model for those kids he teaches and for the rest of us as well, I just don't know how he finds the time in this modern competitive world to be such a Good Teacher / Good Dad / Good Carer but it surely is a message about Priorities & Love x D

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    true story: what matters is LOVE. As long as we care about each other. Thank you once again karmatube for sharing a Meaningful Beautiful story of what's truly Important in our world. May EVERY student be Blessed with a Mr. Wright! Bless You, Mr. Wright and HUGS too!

  • Sandy

    My entire family watched this moving video and it is an inspiration that reminds us we as individuals can do more through love. Thank you so much for showing your love in action as it has touched our hearts and souls.... all the way from South Africa.... May God Bless you and your entire family

  • Denise

    Absolutely all of it. Respect to you and your family and God bless you all xxxx

  • Tammy

    Thank you Mr. Wright & Mr. Conkle. I needed this inspiration oh so much right now. You will never know just how much. I care for my 24 year old daughter who has 3 bullets in her head. Sometimes I just feel so alone with my frustration. And that nothing will ever be the same. But you are right. LOVE is everything, it will overcome and control even the despair.

  • jan

    What a great video. I have a daughter with Spina bifida and it is the Love that she is that has kept her alive these 21 years even though the doctors said she would maybe live to be two. I thought how much can you teach a child before they reach two. What do they need to know about being here and all I could come up with is Love and laughter. Thank you.

  • Tamilyn

    from humanity as a whole ..Mr Wright ..thank you soooo much for sharing your personal story so powerfully i am so deeply touched by this on so many levels ..as a parent ,a student,teacher,a human being..i am so grateful to have seen your story of love in action .. and will carry it with me always now ...peace love and light to you and yours ..HUGS!!!

  • Joanne

    Wow. The most beautiful story I have ever read.

  • Spitzer

    Never knew you could smile and cry at the same time

  • Abrar

    A highly motivational,inspiring and practical lesson and meaning of love. The world really needs more Mr. Wrights. Thank you for such a marvelous production.

  • Amy


  • Mary

    How wonderful that this teacher shared his real life story with these students. They have the opportunity to see a man being grateful for what his son can do instead of someone depressed by the cards dealt to him. These students will always find inspiration in Mr. Wright.

  • toni

    How can we get more like him!!

  • patricia

    THis man's love of his life and his ability to share it honestly without fear of judgement, his abiity to physicaly hug his son his patience and LOVE

  • John D'Ambra

    The beautiful HUMAN being and his son-INSPIRING...

  • Chinen

    love is indeed the law/energy that unifies the universe...thank you Mr.Wright and Zack for sharing this beautiful awesome experience with us...it ripples outward and inward to make everything more loving and peaceful...aloha

  • Fernand

    Such example of a positive way of live inspires me enormous. Is this a drop to change the world? Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story.

  • jeanne

    The undying love and understanding that love is the key in life. Thank you for making this video!

  • Marilyn

    LOVE and FAITH of this incredible man and his obvious love for his family and students....I cried! God bless you all and a special "high five" to that little guy!

  • Debbie

    Thank you for sharing this - such an inspiration. Love as a law of physics is very powerful. This man is heaven sent.



  • Jen

    This was so moving and beautiful-tears and smiles. What gifts of humor, love and kindness Mr. Wright has to share with his students and his family. I am a firm believer in that kindness changes everything. And you can't have kindness without love. Just an amazing lesson to take away from this video.

  • Dennica

    The love inspired me...beautiful.

  • Jack

    This video set the tone for my day. Look for the beauty in each and everything that crosses your path today. This was very moving. Mr. Wright is pure love.

  • Dhara

    Very powerful message of courage and unconditional love. I love how Mr. Wright was spreading love to everyone he met and how he understood that one size does not fit all.

  • Nancy

    What a beautiful story expressing the explosive value of love. I think Zack's video captured the essence of this wonderfully creative man and his son. There's no way words could have done it. What a difference one person can make in this world.....I work as a pediatric physical therapist and this video has deeply inspired me. Thank you for making it!

  • Sony

    Wow! Such a powerful video. Mr. Wright is one extraordinary teacher and father. His love For his students and family are true acts of pure compassion. We need more of him in this world!!!! Thank you for sharing his world with us; it's a humbling and inspirational experience.

  • Page 1

  • Follow the work of the young filmmaker, Zack Conkle, a former student of Mr. Wright, who made this film because he couldn't describe his crazy and amazing teacher.
  • Find out more about Joubert syndrome, the rare malformation of the area of the brain that controls balance and coordination.
  • Connect with someone on a deeper level - share a story of love.

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