A film by Mike Worsman.

W.V. Sugathapala Damameella Watta is a security guard for a bakery in a small town south of Colombo, Sri Lanka, struggling to provide for his family of 5. Can he possibly the the happiest man alive? Watch Sugathapala's infectious enthusiasm as he entices people into the bakery and shares his philosophy of life.


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  • asd

    What inspired you about this video?Watch Sugathapala's infectious enthusiasm as he entices people into the bakery and shares his philosophy of life.Exotic Dancers

  • Yahya Choi

    Only his spirit, he is powerful.


    his spirit & attitude.

  • Beverley

    AAAHHH! speechless drying my tears .thank you Sugathapala for reminding us all,forget the small stuff. anger jealousy ,greed unforgiveness ,racism etc.life is too short to not SMILE.You are a breath of renewal and joy.I love you too.Peace and blessings to you and yours. Beverley in San Francisco .

  • ruwan

    wow..relay nice,.. congratulation my dear

  • Jesse

    Living fully the life he has..without regret anger or yearning for something else I hope his family also reaps these benefits

  • Georgy

    He is awesome! Love the smiles, and his infectious attitude towards life!

  • Kahley

    I was inspired by what he said about this lifetime being short and just a stop-over. When he said that there's no use in holding onto any anger or jealousy, because we're here for such a short time. I love how he was smiling the whole time!

  • phil

    Loved it! he deserves a raise.

  • yara


  • Gabriole

    I had to smile as I watched him; he's pure joy!

  • Delon

    I found a very useful way to think positively.

  • Denis

    I think he figured out the it really is a "stop-over", and that's what makes him happy...

  • bilkis

    what a wonderful way to make others happy

  • sheetal

    what a simple yet profound way of life.. this video made my day..

  • mike

    Made ME smile Its the essence of life and certainly the reality of excellent customer service

  • paulson

    grt video

  • Susie

    Smiles are contagious! They are never out of date and warm the heart.

  • pammy

    looks easy... but its very very difficult and yet he did it like ABC...now thats real happiness without a doubt..thank you Sugathapala sir..

  • Mandawala hamuduruvo

    Without knowing he works as a spiritual teacher! Living example for the "living in the present moment!"

  • Leslie

    "Life is short." Sugathapala expresses such joy and has simplified his life, letting go of negative thoughts and feelings. He is filled with so much love and joy that he shares it with the world, no matter what! I think he is a pure example of our purpose here at this "stop".

  • Irene

    His understanding of life's purpose, and to give up spending energy on needless negative thoughts. To live life by sliding into homeplate stating WoW what a Ride!

  • tamilyn


  • Joy

    I know that his job is to make people smile and I'm sure that his presence has multiplied their customers! It is interesting that a bakery would need a security guard!

  • Miguel Reynal

    The simple beauty of a warm smile.

  • Anthony

    Create a Smile and you Change , Create a Smile and you create a Miracle around you for those who choose to receive and within you.An act of creation and beauty available to all and for free. We only need to bring ourselves to the point where we Choose.Not always easy but worth a try if we could suspend momentarily thinking about ourselves and our security. Go on Smile, go on , go on go on Smile give yourself a Smile first before you try it on any one else. Ah God that feels nice. I wonder could we repeat that. This video is like a Flower that gives its Fragrance to all, the good, the bad, the indifferent, the tired and weary. Each is free to choose to receive, to appreciate, to respond or not. No need to take large steps or make big changes right here in this moment as you read this. Just give yourself a Smile to start. Hope this strikes a Chord with you today if not its ok. To Mike Worsman and everyone else involved in this video and last but not least W.V. Sugathapala Damamella Watta Thank you very much for the Inspiration.An act of Beauty and Generosity. Is it not a Miracle waiting to Happen that an unknowen man ( to me ) in Sri Lanka has created an opportunity for me to Choose to Change today. Thank you.

  • evan

    how "people" should

  • evan

    wow and I thought I had it hard. I would like to personally Thank Sri Lanka for being a shining example and role model for how should live there lives... You can't stop the waves but you can learn to serf. - Jon Kabat-Zinn

  • Globalsingh

    Fantastic video! A very good enjoying with job, life and customers and friends.Congratulation Sugathpala! Thanks Mike Worsman.

  • Arti

    'We are here for a very short time .......'

  • Sheila

    More proof that happiness is not to be found 'out there'. My very best to this gentleman!

  • Nivendra

    lovely to see this video! So proud to be Sri Lankan!

  • Brian

    Thanks guys...good for him..."smiling cleans the blood"...Amen!...999,999 smiles to go....enjoy the journey...

  • Sonali Fiske

    i haven't felt an intuitive need to return to the motherland in quite some time, until seeing this video. a working class hero. thank you for this.

  • Monica V

    When I have thought of Sri Lanks in the past, I have thought of political strife, poverty, hardship....W.V. has changed my view! The easiest gift to give is a smile...no matter who you are, what your life is, s m i l e!

  • Lavina Rathore

    We spent countless moments searching it here and there to be happy and this Man shows how happiness can find us... So simple, open & free to be happy that even the tear drops will be in smiley figures... :-D

  • Lawal

    Smile always...a good way of living a complete life. Thank for sharing. Just smile...

  • from mom

    cheery morning!

  • Ted Jec

    It is very nice to see not only the victims trying to make living but other people making videos trying to help them. The God of Universe at it's best :) Ted Jec Author of "The God of Universe"

  • Diliny

    He's so cute! Will be sure to visit the bakery when we next visit Sri Lanka!

  • swamiji

    His smile and enthusiastic smiling face it all came naturally.

  • Stuart Young

    What a guy. Now that is a shining example of how our choices make us unhappy OR happy. What an inspiration. :)

  • Page 1

  • Follow filmmaker Mike Worsman's journey to capture a million smiles.
  • A smile is one of the most basic, biologically uniform expression of ALL humans. Read more about the power and benefits of smiling in this Forbes article.
  • This one is easy. Go ahead - SMILE! And while you're at it, smile at someone who isn't smiling and see if you can trigger those mirror neurons and elicit a smile back.

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