Shannon Weber is on a mission to change the world - one love note at a time. What started out as a love note to her kids became a passion for sharing love notes throughout her city. By herself, or with kids and friends in tow, Shannon "love bombs" wherever she can to "get love, give love." Her dream? To sprinkle the world with love notes.


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  • patjos

    Thanks for sharing. I love this idea, makes me feel a whole lot more sane for pinning laminated Love Notes to roadside telegraph poles here in Scotland! Woohoo! Love really is all around! xxx

  • Ali

    So Inspiring , thank you and love you too :)

  • April

    I have been putting notes in my son's lunch box every day since he is a senior in high school. This inspires me to expand my love note writing. I asked my son if he was emabarrassed about the notes when he is at lunch with his friends, and he said "mom, one of the guys said I with my mom cared about me like your mom does". Love notes are magic! I love this video.

  • Marsha Nelson

    Love can heal, hate does kill. Let's heal the world. Thanks, Shannon for planting the seeds of love.

  • Jo

    I've been so privileged to be guided throughout my life since a young girl to be the Vehicle of Love wherever I go!

  • martin

    Shannon's obvious deep sense of the effect of positive action, instead of the endless round of useless complaints so often voiced by others (including myself) has inspired a definite shift in my own perspective - hopefully a permanent one. Thank you for posting this!

  • Dr P A Raju

    Fame is a food that dead man eat in the silent dark tomb But Love is Nobler thing, even if a man dies, he is loved by his loving ones

  • Phyllis

    I'm spreading the love in Southern Wisconsin! Thanks for the inspiration! I love you too!

  • Corinne

    So inspirational. THANK YOU Shannon and children. You are amazing.And if your dream is to reach the worl, just know that you have reach FRANCE. I will spred out the world in my mother country.

  • Ishwor

    People like you are keeping human spirit alive Shannon. Much love to you too!!!

  • Sandy

    The only thing that keeps from experiencing bliss and love all the time is ourselves. Go Shannon! Remind us all of our birthright. You have inspired me to join you in this worthy cause. Im off to get the paint and dig out my old poster board stencils. Consider trying some of these on: You are worthy of love You are perfect exactly the way you are You're perfect Life is love You have enough Dont miss all the love by believing what you think We need your love too

  • Cindy

    Love love love it.

  • Mel

    This is so very, very, very cool!

  • Dagen Julty

    Nothing could be more powerful in these times of separation and alienation. Breaking the law is kind of the point because the status quo is killing us. Let Love Rule! May Shannon inspire all of us to give more love and receive more love every day.

  • Kauni

    Wonderful..but they are doing illegal activities....posting where they could (I mean, it is possible, unfortunately) get arrested, jailed. Don't get me wrong, I am a teacher, and send love every hour in my classroom, but this is how our world is, has least in the U.S... Be careful Shannon...we love what you are doing...just be cautious...

  • Julia

    The sheer joy and happiness of which Shannon glows as she speaks of her project is inspiring. The message is beautiful and being able to see her share in the experience of spreading the love in the good company of her family and friends via this video is heartwarming. Finding this message makes me happy and it is so very heart sings :) Thank you for sharing. You are appreciated!

  • Karen

    Inspired by you just doing something so amazing!

  • Diane

    I love what you are doing! I am in Portland, and part of a Happiness Sprinkling project based in Seattle. I will try to hook you them up with you. Check them out on facebook You are Awesome!

  • Carol

    Awesome idear ....inspiring....well done I'm sure it helps spread love an happy well wishes...

  • Page 1

  • Join Shannon in her LoveYou2 campaign to change the world, one love note at a time.
  • March 20 is International Day of Happiness. This year's theme, "your happiness is part of something bigger" - invites you to connect with others in any way you can.
  • Feel the magic of spreading love - through smiles, notes, or small, random acts of kindness.

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