In a world driven by money, we sometimes forget that we are blessed with an abundance of one resource everyday - time.  In this short, one minute, film, Elvis de Leon gives us a perspective that will change the way you look at today. “Why waste time? It doesn’t carry over to the next day. It doesn’t earn interest. Take every day and every moment, and make something of it. Make something positive.”


 Your Name: Email:
  • gayathri

    Point Blank...Love it!

  • Vicky

    I love his spirit and the analogy..keep on spreading the word.

  • belen

    Joy & Trust

  • Colleen

    A beautiful reminder to share joy each moment and be grateful with all we have!

  • Robert

    For a procrastinator, KNOWING that you were to going to get the same number of seconds tomorrow might enable you to turn over and go back to bed because you can put off life till tomorrow, it needs to be pointed out that today MAY be the last 84,600 seconds YOU HAVE so don't waste them

  • Carolyn Bivens

    The most substantive, inspiring minute I could have spent was watching Elvis' message. Thank you for the beautiful, poignant reminder.

  • Chris

    Elvis is right to Point out that you should use your time in a way that is positive for yourself. The film is wrong about having to Point out, that Elvis is a successful graphic designer. This doesn't matter. A life can be as meaningful as any other even if you are not "successful" in Terms of our materialistic Society norms.

  • Emanuel Boyd

    Profound and very well analyzation of a suggested recommended path that one may ensue. With that said, I also sense a lot of pain, anguish and to some degree maybe even a agonizing lack of closure regarding his personal lost. I extend to him all my mortal and spiritual strengths relevant to his sets of circumstances.Amen

  • Jonathan

    Positive and an important point of view. Thanks Harlem Elvis! Time is precious; time waits for no man - are the cliches. What is not a cliche is the fact that one 24 hours day is a fixed number of moments; of seconds, and that number is 86,400 seconds. It's a interesting coincidence that it's also one tenth of the miles that comprise the diameter of the Sun: 864,000 miles.

  • Amarlal Motwani

    Powerful wake up call

  • Ganesh

    Indian Government has blocked this video. No idea why. Could not see this in india.Is there something wrong?

  • Cindy

    What a genius analogy he makes! I love this guy! Thx, Elvis, for this simple yet profound reminder that life is what we make it.

  • Anthony

    This man exudes such a positive energy and a grace that gives us hope and inspiration. Thank you for his story.

  • Marsha

    Featuring someone from the ghetto, who has made it! Let's see more ghetto success stories, please.

  • Dagen

    The upbeat attitude towards life. If it were only that simple. He's one of the strong one's so we gets a ticket out of the ghetto. If it were only that simple. Thanks for sharing.

  • Barbara

    I wish him strendgth and his vision to continue with what he shares to the world. Thank you to remind us ALL. Yes - lets not waste time.... lets remember the abundance of every moment

  • gretchen

    God bless him. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Page 1

  • Watch this moving video of a lesson Jason Rodas learned from his mother: Live Simply So Others May Live.
  • Be a positive role model for youth in your area - there are Big Brothers Big Sisters programs throughout North America much like this one in New York City.
  • Don't waste another second - do something positive for yourself or for others.

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