Mehmet Suat Göksu
we loved Copenhagen...
The looks on people face says it all. This needs to be regular I think :)
Wonderful how people get out of their own heads and become part of the group!
So peaceful, so necessary in these hard times...
Thank you to the Copenhagen Phil who took their time to spread some joy to the world. Miracles happen in the most unexpected places. God Bless us and the World we live in.
After yesterday's disaster in Brussels some hopeful news and some beautiful music!!
Anne Marie
Everyone was brought into the now....peaceful & kind.
The emotion that showed on everyone's faces. Pure peace and joy.
Paz, amor, libertad, igualdad, armonÃa, tranquilidad, imposible en mi paÃs
The expressions on the commuters' faces as they "got into" the mood.
Wow, a moment in time to spread the joy of music. Loved it!
The utter beauty of the music and the sense of unity of the music with the listeners What joy !
Using their gifts for the joy of it..always creates a response in the human heart.by connection we are all one
What inspired you about this video? Joyfulness for the soul... Serendipidity- connected through music
Jeffrey Farrar Dean
This won't ever happen in California
The tenderness of the musicians, and the smiles of the audience, and of course the beauty of the music.........what serendipity!!
The joy of it!
I'll take the Danish Metro over ours anyday!
What a wonderful idea! Here is a YT link to the same video. The embedded vimeo player was choppy for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gww9_S4PNV0
Really... Fantastic.. Enjoyed it... Uplifting people is a gift to mankind..
The power of music to charm,uplift,unite,make whole and happy.A dreary trip becomes magical and opens the heart.There is joy.
Brought sweet tears and joy! Oh if each morning could be filled with that sense of wonder and surprise. Thank you for sharing
It was so nice to see the smiles on people's faces and the tears in their eyes, enjoying the unexpected beautiful music. Also the musicians smiles were great, showing how kindness is a great gift to the world and to the people practicing it!
The look of wonderment on the child's face, the joy-filled faces of the commuters ...
beautiful music........happy faces.........smooth passage of transportation
We should make music, not war. I always reflect on how many years the musicians had to learn and practise their music in order to perform.
vic sri
music is uniting human all around on pacifying noes. soothing the hearts,
So many smiles!!
Blaire Parker Sr
Thank You! You made my day! And you DID IT SO WELL!!
Dyann Sechi
Everything! Music bridges all.
Music is the international language of the heart,anywhere and everywhere
Put a big smile on my face how beautiful thank you
Makes me glad to be alive.
Kathy Kearns
Made me smile and it is so nice to see people appreciate something beautiful.
the absolute joy of sharing music--that is what we are about as humans--sharing joy and love with each other. nothing is more touching.
I have played this a million times and I absolutely love it. So does everyone I've sent it to.
Ahmad Morad
Nice . the baby girl was so cute ^__^
Music is next to Godliness...brings a spontaneous smile to your face because it touches the soul...
Papa Crow
Spontaneous smiles. Gifted and lifted. Thank you.
Saint Joy
One can experience JOY anywhere!
Marilyn Maloch
the Love and Beauty of the Music and Wonderful Players and appreciation of it by the Passengers; and the Wonderful surprise of it I wish I wasn't so poor I would love to come and appreciate it in person! That was so great, I love you people for it. It WAS Perfect!
M. VanNess
Beauty emerges in unexpected places. It was uplifting!
Liz Martyn
So beautiful, what joy and delight!
This really showcases the ability humans have to work together to bring each other joy!
I enjoyed the restful and peaceful tranquility of the melody.
One of my favourite classics - so joyous. Perhaps if this were to happen more often on trains there would be less aggression in poorer districts.
sandra winter
The joy on the face of the commuters as they were given this unexpected gift! Beautiful
Tears run down my cheeks at the beauty of it all - children and adults simply experiencing the raw emotion of joy and the generous act of giving. thank you.
Aunt Janie
It made me smile and everyone can use a smile every day, with all the sadness & terrible things happening every day. So beautiful--it really lifted my spirits & tear up with happy emotions, Thank you so much!!!! :-)Aunt Janie
beautiful music and the looks of pleasure on faces x
mair alight
the children's faces; people smiling.
Joan marlin
The quality of the music, simply beautiful, what a treat. Food for the soul!
S. Grace
It's beautiful, delightful, and uplifting!!! What a great gift to brighten up the day with a smile on the face and joy in the heart! Thanks for sharing the magic of music!
Kristin Pedemonti
How lovely to share the gift of music in an expected place. To share one's gifts and heart. <3 It makes all the difference!
Antoinette Martignoni
My body shook with sobs of joy, I was so carried away from today's concerns, and felt the communion in that train. Thank you.
I had a physical reaction in the region of my heart and tearing up...so beautiful
People want to smile. They want to like each other. They want to believe that the world is a beautiful place. They want to be happy. And it takes so little to make us realise that we are all connected.
How the gift of music, especially such a beautiful classical piece, can unify such a diversity of people in joy. What a heart lifting experience.
That's the kind of gift that will be spread to others, by everyone there. And thank you for sharing it!
Such a simple yet beautiful way to share our talents and bring a smile to everyone!
Peoples faces were just transformed, more beautiful, peaceful and joyful. That one woman had tears in her eyes, as did I. And I loved seeing people taking out their headphones to listen.
Nice to get my AM cry out of the way first thing. Would have loved to have seen the reaction of the passengers but the smiles on their faces said lots!!!
What a magical start to their day~ Goodness in the simple task of the daily commute. Thank you for making me smile each day~
Susan Benson
What a great way to start the day on a positive note. It made me smile as I start my day. Thank you.
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