In Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world, women were once forced to marry and bear children as soon as they hit puberty. Thanks to the efforts of Memory Banda, laws have been passed to prevent such a traumatic reality from being forced upon young girls. Banda recounts the story of her sister, aged sixteen, who now has three children. At just eleven years old, she was taken to what they call “initiation camps,” where she became pregnant. Banda, however, refused this right of passage. She faced ridicule and criticism from her family and peers for that choice. Yet she not only insisted upon a better future for herself, she took action that led to the legal age of marriage in Malawi being increased from fifteen to eighteen years of age.“I know that together, we can transform the legal, the cultural, and the political framework that denies girls of their rights”. Watch this most inspirational TED talk to learn the details of how she did it.


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  • Deborah Kimsey

    To all the children on the Planet, this is right, Memory Banda, you are precious and I am so happy you are so strong towards your love for your brothers and sisters. Please go forward and help to free them all. Thank you, thank you, thank you, my dear sister.

  • Geoege

    Advocacy voice and the determination of a young woman who sought cultural change foe the better of the girl child.

  • Deepak

    Thank you . An Inspirational Talk . This video should be shown circulated around the globe as Child is rampant not only in Africa , but also in Asia , Middle East . Memory Banda is an inspiration to all girls around the world . God Blees her and may she be a shining beacon for other young girls to follow in her footsteps around the globe .

  • Lily

    A true warrior!

  • Patricia Barrett


  • Cindy

    Strong female spirit is the most inspired drive, I came from a similar environment, in my culture. No way was I going to take care of a man at a young age. My dreams are my own and my heart knew the truth, this group knows the same thing.

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