What would you say to your ​seven-​year​-​old self? Play more? Don’t yell so loud? How about ‘stay weird’… as one nine year old puts it.​ ​As we move through our lives, our many experiences, mistakes and accomplishments shape how we live in the world. Hindsight is an amazing thing, and the ability to look back and consider what we could have done is a bitter-sweet feeling, as there’s no reliving the past. We can, however, shape our future. As part of CBC Radio One’s farewell video from WireTap, people from all walks of life offer their sage advice to their younger selves. This light hearted, touching and insightful video is all about hindsight. ‘Dear 53 year old, it’s never too late to try something new’. ‘Dear 85 year old, indulge your sweet tooth.’ Want to know what advice a 93 year old would give? Take a look.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Joanne Alderman

    Joanne - When understanding is not part of the conversation and one only believes what one perceives to be true, sit down with the person with whom you conversed and ask them what they meant and then discuss together. Do not abandon your friend of many years, sit down and discuss the lack of knowledge and/or misunderstandings together...

  • Margaret

    Made me smile and remember all the advice I've gotten and given - quite a lot since I'm 78. I think I'll go spend all my money now and eat something sweet.

  • Susan

    The best life is all about attitude.

  • Don

    Help others, tell those you love that you love them, pray for a bigger heart and a stronger back, believe in something bigger than yourself, smile more, be grateful, pay attention to this moment, understand that doing good creates more good, exercise empathy, make mistakes... 65 yrs

  • suz

    validation to be FREE without filters , live in the NOW

  • Mike C.

    I'll be Fifty in three days and the title was gracefully intriguing.

  • Cindy

    Don’t feel obligated to stay in touch with relatives who constantly criticize. If you do, you will find your own self falling into that trap. -a 66 yr old. Thanks, Wire Tap, will miss you.

  • Mary Woodman

    Now...present moment, only moment, our past changes with every memory of it and as I age I realize I must be fully here to be authentic and real and make a difference with loving kindness flavored with humor and truth. Mary..at 80 and 2 thirds.

  • Martha

    All fun. Happiness nor wealth should ever be a life goal. But if everyday we live so that should we die today we won't feel bad about what we said, we did, or did not do, that should be our goal. Hugs, M

  • Reyna

    A dear friend sent me this today on my 71st birthday. Always ask yourself, "How can I rise to my greater self?" at every important turn on your journey. Thanks! This was a delightful gift to receive on my birthday.

  • Gerry Kraus

    I've always done my own thing including being weird! An 86 year old.

  • Jane

    It put a big smile on my face and shows how connected we all are.! I am going to share it with the wise elders that I work with. Thank you!

  • Nishank Chandra

    True advise. "Just do you own thing"

  • Diana

    So much Truth! Loved it!

  • Barbara Whelton

    The calm presence in each speaker on life. Growing older is truly peaceful.

  • Trish

    The truth.........Be true to yourself..always. You will then be true to the world.

  • Lucille Hamilton

    I always get a bang out of what you have to say and the ways you have to say it! Go flourish and thrive. Lucille, 90

  • Dennis

    One of my art professors sent it to me...and he has always been inspiring...as for me - today is the youngest I will ever be.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    yes! Such great advice, every single one, well, except the babysitter one ;) Here's to taking risks: yes to racing lessons no matter age, yes to being who you are. fully! <3

  • E. Marie Francis

    We only have one life...be grateful and live life abundantly.

  • Melanie Davis

    This is the best video and message(s) I've seen in a very long time. Thoroughly enjoyed it! 62-year-old .... okay 62 and a half!

  • Leslee

    How hind sight is 20/20!

  • Linda

    That people are connecting with each other. That makes us all have richer, fuller lives.

  • Caroline

    Be you. When you can't change something, change the way you think about it.

  • Cathy

    Helped me not be so serious on a day during which I am experiencing anxiety over 'getting it right!!' Signed a 68y/o

  • Pete

    Not to take life so seriously! Lol

  • M Trichka

    Life is all about be yourself. God created each of us to be special. Happiness is an inside job and being you is happiness.

  • Joan

    Made me smile, and smile and smile

  • Page 1

  • Read letters that women from all walks of life have written to their younger selves.
  • Desiderata is one of the most beloved literary pieces of advice in poem form. Read an illustrated version here.
  • ​What would you say to your seven-year-old self? Share your answer in the comment section below the video.

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