For thousands of years our ancestors hunted, gathered, and survived in the wilderness. Endless grasslands, dense forests and rivers were an integral part of a place we called home. But in today’s world, the green spaces are replaced by urban structures, crowded streets and polluted environments. This rapid change puts an unwanted pressure on our body and mind. As a result we have seen that chronic illnesses, stress, depression and other ailments are on the rise. This video shows us the magical healing powers of nature. For a few minutes, let these images calm your nerves and soothe your soul.


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  • Moderator

    This video touched me in a way that showed how people like Lynne think forests heal everyone. But to Barry; you might just not be a forest guy

  • Chant

    Such an amazing video. I loved the fact we can heal ourselves. We have the ability.

  • Lynne

    Just watching this video (and I have watched it more than once!) was calming, healing. To the naysayers, what would happen if you allowed yourself to fully experience video or by spending time outside in nature? Who cares if it hasn't been "proven" to your liking - many of us know our own Truths, and this video shows a very powerful one.

  • Drey

    I can't believe you guys would say that about this video. This video is totally true. When I walk out into nature I feel totally relaxed. Thank you for making this video it shows the world how to relax.

  • Randhir

    felt happy and worries disappeared. Thanks

  • Grace Phillips

    Totally false and this video is phony lies

  • Kathy Harrington

    Explain to me. Why would humans live in cities if it was bad for you. It's the peoples fault by overworking themselves.

  • Ryan Smith

    I agree with you Barry except for your inappropriate use of language. Forests don't heal people, people have to heal themselves but the forest thing is just a placebo affect.

  • Barry Johnson

    Also I can't believe people believe this ****. Usually karmatube has good quality videos but this is not one of them.

  • Barry Johnson

    This video is retarded, and is proven false by multiple studies and has shown that life is so stressful because of stupid people who think they are always wronged.

  • Gajanan Raval

    Excellent..We are indispensible part of nature and in tune we are what we have to be...! Your attempt to awaken people is praiseworthy...

  • tricica wilkins

    LOVE this!! So true.....a walk in nature always turns my mood around and lifts my spirits. Beautiful!


    What inspired you about this video? THE ABRUPT AND ABSOLUTE ABOUT THE MOTHER NATURE.

  • tina

    I very rarely suffer from depression, but returned from a wonderful family holiday feeling below low. Stuck. Sad. this beautiful short video touched me with it's simplicity and grace. I appreciated the reminder of just how healing nature can be.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Beautiful, thank you. and so true about the healing power of nature to bring us back to heart and center.

  • Kristy

    What a beautiful video. So true, even just looking at the video of nature calmed me.... I grew up with many many acres of woods at my childhood home and it fueled, fed and cared for me every day. I want to get back to that.

  • Kathy Neuman

    This is beautiful. Forests have always been spiritual and healing to me. I sent this on to my hiking friends. Thank you.

  • Barry Johnson

    This video was based off bias and opinion. Almost no actual statistics were used. Granted I think forests heal people but this video is not fact inspired which it needs to be in order for it to be credible.

  • jane smiley

    I have been using this "treatment" for years. Since 10 yrs. old found nature to be my sanctuary. When life is difficult a week alone in a tent in the forest is the solution.

  • Satish Kumar

    wow. this is really so amazing. thank you for sharing.

  • Deepak

    Thank you . Beautiful and so true .

  • barbara

    the truth of it, and the gentleness with which the reminder was given...... so beautifully done!

  • Carrie

    It really provides the best free therapy we have on the planet Now. Well done and so much attention is needed to this very basic issue NOW.

  • Merkaba

    Nature is our Mother, our Savior, our Joy, our EVERYTHING!!!!! Thank you for this video!

  • Nina

    It reminded me of the healing being availabe! next walk I will just notice - allow in - what She offers

  • Page 1

  • Find out more about the dual aims of Healing Forest - to help people heal by reconnecting with nature, and to help forests heal through volunteer projects.
  • Read This Is Your Brain on Nature, a National Geographic article on the impact of spending time in nature on our brains.
  • Discover the healing powers of nature - take a long walk in a forest this week.

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