I love Annette's comment. Yeah, we have to be here for everyone no matter what our point of view might be, or whether we like them or not. In one way or another we have to be here for each other. Yes, we ALL of us matter. Be YOU today.
Thanks Team. Grrrreat work...let's keep building on the love, that knits allllll of our hearts together. The power is in the peace and unity...Love is the strongest movement..."It's OK to be U"...1love is truth...peace
What many many ppl do not realize is there is only one true race, the human race, and we are all part...we are our brothers keeper and mankind should be our business!
For me, this video makes me stop and realize all people are humans......even the ones we profess to not like or that bother us in some stupid way. As cliche as it sounds, we all live on this one planet and we all gotta get along, but beyond merely 'getting along' we need to be there for each other in any way. In a small way. In big ways. Even just acknowledging a stranger with a smile or a kind word does something positive to both of us.
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