A film by Green Renaissance.

Delightful, creative and completely engaging, Blair Somerville’s work defies description, and evokes a sense of magic. He lives in the remote town of Papatowai, on the South Island of New Zealand, and uses found materials and other curious objects to re-purpose into moving artworks. Blair realized early in life that he didn't need a lot to live, and that money and material possessions were not important. Instead he has chosen to value happiness, creativity, and well-being. He shares those values through his public gallery, where there is the chance to be irrevocably changed.


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  • Suzi Richards

    My husband and I made automata. I love Blair's love of exploration! His spirit is contagious just like my husband's was! He has that rare sense of adventure into happiness that Buddy had! It's so good to keep that sense of child-like wonder!

  • Patricia Brown

    that Blair's Mum's son and Green Renaissance connected! it's a pleasure to encounter both of you

  • Marc

    Beautiful. “let their flesh be renewed like a child’s; let them be restored as in the days of their youth’—” ‭‭Job‬ ‭33:25

  • Narcelo Quadros

    I started repairing toys a year ago when I was looking for my purpose: recreate (@paraparecreate). Now, I keep fixing, trying to impact more people, and this video really inspired me to act in the path of my heart.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    The inspiration is the living absolutely on one's own terms while joyfully creating, living simply and sharing so much whimsy for people to enjoy. Here's to not being judged by a job, finding and pursuing what makes one happy while fulfilling one's life dream. Beautiful. Thank you, I needed this reminder again as I continue to pursue my own path facilitating workshops for survivors of trauma so they can release and shed the lies trauma tells them and step into a new more empowering narrative & to continue to do this with trust, openness and joy <3

  • Merlin

    it's just soooooo refreshing - he is definitely multi-skilled. His heart is what he is showing to us in all that he has created - so connected he is with what's important. Wonder-ful!

  • sandi

    I was smiling the entire length of the video. Not just the amazing tinkerings Blair made, but even more from the joy that exudes from his being. A profound lesson - on our connectedness and how that joy impacts our world. Thank you so much!

  • Tom

    "Tinkering with intent" - wonderful!

  • Lisa

    I love his sense of curiosity, and everything he creates. It is a magical place.

  • Barbara

    What a brilliant attitude to life and happiness. I think we should all have a tinker and have fun with it. I think the recycle/reuse/repurpose is tinkering with a different name. Thank you Blair, for reminding us. x

  • jeffrey farrar dean

    Live life to the fullest and hopefully along the way it can be Fun, Magical.

  • Yvonne McAskill

    The total honesty and beautiful simplicity of this beautiful being....so happy just to be himself...and the incredible tinkering he enjoys doing...he is good medicine for the soul. Thank you so much..

  • Tejas

    He is in the thick of the bush! He is doing exactly what his heart is guiding him to do! His smile feels like a genuinely felt smile! This is probably what the paradise may look like! All captured in a very earthy, beautiful and very powerful art of storytelling! Thank you for the post!

  • Lady Tie Di

    This just so gladdens my heart!

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