"Prayer can be anything your heart yearns for." As crowded spaces have become empty and many of us around the world are staying away from loved ones for mutual health and safety concerns, the one thing we can all do is to pray. We can all sit in silence and send out smiles and positive thoughts. Allow Nimo Patel's moving music and the accompanying inspirational visuals by Ellie Walton to inspire your own prayerful thoughts and yearnings for our hurting world.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Jannet

    The visual essense of our souls. Thank you

  • Patricia

    The gesture of prayer and its alignment to our true selves-

  • Gail Mershon

    Its loveliness, softness, humanity, gentleness, peace

  • Alita

    Beautiful,touches deep into the heart. Prayer changes things

  • mohammed rafiq

    the strength of Prayer

  • Kay

    Inspiring! The energy of prayer is significant!

  • Sandip sheta

    "Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God."

  • Arif Khan

    I am a holistic healer, i live in India, i have done MBBS-MD in psychiatry, i use Reiki, spirituality and medicine to treat my patients. I have made a Facebok group where we talk of spirituality. Here is link. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1594542774156973/

  • Helen. Everts

    Even though it looks like we are physically alone... we are not..A profound feeling of connection is present..I love it. It is a.physical feeling in the core of my being...Holy Energy...Happy Spring, Happy Easter

  • Gail Ottlinger

    Praying is always the best Whether the recipient knows Our Father or not. A lot of times "our help" is more about us/me than the other.

  • marilyn lacey

    The flame of the divine lives in each of us. Tend it...

  • C.J.

    It is inspiring because of its universality. We can pray anywhere, any time, and in any way we choose. The result is still a better world for all of us.

  • Michael

    beautiful - gives wonderful expression to the fact that we are all one, regardless of our idiosyncratic religious or cultural backgrounds. May this crisis serve to bring us closer together and realize our essential unity. Sending love out to you, ALL of you - from sunny Munich, Germany.

  • Lisa

    Prayer...we were taught different ways to "pray", yet our "being" has always known it's way. Many taught to pray "TO" someone and beg. Dose this feel right for you? Those who have no god, how does prayer come to you? Look deep and find the origin of your prayer.............

  • Cathy

    Beautiful; so peaceful and hopeful; much gratitude and loving kindness to you, Nimo Patel.

  • Cuquis Sandoval

    Conectingo our taughts and feelingos.

  • allie middleton

    a connecting web of prayer is possible w every breath, every thought, every feeling - thank you, namaste

  • Hara

    Namaste, sending prayers out to you, to the whole world.

  • Jeanne-Sylvie

    Beautiful video, blessings to all. Namaste

  • Wendy

    Beautiful. Reminds me of the positive power of prayer. Love and light to all

  • Deborah

    We are All Connected. I loved seeing the diverse Brothers and Sisters in our Human Family praying ....... When I meditate and pray, I shall now take a moment to RECEIVE as I visualize All who are doing the same ......... Namaste........

  • Gael


  • leeann

    to feel our connection

  • mitzi

    The reminder that spirit IS and ALWAYS has been with and in us; If we'd only choose to see our inner beauty and light by wholly giving our love and kindness to others:)

  • Joellen

    Beautiful words - sending prayers out to you - peaceful. Thank you.

  • Colleen

    As humans we have an infinite capacity to love others.

  • Christine

    The stillness, beauty and intension of pray in so many beautiful beings of light. Thank you!

  • Dianne Brooke

    Simple, beautiful....what we all need. Thank you

  • Kathy

    It's a beautiful gift -- I'm so grateful!

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about Nimo and Empty Hands Music
  • Read and reflect on Diane Ackerman's poem School Prayer.
  • Repeat this prayer daily, as many times as you wish: "May we all keep walking in love."

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