"Walking Gently on the Earth" tells the story of Annie Smithers, a chef based in Lyonville, Australia, whose life is dedicated to having a positive impact on the environment by treading as lightly as possible on the ground beneath her feet.


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  • Sam Chelladurai

    Learn to relate to the earth, the aroma of soil, the simplicity behind life. Human relation with nature and surrounding environments. Thank you

  • Heather

    It is a good reminder to me to start to do the same again. We are so blessed to be getting so much from Mother Earth for free. We are so, so blessed.

  • Ramesh Shah

    Mother Earth gives all of us FREE-fruits,trees,flowers,grains-etc.by cultivating herself.Scientists have NOT been able to reproduce OR duplicate basic foundation of ALL living beings. We should be grateful, worship, show our reverence and take care with Loving & Tenderness.In Hindu Culture we call it 'Dharatimata' -Goddess earth!

  • Roseanna

    I appreciate her view of living lighty and simply so that others may live. Thank you

  • Lois Doig

    To live a productive life in such complete harmony with the earth I would have thought to be impossible. The Creator must be smiling down on her.

  • Diane

    I don't know how she does it all. It's very inspiring.

  • Jane

    Annie's love of the land and what it yields under her caring and nurturing hands inspires me. The cycle of her tending the land, planting seeds, harvesting the produce and bring the "dirty grubby things that get washed and loved" to her restaurant to be lovingly cooked and served to her guests is such a beautiful example of walking gently with tremendous loving awareness. Thank you.

  • Josie

    Everything! Thank you Annie.

  • Patrick Watters

    Annie hozho naashadoo (Navajo for walk in harmony/beauty), for indeed all are our relatives (mitákuye oyàsin in Lakota). Beannacht. 🙏🏽☘️❤️

  • Kristy

    Annie Smithers walks with nature in such a gorgeous way....love love love this

  • Page 1

  • Step into Annie Smithers' vision of living, cooking and eating as part of an intimate relationship with place.
  • Get started learning how you might grow more of your own food.
  • Breathe deeply and dream. Imagine the ingredients in your recipe for a kinder life and a gentler walk on the earth.

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