Many gardeners work hard to maintain clean, tidy environments ... which is the exact opposite of what wildlife wants, says ecological horticulturist Rebecca McMackin. She shows the beauty of letting your garden run wild, surveying the success she's had increasing biodiversity even in the middle of New York City — and offers tips for cultivating a garden that can be home to birds, bees, butterflies and more.


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  • Manubhai Patel

    A human has yet to learn a lot from Nature which is complete and offers solutions to all the problems. We learn from the plants and trees the harmony and mutual coexistence without arrogance and prejudices and a noble act of presenting natural beauties. I developed a 10-acre garden shared the joy with birds, butterflies and small insects of every kind that were enjoying Nature. This was for 12 years when I left it as it was. Nature is the second mother teaching all principles of love and coexistence. Unfortunately, we see what we want to see and not we ought to see. The love for and habit of observing Nature is the best source of happiness. This is all free and available at all times. I am grateful to Nature for her gift I enjoy every minute of my life.Let there be peace in the Universe,OHM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI

  • Mariejo

    I'm j7st soo grateful that this kind of human Also exists on our Precious Planet. Thank you!

  • Diana Turner-Forte

    Nerdy or not! This was a fascinating and informative presentation. A simple solution that benefits nature and humanity. I want to be a gardener!

  • Gabriela Moersfelder

    it inspired me to keep going - if no me who! thanks

  • Sylvia Malkah

    It is SOOOO REVOLUTIONARY!!!!!!!!!!

  • Page 1

  • "It feels great to cultivate life with your own two hands." says Rebecca. Get started.
  • Get your hands dirty in the company of other Wild Ones.
  • Tuck a wild place into your outside world. Plant a native plant, even in a pot. Or take a back corner or empty spot on your street and let it go wild.

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