Sanjay M
I'd seen this earlier long ago, but couldn't help watching it till the end again - great start to the day! And loved the background music too :)
Thanks! I really needed a hug today. And even though I sit here alone at the moment - I feel like I just got a big hug from watching. I SMILE! :)
Shelly Rose
I am a hugger-I teach the children to hug and change the course of a persons day by sharing the love:) This man is inspirational to me- simply beautiful;)
Deepak Sethi
Awesome . Thank you .
Joyful, heartwarming, and truly uplifting!! I love this!
AMAZING!!! There is hope in our Government corrupted world
all i could do was cry. One person or one HUG CAN make a difference. thanks for that it is also nice to see that it is spreading around the world.
WOW! Great Video....the world need more HUGS for sure!!
I loved the video and it was a confirmation to me that a hug can make a different to the person receiving it because everytime peple hug each other its an act of love and human should treat ecah other irrespective of race,colour and where we are form we are all God's children.this is dedicated to all the victims of Xenophobia in SA and before Please this biig hug its for your my brothers and sisters.God bless you all for the video keep up the good work.
Tears of joy and amazement steamed down my face, what a true act of humanity. YOU ROCK!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
It is so nice to know that there are still good people in the world willing to help others. Thank you.
Heartwarming, beautiful!!
Jerry's mom
Love it! That made my day...
Mother Anita
oh, this only was the beginning of a beautiful global hugging campaign. please, see our contribution in Croatia, Zagreb: "FREE HUGS ZAGREB 2007 Part 3" www youtube com/watch?v=SHitJyOx5f4 (just insert the dots, to make the link functional) love & light
Big Bright
Thanks for touching my life in ways you may never understand, my life do not lie in material worth but hugging someone like YOU.
One of my favorite exercises to do at an airport while I wait for boarding... is to pass around a bag of jellybeans to total strangers. (No, I don't give them to children... unless their parents are with them.) It's my way of giving "free hugs."
Recently I am able to keep my heart open, and as the result, I am meeting people everyday, and before we part, I ask "can I hug you?" and they all warmly say yes! It is such a wonderful feeling! I didn't know there was someone who is doing this in such a big scale! Thank you for doing that, and thank you for a beautiful video.
Katherine Eveningstar
Thank you for the tears of joy.
Thank you for such a moving video that embraces the spirit of humanity.
Love this.:)Thanks for the inspiring link. A friend of mine just returned from the BurningMan Festival with pictures of a Hug Deli. This is not her photo but it is one I found through Flickr of it, you can select the type of hug…and can be either hugger or huggee…though I suppose it all blends in the action: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=43612492&size=o
Wow. That moved me to tears. It came at just the right time for me. Thank you again!
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